• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 26, 2021

    Tech Support - is it normal that almost all the cheap headphones I have bought have the speakers reversed?

    Tech Support - is it normal that almost all the cheap headphones I have bought have the speakers reversed?

    is it normal that almost all the cheap headphones I have bought have the speakers reversed?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 12:33 AM PST

    It's very annoying and im about to take it personal.

    submitted by /u/N0bodyX
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    HP Deskjet 2720 cartridge, what to do with single-use ones only?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:20 AM PST

    Hi. They came with the printer. They say "intended for one use only." Is it possible to fill it? To make it reusable? Originals are sort of expensive and the replacement ones haven't been on the market. Kind regards.

    submitted by /u/Andrejki
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    Application creation help

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:43 PM PST

    I work with a good friend at a hvac company for his father. We, as in all 20 employees, fill out lots of paperwork for each job. In the field our paper work is our main tool. We have to use equations to get answers for the work. I know that I could use a spreadsheet and it would make things way more easy, but there's so many of us switching around jobs picking up where the last left off. Me and my buddy are young and pretty tech savvy, but most of the guys are older guys who don't like change and especially if it's hard to learn. So I need a way to make it easy for us where it could be basically the look of our worksheet but on a iPad. It needs to be able to do the equations and be accessible from possibly multiple people on the same document at the same time. Is there a way I could make a app for free or an app that's already made that could help. Please and thanks for any help in advance!

    submitted by /u/shelbycoming
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    I need HELP!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 02:14 AM PST

    I've been trying to work this out FOREVER, but always fail. Please answer why my tv video lags 4-6 seconds behind the audio. My laptop is connected to my tv via HDMI. I've tried everything ..

    submitted by /u/cxntney
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    Blue Yeticaster USB Cable Bent

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 12:11 AM PST

    Hi, I accidentally bent my USB cable when it was plugged into my microphone, and now my pc alerts me of "usb port not getting enough power" and the mic wont turn on. Is it replaceable? (The port isn't bent i think)

    submitted by /u/-rxni-
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    Can you trace a number that was from a third party app?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:06 PM PST

    I can tell it's a text from an app but can't find out any info other than that. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/issathrowawayayay
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    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:34 PM PST

    Hi guys, is there any website that helps us to publish a url/link only after a specific time (which we set). Is there any url shortening services that do this? because im not really good at programming.

    submitted by /u/jinusuresh250
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    How do I teach troubleshooting?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:30 AM PST

    I am an instructor that teaches brand new people, sometimes with little to no background in technology. I have learned how to troubleshoot over my years of experience doing this job. Now that I'm an instructor, I am struggling to find a way to teach troubleshooting without just going through scenarios. Am I trying to find a solution to something that is as simple as just run scenarios?

    Does anyone have any advice for teaching troubleshooting?

    Sources for how to learn to troubleshoot?

    Any experience you can lend would be much appreciated. Or if you have a suggestion for somewhere else better to post it, that would also be helpful.

    submitted by /u/Gingertech
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    Do I need to powerwash my Chromebook?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:10 PM PST

    I keep getting bugged by Chrome OS on my Samsung Chromebook saying I need to update my laptop. Every time I view what the update offers, it always says I should powerwash the Chromebook. It says that it's gonna erase all info on it, like apps and my settings, acting like a factory reset. I'm worried it might delete the progress I have on my computer as well as some of my game progress. Do I have to do a powerwash or is it optional?

    submitted by /u/caesarinthefreezer
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    15.6 inch 1366 x 768 laptop or 14 inch 1920 x 1080 laptop?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:30 PM PST

    I am choosing between 2 laptops: a 15.6 inch laptop with 1366 x 768 resolution and a 14 inch laptop with a 1920 x 1080 screen. Which is better? Personally, I would prefer a screen with more desktop space to work with, but would the higher resolution of the 14 inch laptop actually mean that the 14 inch laptop would provide me what I'm looking for over the 15 inch laptop?

    submitted by /u/enricogo
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    Transferring SSD from one laptop to another

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:11 PM PST


    My old laptop has a busted screen that won't turn on, so I got a new one. I want to transfer the SSD from my old laptop to the new one. From what I can find online, I should do a Secure Erase on the old SSD before I transfer it. However, since the screen of my old laptop is all black, I can't do this. What would happen if I transfer the old SSD into the new laptop without erasing everything/uninstalling Windows?

    Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/VeryMadMadman
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    My iPhone likes to wonder off

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST

    So I've had an iPhone 7s for some months now but recently a weird quirk had become more of an issue. It started with me receiving ads in Spanish, which was different but I shrugged it off. It wasn't happening often so all good. It didn't take long for them to increase and then another problem began. My gps began placing me in Mexico, which I noticed when opening Apple Maps after clicking a gps link.

    I don't use maps often, so it wasn't a daily issue. But the next time that I did, my gps was showing my current location in Texas. Out of curiosity I checked my ip. In one hour I was in multiple towns in Texas and Louisiana. Some websites that use my location will be accurate, others always show me in Texas though. I'm far enough away from there that I'm wondering how this is possible.

    Also, a proxy was being used on one of my ip checks and it wasn't mine, as i wasn't using it.

    Help me learn something new today, please.

    submitted by /u/janklepeterson
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    Verizon fios? Their router or my own?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:24 PM PST

    I play CSGO on a computer, which is a very demanding game online, faster speeds is very beneficial.

    I am on wifi right now and am about to have verizon come install fios internet. On their website it mentions I can rent their router or supply my own. Money isn't tight and I'm able to buy my own. I would imagine I'd benefit from getting my own router compared to theirs, am I correct?

    submitted by /u/Nervous-Diver-9374
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    Buying a New Tablet w/Pen (Options Help? Recommendations?)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:51 AM PST

    I've been looking for a few days now on what tablet to buy to replace my Kindle Fire, but I want to do a little more with it compared to that. What I want is pretty specific. I know I don't want Apple products for a lot of reasons. I'm open to others as long as they are compatible with my past Windows/Android devices. I got stuck with the Samsung Tabs. But, still a few issues/questions with them. Here is what I am looking for:

    • Access docs, PDF's (textbooks especially, color too), and books (EPUB/MOBI & AZW(3) prefer; I use Calibre to convert etc).
    • Take notes on them and/or a screenshot of it and notes over that.
    • Import/export notes (not just on that device), prefer to my laptop instead of an extra cloud service/server
    • A voice reader etc. that can read the book to me if I want it to (as smooth as Kindle's fire)
    • Pen (not too thin like it was meant for a phone)
    • The 'keys' on the screen are big enough for my fingers to press (slender fingers)
    • Takes SD cards for extra space etc.
    • Run Microsoft Word, Excel (optional), and OneNote
    • Simple web browsing (no games or anything like that, mostly research/school related)
    • Good RAM/Memory to switch between an doc file, web page, and note taking app etc.
    • Price range $500-$750 ($600 would be nice, but I'm kinda kidding myself)

    I don't need anything laptop heavy, as I have one and will replace it one day in the far future (acer intel i7 Core with Geforce GTX). I would like for this to last 3-5 years, or more if I am really careful with my device (most times I am).


    submitted by /u/OverworkednClueless
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    Home phone with built in answering that has atomic clock

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:00 PM PST

    My mom (92 years old) has a wireless home phone (she doesn't have a cell phone)with built in answering machine. When the electricity goes out at her place I have to drive 50 miles to reset her phone to the correct date and time. Is there a phone with built in answering machine with atomic time that resets the date and time automatically?

    submitted by /u/GregB222
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    Looking for contact form and scored survey tool. Does such a thing exist?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:32 AM PST

    I currently have a contact form on my (freelance writing) website with some fields that are designed for pre-qualification (when do you expect to need this by? What's your budget? Etc?)

    The contact form is just a Wordpress plugin and I do the lead scoring manually. As in, I take a look over the responses and guesstimate whether or not it would be worth taking a Zoom meeting with this person. Currently, it's an art rather than a science.

    I'd like to get more methodical about it.

    Besides instituting formal lead scoring criteria, I thought it would make sense if — rather than use a standard contact form — I used some kind of form that functioned as a contact form but also automatically computed a lead score based on how I assigned the variables.

    Instead of a notification with the form responses, I'd like to get back a notification with the automatically computed lead score and then the responses so that — at a glance — I could see whether it's worth looking into or not.

    Does such a thing exist? I'd imagine it's either a functionality within CRM form-builders or else a bolt-on.


    submitted by /u/danielrosehill
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    Information and resources for building a digital archives using a server/hardware

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:32 AM PST

    I have nearly 15 TB of data (photos and video) stored on a RAID. I think I want to build a Network drive using a server so the RAID can function as my data back-up and the server can be my work space/access point. I am sub-literate when it comes to servers and networks but am capable of implementing solutions (so long as I can conceptualize them). I just don't have the background/experience to fully understand how this process works (where to begin, how to set it up, expected cost, things I should know, etc.) I've only ever worked with cloud storage.

    Here are some important details -- this data exists on a RAID, it also exists in Google Drive (cloud storage works atm but I would love to migrate this to a local server, hence my question), I plan on adding more data in the future, so an expandable network would be great.

    So do I connect a server to the RAID and pull data from there directly? Is this data stored both on the server and in the RAID separately? This is how little I know. I appreciate any feedback and knowledge y'all can share.

    Can anyone recommend sources or guides on this process, and maybe give me a brief introductory level explanation as to how I can set this up?

    submitted by /u/No_Internal3859
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