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    Wednesday, February 3, 2021

    Tech Support - When I restart my phone speedtest shows 25 mbps but after a few mins it drops to less than 5 mbps and stays there

    Tech Support - When I restart my phone speedtest shows 25 mbps but after a few mins it drops to less than 5 mbps and stays there

    When I restart my phone speedtest shows 25 mbps but after a few mins it drops to less than 5 mbps and stays there

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:14 PM PST

    What's causing this?

    submitted by /u/darksup33
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    How do I cast over WiFi if using a VPN on my phone?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 12:52 AM PST

    So I am in Australia, a country quite often treated like a Siberan Gulag or North Korea as far as some online content goes.

    Hell, it could even be entirely innocuous content, like how to build an EV, or how to smelt metal, just the news, or other entirely completely mundane stuff.

    The amount of just random innocuous crap that we literally cannot see without a VPN is staggering, infuriating, and just downright crap.

    Hell, I can be watching one of my normal YouTubers sometimes and I get the message, not "The uploader has not made this video available to your country" but simply "This video is not available in your country"

    I mean, I'm not looking at state secrets or trying to spy on a foreign government FFS, I want to watch a video on stripping a big block V8!

    Hell, some videos are even by Australian YouTubers

    There was a HowRidiculous video a while back that was unavailable for a while in Australia, or it might have been their Collab with Mark Rober (?) that was unavailable in Australia.

    Either way, they dropped big stuff from a tower into a trampoline in Western Australia, just random crap. Just boring mundane stuff getting destroyed.

    However it may be stuff that requires me to read stuff displayed on screen, or hear quiet things, or someone has a heavy accent and my sound system hooked to my TV is better (god bless the person or team that invented HDMI ARC), so I'd prefer to cast it to my TV to make it better to either read it hear.

    My apps, like YouTube, will say I can cast to my TV, I can connect to my TV successfully, the TV says I'm connected, the phone says I'm connected, I'm all connected everywhere, I can cast stuff available in my country, but if I try and cast something that's geolocked, everything just freezes, shits itself, or just doesn't actually cast it.

    It will say "Added to queue", but then it won't actually add it to the queue.

    I can add it to the queue over and over all day long, but it will never add, and it will never play on my TV.

    Why does this happen, and more importantly, how do I fix it to get the most out of my VPN?

    I gather somehow, I must have to add my TV to the VPN? Though I would have thought my TV is linked to my phone, which is on the same WiFi and already using the VPN, so I was streaming through my phone anyway?

    Or does casting somehow bypass the VPN?

    Would I have to somehow connect my phone to the VPN, then access my router and somehow use my phone as a gateway for another device thats already on my home network?

    I don't always use the VPN, in fact for a good 90-95% of my browsing, I don't actually need to, or even bother to use the VPN. It's just when I stumble across occasional stuff I use it.

    I just happen to have access to the VPN and get it by virtue of another service I pay for.

    Hell, sometimes I look at something on the VPN and forget to turn it off.

    I'd just like to be able to cast stuff for simplicity sake.

    I have enough skills to follow a googled tutorial, but even "How to cast using a VPN" seemingly gives me entirely little information, generally just resulting in "How to cast" or "How to use a VPN" or what casting or VPN's are.

    submitted by /u/Rumbuck_274
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    Does anyone know if there is a Bluetooth to 2.5mm jack style adapter?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:19 PM PST

    This may be a little bit of an ambitious idea, but does anyone know if there's a device that can be plugged into a 2.5mm jack (like on an Xbox controller) that is able to connect to Bluetooth devices like wireless headphones?

    submitted by /u/jhughes4031
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    Gs105 ethernet switch slowing my internet speeds?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:20 PM PST

    Hello, I will do my best to describe my current situation.

    I recently purchased a netgear gs105 ethernet switch to put in my room. My internet speeds are usually upwards of 600 mbps when i connect direct to the modem or router, and around 300 mbps when im using wifi. Yet, as soon as I connect my laptop to this switch, I barely get 80 mbps. What's the problem? I've tested the cable connecting the router to the switch by connecting it directly from my laptop instead of the switch, and I get crazy good speeds, but once I connect it back to the switch I get lowered speeds again. It's not the cable connecting my switch to my laptop either, because I've tested that by connecting direct to the modem. Its an unmanaged switch, so there's not a lot I can do on the back end.

    Is there maybe something I might've missed during set up? I connected everything, and then reset my modem and router. Even updated my routers firmware just to make sure that wasn't causing the issue, and still I get these slow ass speeds.

    submitted by /u/breathofthemildsalsa
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    Web browsers eating away all my cpu (chrome, Firefox, Mozilla)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 01:17 AM PST

    Hey, as the title says.

    I just recently updated to chromes latest version, had no problems for a couple days, and then, today opened one tab and bam, 80% cpu usage. Switched to Mozilla, almost same results. Went over to edge, and eats the same.

    Question is, have I gotten a virus or is it windows 10 and browser that are malfunctioning or?

    I have a laptop that is i7 4 years old, but usually opening over 30 tabs have never been a problem for me.

    And yes, cleared cache and all the browsing history etc etc.

    So any more tips? I tried googling and found that 33-45 processes are running when opening chrome and one tab (don't remember how it was before)

    Also: just downloaded and installed AVG, ran a scan and have no malware or virus. (So I don't think virus is the problem)

    Is there a problem with updates in general? Why is this on all my browsers?

    Thanks you for any advice in advance!

    submitted by /u/Bobba_fat
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    Please help me, my laptop got stuck in this blue screen!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:08 PM PST

    Please help me and give me information about my laptop. I try to get it fix however I'm scared to get scammed because last time when i try to fix my old laptop (the only problem of my old laptop was the keyboard) however the guy said the problem was the whole system thats why he recomend me to fix the whole laptop that worth almost 600 however he didn't fix it, so I learn my leason so now my new laptop got stuck in this blue screen writen "bios utility-ez mode" please give my some information about this and whats the pronlem so that I won't get scammed anymore.

    submitted by /u/Left-Dig-3163
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    logitech m100 - why is 6 at target but 28 amazon and some places, 13 at walmart and others

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:20 PM PST

    logitech m100 - why is 6 at target but 28 amazon and some places, 13 at walmart and others

    why is 6 at target but 28 amazon and some places, 13 at walmart and others

    what are the 10 most popular stores with mices btw? in case mouse break again

    doesnt seem to be any electronics stores nearby

    submitted by /u/doingbasiclifeprep
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    Does this mean they deactivated their facebook? Or did they delete it?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:41 PM PST

    I searched up my friend's profile to show my mom one of their pictures for an argument we had and their name came up in the search. When i click on it to go into their profile, it just loads for forever and never shows their profile.. no name, no picture, no info at all. Did they deactivate their profile even if their last name and picture pops up on the facebook search?

    submitted by /u/throwingawaymylief
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    External Media Player that plays 1080p 60fps

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:35 PM PST

    Hey there,

    I've been searching all over for an answer but spec sheets and lingo confusion makes this question hard to search answers.

    I'm an artist looking for a small-ish media player that can play 60fps video @1080p.

    Currently I'm using Micca Specks, but they cap out at 30fps. I know there are small media devices that can play 4K, but they don't specify whether or not that translates to 60fps @ 1080p.

    Is it safe to assume if it can play 4K, it can play 1080p @ 60fps?

    Any links, suggestions, or clarifications are welcome!

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/ObligedBeef
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    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:57 PM PST

    Any spyware issues with Lenovo and One plus, i debating to get either lenovo or acer and one plus or samsung?

    submitted by /u/Outrageous_Theory_32
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    Strix g731gw, black horizontal lines at the bottom of the screen

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:22 PM PST

    Hello and thank you for reading my issue.
    I have black horizontal lines at the bottom of my laptop screen Asus Rog G731GW.



    The first time they appeared was after closing a certain game.
    They DO NOT appear in screenshots.
    They DO appear in safe mode. (sometimes they don't)
    They DO appear in bios menu.
    They DO appear in clean boot.
    They DO NOT appear in other displays using hdmi.

    However, this will get complicated a bit: Changing the refresh rate from 240hz to 60hz then back to 240hz clears the lines for the 240hz, but only if the 60hz had the lines.However it is not a true solution, because turning off the screen or putting the laptop to sleep, brings the lines back.
    Turning off the screen at 60hz removes the lines if they exist, or bring them back if they don't (kind of like a switch).

    The only weird solution I found is:

    1/ to switch from 240hz to 60hz

    2/ If the lines are there then skip to step 3, otherwise turn off/on the screen until I have the lines back in 60hz

    3/ switch back to 240hz, and that will clear them. (usually on the 1st try)

    I don't think it is hardware related due to this weird temporary fix.

    I did try a graphics driver clean install using "Display Driver Uninstaller", it didn't help.

    (everything bios, windows, apps, drivers are up to date)

    OS: Windows 10 64bitBios: G731GW.308

    Asus support first suggested it was hardware malfunction and needs repairs but after simply telling them to reread my email, they simply responded oh yeah it is a bug, and suggested a factory reset....

    I am trying to keep that as last resort, any help would be very appreciated

    submitted by /u/SmurfingFreelo
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    Everytime I click on an article in reddit from the independent.co.uk, it redirects to the spanish version.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:12 PM PST

    I am sure I must have accidently set something fat fingering keys, but I can't figure out where to unset it.

    submitted by /u/BillTowne
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    Syncing phone to computer?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:40 PM PST

    Is there any way to sync all activity or photos and videos from an android phone ( huawei in my case) to a computer ( windows 10 in my case)? I take videos on the phone and try to upload it but it takes a lot of time. I think its because the file size is so big for no reason ( almost 1 GB for a 7 minute video)? Anyone know how to do this or find an alternative way?

    submitted by /u/nyctomixzia
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    Windows boot

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:24 AM PST

    Okay, so here's the deal. I'm trying to get my files from the older hdd to see what's on it, the problem is there's an older version of windows booting. Any advices how i could fix this?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Fries69
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    Multi Microphone system

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:20 AM PST

    I am looking for a Multi Mic system but not like an actual mic sort of like the Jabra 710 which have a built in mic and allow for sound output. The only downfall to this speaker is that is only allows pairing up to 2 devices but i am looking for something that can pair like up to 7 devices. I saw similar things on amazon but they all have poor reviews.. anyone know something similar to this that can work?

    submitted by /u/spicytorta
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    Why isn't my laptop working?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:16 AM PST

    Why is my computer being like this? I bought my laptop in November 2020 Since having it these are my issues. Laptop doesn't always turn on, after hitting shut down or restarting Doesn't restart just stays on restart page Freezes USB not working, hadt I turn laptop of tehn it would start back up till half hour later then could finally use USB.

    It has being sent back once and they couldn't find anything wrong with it. Its still doing it and the company said I can send back and have a refund but I would choose the same laptop or they could change the ram and hard drive but 2ould that fix the issues I'm having.

    About the laptop Dell G7 17 , Intel Core i7-10750H, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, 1920x1080 FHD, 6GB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 It is s refurbished laptop.

    submitted by /u/Amygxxb
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