• Breaking News

    Friday, November 27, 2020

    Tech Support - I'm looking for a fairly cheap device for an elderly relative that we can use to video call but can run on data as they don't have wifi

    Tech Support - I'm looking for a fairly cheap device for an elderly relative that we can use to video call but can run on data as they don't have wifi

    I'm looking for a fairly cheap device for an elderly relative that we can use to video call but can run on data as they don't have wifi

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:48 AM PST

    Title says it all. Do you have any recommendations?

    (I don't know if this is the right subreddit for this sorry)

    Just editing to specify this is in England

    submitted by /u/no-1481
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    Bluetooth 5.0 Adapters for Laptop and Phone?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:24 AM PST

    MacBook Pro 2020 Serial # Says it is Silver but is actually Space Gray. Purchased Directly from Apple

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:40 PM PST

    I bought the new Silver Macbook Pro 2020 13-inch (so I thought) about 3 months ago, after having it for a little while someone tried telling me it was actually space grey saying they had the silver version. I challenged it by pulling up the serial # confirming it was Silver. Eventually, we compared the two and mine is undoubtedly darker than his. This leaves me confused if somehow the serial number is wrong on the bottom of the laptop or the colors actually vary? Anyone else noticed this?

    submitted by /u/jmp42069
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    Does this graphic card support Windows 10?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:52 AM PST

    Can someone please say if Nvidia NVS 315 supports Windows 10?

    submitted by /u/ZeUs247
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    Will additional RAM improve performance if memory usage peaks at ~95%?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:46 PM PST

    This is according to task manager in windows 10. I'm having frame rate and performance issues with a game that I know isn't very graphically intense. During dips in performance my memory usage grows from ~80% to 95%+, while cpu and gpu usage grow as well they never reach this close to 100%. My question is: Will adding additional RAM fix my issue? Or does additional RAM only improve performance strictly when reaching 100% usage?

    submitted by /u/chalkthefuckup
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    Huawei Nova 5T - Can I use desktop mode USB-C 2.0 to VGA?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:10 AM PST

    I want to use Huawei Nova 5T via USB-C hub, which supports VGA.

    Has anyone tested this? USB-C on the phone is 2.0 version, I know that you need 3.0 for HDMI.

    submitted by /u/Interesting-Degree11
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    How do I tell if Apple Airpods pro is real of fake?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:06 AM PST

    I recently saw someone selling new Airpods pro for $100. Texted him, asking whether it was original. Replied that it is original.

    100$ Sounds very cheap. How do I tell whether if it is real or not?

    submitted by /u/ChibzZz42
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    Does adding an extension like Privacy Badger to Chrome bring it up to par with Safari when it comes to privacy?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:30 AM PST

    I know that Safari automatically blocks trackers. And Chrome is essentially made by an ad company. But, frankly, after switching to Safari for about a week or so, I miss all of my Chrome extensions/plugins that Safari doesn't support. (uBlock origin, WebM, Youtube TV, etc...) I'm thinking about switching back to Chrome, but I'm just considering the pros and cons.

    submitted by /u/YousernameOne
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    remote editing solution

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:44 PM PST

    So i'm trying to edit a video, and maybe possibly more in the future, problem is I have a laptop that probably just isn't powerful enough to deal with it. The file I'm working is 6gb so, yea its having trouble. Anyways I'm looking for a solution to this.

    Originally I was doing it on YouTube, but the file I submitted was either too big or long, not sure. In any case the trim button was greyed out and it said it can't be trimmed because it is too long.

    a family member has a pretty beefy computer, but lives in another state, I'm thinking something like a remote desktop option could work there, but I don't want to interfere with them using their computer, I just want to use the computer's resources without affecting them too much, if they are doing something simple. I'm aware of teamviewer and other options like that, but then that interferes with their ability to use their computer for whatever they want, so thats why I'm writing that one off.

    I'm guessing its also possible to maybe rent a virtual server somewhere, but I'm not exactly swimming in money.

    I've also looked into online video editors, but from what I've seen all charge money as well, after a free trial.

    What are my options here? Any other solutions?

    submitted by /u/Blue_Radiation_FGC
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    Molex to fan connector?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:54 PM PST

    So I'm building my first pc, currently I have an Optiplex with a 560 but I figured I might as well take the drives and gpu out and build a budget pc so I have better upgradability in the future, now, it being a budget build, I got a budget case, and I like everything about it, it looks good, and has plenty of fans, except the fans all connect to molex, now I would wait to get the case in the mail to see what exact cable I need, but my prime expires before it gets here, can someone drop me an Amazon link to the cable I'm looking for? (The case is called "Montech X1") I would just order one, but I don't want to be ready to build my pc and realize I got the wrong fan connector of all things.

    submitted by /u/Suspicious_Milk53
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    GSM RTU 5024

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:34 PM PST

    I'm looking for a couple of options on the GSM RTU5024 relay. Does anyone have information on manufacturer or an alternative. I'm considering staring a small business with some prototype farm equipment I've been working on.. I'm looking for a distributor or a cost effective option to this switch.

    submitted by /u/tcoppo19
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    Getting someones ip.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:02 PM PST

    Someone grabbed my friends link through a grabbify link and is threatening them. Is there a way i can use the link he sent to see the list of ip's the person grabbed? I know he clicked on it and logged his ip?

    submitted by /u/airfusion81
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    Sounds playing in background

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:54 PM PST

    Today I opened my laptop while I was watching TV. Not doing anything specific. Using Firefox surfing IMDB. Started hearing things that did not match TV. Muted TV. Found laptop playing something in the background at a very low volume. I opened Task Manager. The only thing that I saw that was using any CPU, was rivetaps. Found out it might be part of SmartByte on my Dell7573 2-in-1. I stopped the process, no change. A help file suggested disabling SmartByte in startup. Didn't see it. Rebooted and background sounds gone. WTHeck? Anyone have any ideas.

    submitted by /u/OldManDan54
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    TV suggestions for next gen gaming?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:22 AM PST

    Since Black Friday is coming up, I wanted to see if I could get a new tv in anticipation of getting a Series X once I save up enough money. I have no idea which tv to get and I could really use some help. I saw an article on CNET that said tv manufacturers often exaggerate their refresh rates and that a 120HZ tv may actually be only 60HZ. Is that true? I've also seen some discussions on Reddit that mention how many current models tv can't really handle the specs for the new consoles, e.g. 4K and 120FPS at the same time.

    Was wondering if any of this is true and whether anyone has any tv suggestions? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ChiefDoomSlayer
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    Need help finding laptop

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Hi all.

    Really sorry if it's posted wrong place. I am Looking to purchase my little brother a laptop for a surprise for him. Want it Brand new, maybe refurbished if it's from an official website. Budget £400-450. He wants it for photoshop, maybe simple gaming but don't think he'd be that bothered.

    I know nothing about processors but I've spent the last 4 hours looking for i5+ and 8gb ram but can't find anything. There's over options available but I don't know anything about processors and only recognise i3, i5, i7 etc.

    Needs to be laptop as it's for college etc.

    Would really really appreciate help.


    submitted by /u/coreylewis22
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    Why whenever major events happen, they urge people to not use their mobile phone to "Keep lines open"?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:55 PM PST

    So one if the things I like seeing (morbid fascination) is disaster events, major car accidents, airshow crashes, etc.

    However one thing I notice us that announcers will come over the PA and say things like "Please refrain from using your cell phones" or "Please refrain from making any phone calls" usually with "To keep communication lines open"

    From a quick google, it seems that a phone tower can handle hundreds, if not thousands of phone calls being trunked through it, and even more for data (as latency is less important for data)

    So why are people told to "Stay off their phones to keep lines open"?

    Further to this, any major event I've ever been apart of in my Firefighting and then Military time has had all the important safety lines running as physical lines through a PABX system, so do mobile phone towers use the same physical lines?

    I know that now with NBN rolling out, a lot of this infrastructure is being upgraded to fibre from copper, with Fibre able to handle ridiculous amounts of voice data, and I assume countries that don't have third world infrastructure were running fibre decades ago.

    So in this day and age, is "Keeping people off their phones to keep lines clear" an actual risk? Or is it more a throwback to days gone by when infrastructure wasn't so robust?

    I know from talking to people that announcers at these events are generally older people that have been in the game, may have worked their way up over decades, may have even been involved with the sport (racing drivers, horse riders, pilots at airshows end up being announcers, etc), are in their late 40's to 60's and so something that was a technological issue maybe 20 years ago would have been something they learned when they started, or could have been something they learned 20 years ago that was an issue 40 years ago because it was taught to them from people that they learned from who were around 40 years ago.

    submitted by /u/Rumbuck_274
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    What is Data Mining? What does it collect specifically?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:52 PM PST

    Bear with me as I have just discovered to what extent it does on a surface level. TL;DR at the bottom if it's too lengthy.

    I recently got my PC Build from NZXT and one thing that stood out is that some of their hardware is somewhat dependent on a software called "CAM". One of the only hardware that is their brand and not from another brand that I bought is the Cooler Kraken X63.

    I found out that the Cooler comes with CAM software and that it's allegedly a spyware and that it's datamining in Gigs according to various users. The most vocal is at their subreddit where the NZXT Head honcho himself tried to clarify and appease this breach of privacy. They've "claimed" to have reduced its data collection but it is still collecting data from their customers.

    My question is, what is causing this ruckus so much when Google, Windows and other major cyber company have been doing the same for years?

    What is exactly being collected from my computer? Does it collect data from documents like my paystubs or officials docs for sending to employers? Does it collect data from videos and pictures I have on my PC?

    I presume it is mostly my CPU temp, overall Usage, etc. that it collects, including some installed games and apps that I saw in their ToS. Which I know even Steam does that.

    TL;DR Bought hardware that comes with software from company brand. Paranoid about the data it is collecting. To what extent can data mining do? Can it collect everything my PC has? Games, Videos, Pictures, Important documents including Business documents.

    submitted by /u/Mochawolf
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    Finding a Better Router

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:49 PM PST

    Hi there,

    At home, we have a Hitron CODA 4582 Modem Router given to us by our internet provider. However, my internet has been acting a bit funky at points for months and even though we've got our provider to replace the modem with a new one, it's acting a bit funky. It's hard to tell if things are bad because of the provider or the modem, but at this point the modem seems the most likely. Furthermore, the wi-fi has always had issues reaching certain areas of our 3-floor house, which has been a point of frustration for some of us.

    Given that I've been gradually upgrading my tech setup for better streaming this year, I thought that perhaps it might be a good idea to invest in a better router. Unfortunately, while I am tech savvy, I know very little about what router hardware and am quite confused when I research it, which gets intimidating because routers get expensive really fast.

    I'd really appreciate it if people on this sub could help educate me on what makes a good router and important specs to look for. If you have recommendations, that would also be great.

    submitted by /u/Sparky-Man
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    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:27 AM PST

    I was browsing dirtyroulette with the tagline looking for kinky pervs and came across this guy who had the tagline Hunting for Pedos. Without saying i get a chat message saying he reported my IP! Im not into that stuff nor do I want anything to do with it. Im just wondering if this guy really did report my ip or if he was just going around scaring people. Sorry if this is a fumb question i waa new to the site and im only 20. Help im young and dumb.

    submitted by /u/InterestingResult522
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    A Neat idea? (portable "desktop")

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Hey guys, so I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this would be possible.

    I know that someone somewhere has probably already done this, but I couldn´t find anything, so I am asking here...

    I have a desktop PC. It is brand new and I got it for my birthday. I was thinking and I thought, that maybe I could use my old laptop for something.

    Is it possible, to make some sort of a docking station for it, that would every time, I put something in a certain folder on my PC, copy the document to the laptop? And if I plugged the notebook in, it would copy everything new to that folder? That way, I could just take the laptop with me and not upload everything to google drive... Sort of like a "portable part of my desktop".

    Thank you for any thoughts.

    submitted by /u/AccomplishedKofii
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    Hey guys! Wanna help me out with some questions?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:48 AM PST

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