• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 1, 2020

    Tech Support - M-disc claims a 1000 years of life span, people who have used them for a long time, what has been your experience so far?

    Tech Support - M-disc claims a 1000 years of life span, people who have used them for a long time, what has been your experience so far?

    M-disc claims a 1000 years of life span, people who have used them for a long time, what has been your experience so far?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:26 PM PST

    How does Rave/Netflix Party work?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:38 AM PST

    How do apps/extensions like Rave or Netflix Party keep your Netflix streams in sync? I can tell that Rave opens my Netflix in a web view in their app but how is it communicating information to it? Like how does it automatically play, pause, sync my Netflix with the other person's?

    submitted by /u/msaad99
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    Found Surface Pro

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:14 AM PST

    There was a Surface Pro in the lost and found at my work for about a year and a half that I finally took home. Will I be able to utilize it or will it be locked out since I'm not the original owner?

    submitted by /u/RCP90x
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    How are people able to sell Spotify, Netflix accounts for cheap?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:14 AM PST

    I have always wondered, the price of them are considerably cheap already but some people still sell them for lesser?

    submitted by /u/Eu4-ria
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    How to Read/Rewrite Data on RFID Chips found in HyperScan Cards?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:58 PM PST

    So in 2006, Mattel released a video game system called the "HyperScan", a system that combined Video Games and Trading Cards into one experience. However, the system was a major bust, going defunct sometime in 2007.


    The system itself was largely made up of a 13.56 MHz RFID Reader/Writer, which would be used to save and load data from certain cards, such as using them to select a character, upgrade your character, or save your game. Further research indicates that the chips use UHF.

    Some testing shows that any game will recognize any HyperScan card, as I've tried scanning other things like one of Nintendo's Amiibo cards, but it will only properly read cards that correspond to that game, using another games' cards will cause an error message such as "Incorrect Card Type".

    Going back to the fact that the system went defunct, for two of the five games on the system, this meant that only half of the cards, the "Series Black" set was released. The other half, the "Series Red" set, for these two games was never released, making it impossible to access the content.

    What I'd like to know, is if there's a way to trick the system, or hack the chip inside one or more of these cards to read as one of the unreleased ones, sortof in a way to how Skylanders was hacked.

    My reason for wanting to do this is thanks to the sole original game on the system, Interstellar Wrestling League. Out of 105 cards, only 54 were released, leaving 51 completely unobtainable. I'd like to try and recreate this game in a proper engine, and with 3D models of the characters, the lack of half the cards locks me out of a lot, including several of the playable characters.

    So if anyone can help me out on figuring out how to do this, I'd really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/ProjectCarthage
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    Custom barcodes/QR codes.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 09:49 PM PST

    Is there any way I can make my own bar/QR code? Totally custom, Like Dotcode or Maxicode.

    submitted by /u/Runic7
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    Long term storage

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:50 AM PST

    So after an hdd failure and the loss of most of my childhood photos I decided to create an archive of what has survived, its there any secure long term storage for data? I mean 10+ years with minimum maintenance, more or less like books, you save them and forget they even exist.

    submitted by /u/otoko_no_hito
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    Samsung QLED Smart TV - Can't open home menu

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:19 PM PST


    I've been having some serious issues with my Samsun Smart TV. The underlying operating system is making the TV basically unusable. Apps don't load and I can't switch the source of the TV. Factory reset doesn't seem to work. It was working fine yesterday and nothing changed. Suddenly it doesn't work. If anyone has any advice please let me know.

    If there is a way to flash the firmware with a USB please let me know.


    Software version: 1351 (the latest version)

    Model number: QN43Q60RAFXZA

    submitted by /u/Alternative_Web
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    Custom Lighting on Sony SRS-XB32

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:41 PM PST

    I know that the two Sony apps exist, but I was wondering if there was any other way to control the lighting. I would like to create my own patterns. I can code it if I need to. Working on Android.

    submitted by /u/Alanator222
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    Securing Files

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:42 PM PST

    I am trying to understand a few things about security. I will explain the scenario below and I think the two leading solutions (if possible):

    I have file X, Y, and Z and lets say they are Word docs. I want to encrypt the files and have password access. Then, if I need to update file X at a later time, I would like to do this. The files should be encrypted together (either I can encrypt a folder that contains the files or Zip them and encrypt the zip file). I don't want the unencrypted file to exist on my HDD anywhere, unencrypt to memory if possible. That way, when the computer is shut down, the decrypted file is lost.

    1) Does using 7Zip with password count as encryption?

    2) If the files are encrypted can I unencrypt a single file, lets say X, and then edit it, and just updated the encrypted file with the new info?

    Any ideas will help. Lets say it like a password list, where I would like unencrypt or have a password archive, therefore I only need to memorize one password.

    submitted by /u/physicsking
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    Can your phone get hacked if you use a public power socket to charge your phone like on a bus?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 09:39 AM PST

    I have my own phone charger with me and there's a plug on the bus, can I get hacked if I use that plug to charge my phone?

    submitted by /u/ConfusedRainbow
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    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Here is an example of what i need a monitor for. I need high resolution but not high frame rate. the only monitors with high resolution are $400+ gaming monitors. budget about $150 but flexible. at least 30 inches preferred. thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/tuubesoxx
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    Best budget rechargeable AAA batteries for a wireless mouse?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:17 AM PST

    I've never had a wireless mouse before, and will need to get some rechargeable AAAs for it, but IDK what to buy. I normally use Panasonic Eneloop, but they are damn pricey. So would maybe these do instead? Any other suggestions for a tight budget? I'm only going to be using the wireless mouse occasionally, when I'm on my laptop; 99% of the time I just use a wired mouse, on my desktop. TIA.

    submitted by /u/double-happiness
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    Question about windows install.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:20 AM PST


    A few years ago i bought a HP laptop, after a while i screwed up my windows install breaking the laptop, at this point i called up HP support and explained the situation and they where pretty awesome and sent me a USB PEN with windows in it that i just booted up on the laptop and made a fresh install.

    On this day i am thinking of upgrading to an Asus TUF Gaming however this one does not come with an operating system installed.

    My question is:
    Can i use that same pen to install windows on the new laptop?

    My back up plan consists on getting on of those cd key i see on the web for 10€ but i am not sure how reliable this are

    Thank you!.

    submitted by /u/rxsteel
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    Targeted ads are becoming disturbingly accurate, how do I get my privacy back?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:16 AM PST

    The ads I'm getting on my iPhone 11 and my Samsung TV are becoming disturbingly accurate, and I would like it to stop.

    A few recent examples:

    I'm walking in downtown Portland with my wife and I pass by a small Safeway. I point it out to her that I didn't expect to see a Safeway there. Neither of us puts "Safeway" or "grocery store" into an engine search on our phones. That night, I start getting ads on Reddit for Safeway. I never shop at Safeway.

    The other day, my home's heater breaks. I call up the heating company and leave a voicemail requesting a repair. I never searched for the heating company info, since the number is written on the side of my heating unit. Ever since, my YouTube ads are for a heating repair company that doesn't even serve my area.

    Last week, I'm walking with a couple of co-workers to get some lunch. We walk by a closed down shopping center that used to have a grocery store in it called The Public Market. I mention that the building has been unoccupied for a year, and wonder if another grocery store would also fail as a business. My co-worker responds that this building has always had grocery stores in it, noting that it was a Safeway before it was a Public Market. It's not discussed further, I don't put anything about the Safeway into my phone. Lo and behold, Reddit is giving me a ton of Safeway ads again.

    I don't have the Facebook app on my phone, but it's clear that my verbal conversations are being recorded by my phone and sold to targeted advertisers. So are my phone calls.

    This has only started being a problem since I bought the iPhone 11. I used to have an iPhone 6.

    How can I make this stop?

    submitted by /u/Missingno83
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    Best Practice for Testing a New PC

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:40 AM PST

    How do I go about testing a new PC build? Besides a visual examination, what else can I do to ensure the parts are all running the way they should. I recognize there are lots of youtube and google results out there, but would prefer an opinion from this group.

    submitted by /u/dBasement
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    What companies are the current leaders in holographic technology research?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:19 AM PST

    Any big corporations?

    submitted by /u/I_am_ANGEERY
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    Need to have a youtube video removed.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Here's the deal: When I was in high school I had to make a video for a project. My teacher posted it on youtube as public with my full name in the title. Now I'm in film school and whenever you search my name; that embarrassing video comes up. I've emailed him to ask him to take it down but he says he doesn't have the login info for that account anymore so he can't. I don't know if I should file a privacy report on his channel because if you file one falsely then you can have your own channel taken down. Is there any way to contact youtube to get the video taken down?

    submitted by /u/edgememeston
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    My PC is an absolute potato, what simple video editing program would you recommend?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:27 AM PST

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