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    Tuesday, April 7, 2020

    Tech Support - Is there a way to remotely brick my phone in the event it was stolen?

    Tech Support - Is there a way to remotely brick my phone in the event it was stolen?

    Is there a way to remotely brick my phone in the event it was stolen?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:58 PM PDT

    With most of us at home waiting for the pandemic to (hopefully) end soon, I wanted to ask about a fear I've had for the past few months. I bought a new phone and I am determined to make it last as long as possible (I have bad luck with tech.) One of the fears I've had was it getting stolen. I've recently come to accept the fact that living in fear of my property getting stolen is irrational, but I will be damned if I don't at least find a way to screw the thief over.

    So I was wondering if there was a method bricking my phone remotely in the event it was stolen? Something like remotely deleting the System32 equivalent of an Android phone. Or maybe a way to rig my battery to discharge its power supply to fry the hardware. It's probably too fantastical to be a real thing, but I would like to at least know if I have any options on the matter.

    submitted by /u/aBRaMeN
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    How does the internet that we use on our cell phones(data)? compare to the internet that we use at home(wifi)?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:04 AM PDT

    Which is faster? Which is better?

    submitted by /u/knowledgeseeker999
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    How can I use an old Samsung phone into a burner or untraceable. J2 Samsung from Walmart.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:09 AM PDT

    I've searched all the already answered threads and googled so much but maybe I'm dumb and cannot find the answer. I have what I think is a Samsung J2 I bought a year or so ago. How can I get this phone a number and sim without it being traced. I figure not to use my WiFi and around where I'm located and want to create an email and Facebook with this number without revealing myself. If I can't use my old phone what phone can I buy and what sim services? Any advise or direction would be most appreciated I can't seem to find the right words to search through the tech Reddit's

    submitted by /u/AnaheimFrank
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    Light rom for old tablets?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT


    I have an old Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (Android 4.2.2 last oficial update) and ... It´s slow. I cant make ir work fast enough. Long loading times, lag etc... I tried factory reset but it´s still slow...

    So i was wondering if there is some light rom for this tablets, like those really light linux OS for really old computers.

    Wich one would you recommend?

    Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/troco3
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    I have a question

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    If I were to install 32gb of ram then how much-dedicated video ram should I add to it to go with it.

    (Bonus question how much would 8 GB of video ram be)

    (BTW I have a G3 15 Dell Gaming Laptop)


    submitted by /u/TheFlickOfWrist
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    Color Led Display Board Capable of Being Driven from Wifi

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I am looking for a large color LED display board that can be controlled via a web service over wifi.

    Is anyone aware of a prebuilt solution, or some kind of kit based on a rasberry pi etc... ?

    Something similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H301G4I/


    submitted by /u/stingrayer
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    Was thinking of buying a laptop. Have some questions. Can you all answer it?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    1.Which is a better processor Intel or NVIDIA/ Ryzen? 2.How do I compare the performance between the two? 3.Should I consider Asus laptops? 4.What should be the ideal RAM and storage? 5. Are there any specs that I should look out for that I have not mentioned above?

    For a little background, I'm sure that I don't want a Mac. I will primarily use it to edit my pictures, type "novels", and play (not so heavy) games, along with the normal browsing the internet.

    Btw I posted this on SAL already

    submitted by /u/VENOMPOOL11
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    Windows 10 Can't Compress Files With Non English Characters

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Ultimately I just want to know why this is?? To be able to do this you have to download extra software, or download an entire language pack to your computer (which has never worked for me or anybody I know) and I want to know why this might be? My phone can access files and whatnot no matter the language despite it only having English as an available language, but my $4000 computer can't? Why would Microsoft make this decision when it just makes things more complicated for no reason?

    submitted by /u/klubyv
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    Is this phone Spoofing? Is there anything I can do about it?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    This morning I got a text from a random number that just said "yo" to which I replied "who is this" and never got a response.

    Awhile later I got a couple of calls from this number and heard nothing on the line. The last call I heard "press 1 to continue" which I did, and then was in a call with someone I knew.

    His phone had been getting texts from the same number that morning claiming to be me. When he called the number, it connected him to my number, which I assume is connected to the "press 1 to continue"

    We each screenshotted the calls and we were both "on the phone" with this number that neither of us recognized. Shortly after, the number gives the disconnected/not in use message when called.


    What is this? I assume its spoofing, but the messages sent to him seemed like they were from an actual person, and they were about things only him, I and a couple of other people know.

    Is there anything I can do in this situation? The messages he got weren't threatening/scamming, so I'm not sure if the police would actually do anything. My main concern is just knowing who it was.

    submitted by /u/GrandpaGandalf
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    Can I Use Dual Monitors on a Laptop With One HDMI Output?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Looking for creative solutions to setting up a dual display with a laptop that only has a single HDMI output. I'm used to working with a dual screen set up at work but with the coronavirus going around I've been working at home going on my fourth week now. I'm going crazy in more ways than one but I can solve one of those ways by just creating a proper set up to work from at home. This laptop is work issue/owned so upgrading is not an answer. Is there any way to use a splitter or any other device to get that dual screen output? they have some sort of set up at work but I don't know what it is and there's no one to ask right now. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    Edit: The laptop is a Dell Latitude 7490.

    Edit 2 - I'll leave this up for anyone else asking but it's solved I think. The Laptop has a USB-C Port next to the HDMI port and I didn't know USB-C could output video. I've only ever used it to charge my cell so I never thought of it in any other way. Looks like a USB-C to HDMI adapter cable is fairly cheap on Amazon.

    Edit 3: and...someone down voted this. SIGH Reddit, you're seriously you're own worst enemy but I love you...

    submitted by /u/Rebel-500
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