• Breaking News

    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Tech Support - Does leaving your iPhone or iPad on the charger all night destroy your battery?

    Tech Support - Does leaving your iPhone or iPad on the charger all night destroy your battery?

    Does leaving your iPhone or iPad on the charger all night destroy your battery?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:54 AM PST

    How to check real power bank capacity? Who can help?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:20 AM PST

    Sometimes I buy power banks buy how to check capacity of power bank? Do you have any tips or advise?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    submitted by /u/maxsitailo
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    Looking for webcam suggestion

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:54 AM PST

    Hello , my father is planning to give online math classes and he needs a webcam for this , one that has a good enough quality to be able to clearly film math equations on paper , i don't know if that matters but he's also using a Mac with snow leopard (10.6.8) which is quite old. I'd like to have advice on which webcam i coul buy him

    submitted by /u/gnagnabeubla
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    having a game occupy more vram than i have somehow works?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 04:22 AM PST

    so, i have this game, monster hunter world, i was suggested to make the graphics higher so the cpu would have much load, i did exactly that but kinda overkill, i've maxed out everything, i have 2.93 (3gb) of vram and the game is requesting 4.74gb (5gb) and somehow the game loads up just fine and it looks fantastic, anyone has any explanation on this, i'm kinda curious

    TL;DR: i have 3gb of vram and the game is requesting 5gb but it loads up perfectly without any fps drop, why?

    submitted by /u/Mass1milian0
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    When people post links in blue words in their sentence in the comments, how do you do that?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:47 AM PST

    How do people put these links in the body of their comments? Part of the words of their sentence will be in blue, but when you click those blue words, it's a link to what they were discussing. I could maybe figure out how to copy and paste a link, but how do they imbed the link in the words of their sentence? Oh techies of Reddit, teach me, please! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/dustofstarzzz
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    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:46 PM PST


    So, Basically I was installing some shaders for minecraft and with it came Segurazo. What I did to get rid of it was use the malware bytes premioum free trial, it solve all my problems!

    submitted by /u/PugFlakez
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    External Hard Drive doing click of death. Can I just leave it and then fix it some time in the future?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:14 AM PST

    hello reddit,

    Today my HDD died on me, though I've taken great care of it. I've read that it costs over 1,000USD to recover data on it and I can't afford so now. So it is possible to recover the data later on in the future? Like a couple years from now or so? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/LebSneezingBeauty
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    Why haven't stereoscopic cameras taken off?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:39 PM PST

    Whenever I look at stereoscopic pictures it amazes me, I feel like I'm really there in that moment I'm looking at. The technology to take stereoscopic pictures is extremely easy to implement, just place 2 cameras a couple of inches apart. Viewing them is slightly less convenient, but not terribly so.

    So if the effect is really entrancing and the technology is super simple to implement, then why are there literally zero stereoscopic camera phones?

    submitted by /u/breakneckridge
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    Looking for a Class 1 Bluetooth usb adapter for Windows 10 nearby sharing.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:49 PM PST

    MS says the adapter has to support Low Energy mode. Do Class 1 adapters support LE mode? If you want to recommend an adapter that would be appreciated as well.

    submitted by /u/Mister_Kurtz
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    Will upgrading my Mac to a larger sized Solid State drive speed up my Mac?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Going from 500gb to 1TB

    submitted by /u/Nesquick19
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    I have an old seagate 500gb external hard drive.. its ports come out the side and i want to buy this case+enclosure but the ports go out the front or in the other side of the drive... is this okay? im unaware of whats inside my seagate ST305004EXA101-RK

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:03 PM PST

    SQL & Amazon seller central

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:08 PM PST

    Does anybody know how to link your Amazon seller central account to the database SQL and what the benefits are of doing it? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/psychcrime
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    Need help with google maps/gps

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:46 PM PST

    hey guys! I just started a job as a bicycle postman in a city im only a bit familiar with. I'm still going on routes with a guy who works there longer so I can learn all the paths on that route. tomorrow will be the last day of that and on monday I'll take over his route since he's going on holiday. so yeah, sorry for the long introduction, i just wanted to explain a bit better..

    my question is; can I make google maps "record" where I'll go tomorrow and save that route for the future? that would make my job soo much easier since im very afraid I'll get all tangled up with all the adresses n stuff.

    submitted by /u/younglacksleepallday
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    USB keyboard works funky/weirdly

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:33 PM PST

    Hi everyone. Let me give you the facts: were on a Windows 7 PC, we have a USB keyboard that was working perfectly on a Windows 7 laptop. However when we connected the keyboard to this PC it seems it wasn't installed properly (we have already uninstalled and installed again the drivers. No luck) however the keyboard seems to ONLY and ONLY work when it's on top of the PC. Please see the photo for reference. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?

    submitted by /u/retroglamx
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    Does there exist an online poll maker that meets my requirements?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Hi, I've been having some trouble finding an online poll maker that does everything that I need. Maybe someone here can help?

    Here's what I need

    • Ability to bulk add answers (~400)
    • Ability to embed the poll on another website
    • Ability for the answers to be hyperlinks, so the user could click on the text of an answer and go to a specific URL

    Does anything like this exist? The only consistent thing I can find is embedding....

    submitted by /u/mikes2123
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    Motherboard support for ram

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:17 AM PST

    I have an old built gaming pc that I bought about 8 years ago or so. All I am looking to do is boost the speed to buy a little more time before a 100% haul happens. I just need some clarification as I do not know this stuff.

    I found the model of my motherboard and tracked down what it supported but had some questions.

    Says it supports Dual Channel DDR2 533/667/800/1066(1066 by am2+ CPU) MHz

    4 x DDR2 DIMM Memory Slot

    Max. Supports up to 16gb

    My questions is when it says 4 x DDR2 DIMM Memory Slot, Max. Supports up to 16gb. Is this it can hold a total such as 4, 4gb Ram, 2 8s or 1 16?

    I am assuming just 1 16gb DDR2 would be enough since it is hardly used for gaming anymore. Just runs nox and basic work files and some software programs.

    Any suggestions and help/tips would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ProHoboe
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    Headphones that can support phone and laptop/Pandora et al...????

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:30 AM PST

    Looking for wireless large size (AKG style) headphones that will take calls and play Pandora/whatever from my laptop. Ie can support and juggle 2 bluetooth devices. Last pair I got can only do one at a time. They said to get a bluetooth splitter? Huh....help...ty.

    submitted by /u/wexstasy
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    Corded headphones selectively cancel sound????

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:12 AM PST

    I buy $15-$25 corded in ear headphones and I find that when they are dying, they usually play all sounds perfectly except for human speech. Why is that? Is speech at a specific frequency, or is it transmitted through a different wire in the headphones, or what? (I've only tried this with the English language)

    It seems like similar sounds, like laughter, usually come across just fine.

    To clarify, it doesn't completely block out speech, it's just super super quiet compared to the rest of the sound, and only certain syllables can be heard, making it sound garbled. It's like the audio representation of whEn peOpLe tYpe liKe tHIs.

    submitted by /u/u12bdragon
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