• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Tech Support - HP startup repair keeps restarting my computer, but there is never a problem. How can I disable this?

    Tech Support - HP startup repair keeps restarting my computer, but there is never a problem. How can I disable this?

    HP startup repair keeps restarting my computer, but there is never a problem. How can I disable this?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:41 AM PST

    Computer restarts after a few hours of use. Windows 7. I can't cancel it. Can I disable this program?

    submitted by /u/qwertyqyle
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    How long can I hold out of a software update for my phone/applications before they start getting buggy/susceptible to malware? Or any helpful hints or tricks on OS or application updates for smartphones?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 04:01 AM PST

    I currently have a 16 GB iPhone SE, and due to constantly updating the iOS and my apps the memory is close to maxed out. The current, most up-to-date OS has taken up a third of its memory while the apps have taken up another third. I plan on getting a new smartphone within the next month or 2 (probably will go after the rumored SE replacement that might come out in the next month, or something similar). I'd like for this new phone to last at least 5 years, so I'm looking to maximize both its memory storage and usability.

    submitted by /u/HanginOfftheCoaster
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    How effective would laws requiring technological interoperability, or prohibiting deliberately impeding interoperability, be at lowering switching costs and increasing competition?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 05:24 PM PST

    How effective would laws requiring technological interoperability, or prohibiting deliberately impeding interoperability, be at lowering switching costs and increasing competition?

    For example, Facebook discontinued its XMPP gateway, and Slack did the same with its IRC gateway.

    Are these sorts of actions anticompetitive?

    submitted by /u/benjaminikuta
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    Why won't this game download using my full internet speed?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:12 PM PST

    I'm trying to download an 88GB game (GTA V) using the Rockstar Launcher, but it says it is only using around 8 MB/sec even though my internet averages around 60 MB/sec.

    I checked Resource Manager and it backs this up:

    60Mbps Network | 6% Network Utilisation

    And sure enough, Launcher.exe is only using 8,000,000 Bytes/sec

    Surely there is someway to speed up this download, we pay a lot for this internet.

    Thanks for any advice, Evyn :)

    submitted by /u/EdjeMonkeys
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    Looking for software with specific functionality: Handling Default Audio Input/Output devices

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:59 PM PST

    I've noticed while gaming certain games don't handle the transition of default audio devices well. I have a rift, headphones w/ DAC, wireless headset, and speakers. I currently use SoundSwitch to change the defaults in windows - but some games need to be closed/reopened when the default audio selection is changed.

    I wonder if this functionality would be better handled by a virtual driver. This way there is no need to change the window defaults - and the audio is handled in an outside application that can provide more features than the current, restrictive windows sound solution. Does this exist? If so, does it have the ability to cycle between selected input/output devices via hotkey?

    submitted by /u/korodic
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    Dream Project needs start

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:20 PM PST

    I would like to have a picture of my study room on my laptop, and have an ability to click on some if the items within the picture to launch programs/apps. For instance, (a) I could click on the bookshelves and it would bring me to an e-Reader, (b) click on a pen on the desk, it brings me to a word-processing app, (c) click on a photo on the wall and you are brought to a photo-editing app.

    Where do I start - what kind of person am I looking for to make this happen?



    submitted by /u/pjmoroney1
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    Can dual connected Bluetooth earbuds be used as walkie talkies?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:03 AM PST

    My gf and I are staying in an area where we have to use headphones to watch TV and listen to music but we'd still like to be able to talk to each other.

    Is there anyway to have the mics from dual connected Bluetooth earbuds talk to each other and play in the headphones?

    I've tried using amplifying apps but they all use the phones mic instead of the earbuds. Also if I'm watching on the TV using Chromecast I'll have to use a Bluetooth transmitter connected to the TV so I'm not sure how I'd get a live mic on that unless they have transmitters with multiple inputs.

    submitted by /u/HotelKarma
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    How to Connect Firestick to Surround Sound without HDMI

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:46 PM PST

    Equipment: 1. Firestick (uses HDMI) 2. TV (has HDMI, RCA, etc) 3. Old bose surround sound system (No HDMI. Has HDMI and other things)

    We are able to play the audio through the tv speakers. How can we play the Firestick through the surround sound? The Firestick is just a HDMI plug in. We were trying to use an RCA to the connect the TV to the bose, hoping that would automatically output whatever is playing on the TV, no luck.

    What is the proper way to get the Firestick audio to play from the HDMI-less audio system?

    submitted by /u/DrooPac
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    Need phone suggestions please!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:57 AM PST

    I may have too high of expectations, but for something that costs so dam much it should do what I want right or at least do what it's supposed to. My pixel 2 is crapping out on me and I need an upgrade, however for all the poor quality they've been releasing I don't see myself getting another pixel and it sounds like Verizon is dropping pixel altogether. My previous phone was a galaxy, not a huge fan and there's no way in hell I'd go iPhone. My brain has never worked well with apple products. Maybe oneplus or something else??? Help!!!!

    submitted by /u/markymarkb420
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    Do I need a new charger or a new battery?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:36 PM PST

    My laptop won't charge and I don't know if it's a problem with the battery or the charger.

    When I plug it in it says it's charging but it never charges above 0% i.e. In order to use my laptop I have to have it plugged in at all times.

    submitted by /u/LongIslandIceJoe
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    Why does my macbook screen glitches around my phone?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:03 PM PST

    I have a 2018 Macbook Pro and a Google Pixel 3a. Sometimes, I like to prop my phone on my computer screen, either to avoid being caught in class or to look things up while I work. Sometimes, when I do this, my mac's screen glitches, with seemingly random lines of magenta and green pixels flickering up and down the screen. The moment I move my phone though, the screen returns to normal as if nothing was wrong. Does anyone know whats happening?

    submitted by /u/pxl_dog
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    Syncronising documents on a wordpress created website

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:40 AM PST

    The problem:

    At the moment we host a number of documents on our Wordpress website that get periodically updated offline in the workplace. As a result, the documents on the website then become out of date and unless someone goes back in and manually uploads the latest version of each file (and deleting the old one) then we are not compliant with local laws. I manage this website as a small part of my job, but I did not build it and have very little website/file hosting experience! Furthermore the developer of the webiste has closed the business and is uncontactable!

    The ideal solution:

    I would like to know if there is a solution where we can have files hosted on our network drives at work that will "synchronise" with Wordpress as they are updated on our drives to always be showing the correct versions on our website.

    Is this possible?

    I simply do not have the technical expertise to know whether this is possible, so if ANYONE knows about this stuff I would love some help. I don't know if I need a plugin, whether this is impossible, etc etc! Thanks Reddit.

    submitted by /u/Jblonde002
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