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    Tech Support - Mobile suddenly stopped charging

    Tech Support - Mobile suddenly stopped charging

    Mobile suddenly stopped charging

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 02:48 AM PST

    My samsung mobile suddenlybstopped charging it show a sing with a yellow circle and a cut on the battery can someone help?

    submitted by /u/Scared-Dimension2035
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    South Korea: Microsoft vs Google

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:48 AM PST

    I was redirected from r/Korea by its mods saying this might be the right place to ask.

    I am wondering which is most prominently used. Google Docs, Sheets, the whole set vs Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, etc). I have no particular reason for these questions, I'm just curious how different is is compared to the US.


    submitted by /u/Axe_l
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    Every time I start my laptop, a chrome window automatically opens from the last session, even though I had closed all windows before shutting down.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:11 PM PST

    This has been a persistent problem. I make it a point to close all windows before shutting down the laptoip. But when I start it next time, a chrome window pops up from last time. What is happening?

    submitted by /u/A3H3
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    Phone size

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 03:38 AM PST

    Is it dumb selling an iphone 11 i have to use an old 8 for size preference. I am not pleased with an 11 and thinking of selling it.

    submitted by /u/Outrageous_Theory_32
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    GTA V stuttering and freezing a lot, what part on my PC should I upgrade

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 01:54 PM PST

    Hello, I have a PC with a GTX 750 Ti with 2GB of VRAM and my CPU is Intel i5 4690 3.50 GHz and I have 4GB of RAM. GTA V is constantly stuttering and freezing and I'm not sure how to fix it, because I am new to computers. Would anyone please tell me how to fix it, or what I should upgrade on my PC?

    submitted by /u/griffo_g11
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    What is holding us back from making spaser screens/projectors?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 01:12 AM PST

    I calculated that for a 4k screen, it would have a surface of 2.32845312x1.30975488 mm, it would be more usefull for AR glasses.

    submitted by /u/Devatator_
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    I Can Only Hear on the Left Side of My Bluetooth Headphones Open | Hardware

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:21 PM PST

    So, I listen to music on an iPod shuffle with Sony XB950N1 headphones. However, since the iPod doesn't have bluetooth capabilities, I bought myself a bluetooth transmitter a while back. It's been working just fine, until recently. Now I can't hear in the left side of the headphones unless I manually hold the cord into the transmitter or the iPod, but as soon as I let go, the audio leaves the right side of the headphones. I AM DESPERATE FOR HELP

    submitted by /u/lukester_13
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    Is it possible for a phone to hold a charge this long?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:37 AM PST

    I just bought a new, sealed in box iPhone 6s on ebay. I turned it on and it has 60% charge left. I was reading that a switched off phone loses about 5% charge per month and I assume the 6s was made 4 or 5 years ago, so why does it still have so much charge?

    submitted by /u/cheesycow5
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    what is opencellid.org? what does it do?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 05:38 PM PST

    there is a "u" by my house. what does that mean? I don't see a tower anywhere.


    submitted by /u/PreTeenTrader
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    My computer is using 75% of memory while im doing nothing

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:57 PM PST

    I have noticed my games being very stuttery and slow, when I check my task manager while im playing a games, my memory is around 90-95%, and while i have everything closed, other than discord and a couple other little things, its sitting around 75%, Does anyone have any idea on what could be happening? I have 16gb of ram.

    submitted by /u/TrenkerZ
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    Snapchat account

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:42 PM PST

    Can my friends see my new troll Snapchat account? I have disabled contacts on my IOS but can they still auto-connect to me?

    submitted by /u/HEYITSTOMMY3
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    Darker borders on the sides of Sony Bravia TV

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 06:30 PM PST

    I have a Sony Bravia KDL-32EX655 (LCD) since 2012 and it didn't have any issues until today, 2 months after being unplugged. I plugged and turned it on again but I noticed darker borders on the sides of the TV when I play dark games. It's most notorious on Resident Evil 2 but it's also present on other games like Bloodborne and The Last of Us II. This borders don't appear on light colors, only dark ones.

    Example (Resident Evil 2)

    I couldn't find anything similar on the Internet. Is this some king of shadow, burn-in or image persistence? I think that the image is also greyer and looks worse, but my settings are the same I used before.

    I tried leaving the TV on with white noise and then with a solid white wallpaper for a couple of hours but it didn't work.

    submitted by /u/Zelbraj
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    How does my vacum robot know he is finished?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:00 PM PST

    I recently purchased a robot vacum cleaner. He is working on the chaos principle. I was wondering if you guys know how the robot decides that he is finished? Is he just running out of battery or is there something else?

    submitted by /u/Mjsmooth1993
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    I'm a university student working on a fintech related advertising campaign, could someone confirm that I'm right about the fintech part please?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:59 PM PST

    I posted this in r/fintech as well, but maybe there's someone who could help me here as well.

    So I'm working on a final project for my advertising degree. Basically I need to find a problem, find a solution to the problem and a company that would (hypothetically) pay for the campaign.

    My idea is this: Since the beginning of lockdown (March in the UK) many people started shopping online for the first time. Especially older gen X/baby boomers didn't use to shop online, but started to because of the pandemic. They are expected to continue shopping online through the second lockdown and beyond.

    They tend to be well-off, so it's good to have their business, especially because since the lockdown they treat themselves to premium stuff, as they can't go anywhere and don't spend money on the usual things (travel to work, holidays) so why not buy the fancy coffee machine right?

    But the issue is, since they are new to this, they get scammed more frequently. This is not good for the businesses (as sometimes they are responsible for covering the costs on card not present frauds) and it might also drive the consumers back to brick and mortar shops eventually.

    Now here's what I'm not sure about:

    I read that using AfterPay (or Clearpay in the UK) is a good way to prevent online fraud.

    So my idea is to make a campaign as Afterpay, targeting boomers and basically saying "use Afterpay when shopping online to make sure you're safe from fraud", possibly maybe doing a bit of "online safety 101" content as well. I don't really have it all worked out with the creative just yet.

    So my question here is: would this work? Does AfterPay actually prevent online fraud? Or is there another company that could solve the "boomers getting scammed" problem?

    Please let me know what do you think, any constructive criticism is very welcome.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/lizardsatemysocks
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    I got pwned and have a question

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 03:02 PM PST

    So, I've been pwned on April but recently found out. I have changed my gmail password BUT I still have a concern so please listen. Should I change the password for the site I was breached on? It is a third party app I signed up for 3 years ago and I fear of installing it again because it is very shady and they could possibly get my newer ip.

    tldr: got pwned and changed gmail password. should i change password for the site/app i got pwned on?

    also, any password managers that are safe and free?

    submitted by /u/spedracrr
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    Weird Internet Issue with "Soft Disconnect"

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 11:31 AM PST

    I use a 4g modem with unlimited internet and my connection has had some ongoing issues for a while that no one can figure out.

    What happens is I stay connected, and open connections continue (wow won't disconnect, downloads continue, streaming videos keep playing) but I will suddenly lose the ability to load new pages or open new connections. This persists until the modem is restarted.

    The reason I replaced the WiFi router is that this only affects devices on WiFi. A wired Ethernet connection remains connected throughout. The behavior is happening on all connected WiFi devices.

    I have replaced the router, changed DNS settings a few times, restored the modem firmware to factory, updated it, gotten a new SIM card, tested the modem in bridged and router mode, and several other things. The carrier has no ideas what is happening, the modem manufacturer support has been no help, and I am at a loss.

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Dongalor
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    So I want to connect my garage door with alexa

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Hi all, I'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

    My garage door opens and closes bij making a connection between connector 1 and connector 2.

    It only makes connections really short. Like you press the button and it makes contact and immediately breaks contact after letting go of the button. And then the garage door either opens, stops, or closes all with that one connection.

    Could someone tell me what the correct word would be if searching for a smart switch like this?

    I hope I'm making myself clear otherwise I'll try to explain it differently.

    Thank you!

    (If I just search smart switch or smart garage you get switches that are either "on" or "off" or you get a whole garage door set with sensors that are totally unnecessary)

    submitted by /u/IBLIS0012
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    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:18 AM PST

    What is the best mic I can get for gaming/streaming that is $200 or less.

    submitted by /u/Willjk2468
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    kind of scared

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 10:04 AM PST

    Hi. I am a female and for the past few days I have roamed sites like dirtyroulette (please dont judge) and well, today i got a random message on skype (i have not gave that out to anyone, ever) i also last used it like a year ago? It just runs in the background when i use my laptop.. and now I got a random text saying Hi like the waving emoji and they also tried to call me. The weirdest thing is it shows "waiting for -username- to accept invitation- and i have not invited them to anything anywhere...i am a little confused and scared?

    Thanks for any response

    submitted by /u/dontchasethedead
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    Is there a way to have a desktop or laptop running 24/7 doing a very light unintensive task, but have it in something similar to sleep mode so that the ans and other thigns don't make it appear to be off, or mimic sleep mode?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Deal lenova flex 5 ram questions

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:26 AM PST


    Does anyone know if the ram in this is soldered in? It's only 4gb and I would like to upgrade it in a couple of months, I'm limited on the amount of money I can spend at one time.

    submitted by /u/scarlettiron
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    need help with online threats

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    I have no idea in what subreddit to ask this, but i believe that here someone might know what to tell me. So, there's a person that sent me a lot of messages using fake accounts on instagram a little while ago, threatening me and then deleted the account afterwards, i took screenshots but i don't think that proves anything if i ever need images to prove it. If i ever decide to report it to the cops, is there a way to find out who sent me the messages even after they deleted the account? I also received messages throught telegram, i also took screenshots for this but the person deleted the messages for both of us, can anyone help me??

    submitted by /u/stylistocelot
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    Will my ISPs server kick me out if I am using a webpage auto refresher?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 08:44 AM PST

    So, I have had a page auto refresher on all day on two websites. It is set to refresh at random intervals between 8 - 15 seconds. Around 4pm my internet went down. I called tech support and they said my house was not connected to the server and they were sending out a technician..

    He said if it was a fault in the area line, I would get a message saying how long maintenance would be. If it was a fault with my home specifically, I would get an appointment for a technician to come to my house.

    So about 20 minutes later I got a text confirming an appointment for a technician to come to my house on Saturday making me believe it was just my home. However, the internet came back about 10 minutes after that.

    It has been a very poor day weather wise. I am wondering is this a coincidence or was is it because of me auto refreshing these pages all day. Would the server cop on to it even when it's being done at irregular intervals?

    submitted by /u/Floor9
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    Blank Sheets Appearing on Desktop

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 07:50 AM PST

    I've seen (and solved) the problem where existing desktop icons will appear as blank sheets, but this is something different. New icons, all blank sheets with a series of random letters and numbers are showing up on my desktop every few hours. I can delete them, but it seems suspicious. Can't seem to find any info from google. Any ideas>

    submitted by /u/TheNakedOracle
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