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    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Tech Support - How do i fix weak signal indoors?

    Tech Support - How do i fix weak signal indoors?

    How do i fix weak signal indoors?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 12:11 AM PST

    Soo i had this issue since i have moved out.

    The indoors area of my home always has an awfully weak signal despite the coverage of the sim card i use(i have 3 of them) and some of my neighbors have the same issue. Outdoors signal is 4G and working well.

    The thing is, my area doesn't have fiber cables yet and soo both my internet and normal sim(for calls) suffer from unbearable weak signal.

    Not sure if this is the right subreddit to ask but any advice is appreciated, kinda want to fix the whole signal issue than just the internet since i don't have a modem either(cables not connected yet)

    submitted by /u/GyakuBoop
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    Unsolicited text from a store I visited without giving them my number

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:34 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Maybe I'm being too paranoid about this, but I can't help but feel unsettled by it. I visited a store for the first and only time last weekend, but I didn't buy anything or have any interaction with other people at all beyond saying hi to couple of the employees. A few days later, I received a text message from the organization that runs that store, asking for a donation. This is absolutely nuts to me, because there should be no way in hell they would have my phone number and name! The only time I used my phone at all during my time in the store was to make a call to a friend. Is it at all possible that someone from the store was able to get my name and number from my being in there? I should note that the text came with a picture of a person who looks a lot like one of the employees I saw there.

    Thanks in advance for any enlightening information!

    submitted by /u/UsedEntertainment92
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    where to learn most important things in history of tech in like last.. 10-20 years ? to learn a lil bit

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:45 AM PST

    where to learn most important things in history of tech in like last.. 10-20 years ? to learn a lil bit

    whats good things sums up most important things within last 10 or 20 years

    pls send youtubes + sites + books + good things that sum up most important things

    submitted by /u/doingbasiclifeprep
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    Crackling Noise When Opening Laptop

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:56 PM PST

    Hi guys, I'm not sure where else to ask this. When I open my laptop it started making a crackling noise as if it's damaged or about to break. I'm guessing it's a problem with the hinges. I don't want to fix it myself, where should I go and who should I pay to fix this issue? I'm thinking of going to one of those sketchy Pakistani tech shops since usually they do really good work and many of them seem really smart with technology. Is this a good idea or is there a better solution?

    submitted by /u/AristotleQuestionGuy
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    Unknown Device Connections - Anonymous - ASUS Router

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:23 PM PST

    I have an ASUS RT-AC5300 Router and was trying to identify all devices on the network. I reset the router then confirmed the IP address of every device as we added them back onto the network. I also used the router software to rename devices and keep track of what was reconnected. After all that, there were 2 unknown connections in the device history that I couldn't identify. Both showed up as "Anonymous" with MAC addresses only without IP Addresses. I don't want to share the MAC addresses in case they are private information that could be a security risk. If they are useful for troubleshooting or not a security risk, please explain why.

    My research shows a few possibilities for the mystery connection:

    1. WiFi Repeater

    2. Virtual Machine

    3. Router Itself

    I don't have any of the first 2 devices in the house.

    Unfortunately, those 2 connections popped up pretty soon after I reset the router then disconnected again, so I couldn't get any more information on them. Currently they are blocked in case they are malicious, but I'm 95% confident they are just from a part of the technology I don't understand.

    As of now I have no idea what the connections are from or how to find out. I'm also not certain the best place to answer my questions.

    submitted by /u/robertjordan7
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    Mac Mini data Internal or external

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:00 PM PST

    Should I store Mac updates on my internal or external ssd?

    submitted by /u/TheStateChump
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    Wireless Keyboard Help: Indicator Lights

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:57 PM PST

    I've searched the interwebs and have not been successful. Plz halp.

    I'm in search of a wireless keyboard of any brand where the indicator lights for NUM LOCK and CAPS LOCK stay lit up! Every single damn one I have owned or checked out will turn them off to "save battery" after a few moments. Some will light up again when you start typing and others won't light up until you press the NUM LOCK or CAPS LOCK button itself -- defeating the purpose of the indicator light in the first place. I tried an onscreen indicator, but they will let you know if ONE of them is in use but not WHICH one.

    If anyone owns a wireless keyboard where the status/indicator lights STAY ON, that would help me out!

    Thank you in advance :)

    submitted by /u/dpintheb
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    Where do custom instructions get introduced to a program?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:40 PM PST

    This is something that I should have learned a LONG time ago but neglected it. I'm very confused by custom instructions in a processor. Lets say we have a very basic CPU that has a the ADD instruction, then a more advanced one with the MULTIPLY instruction. Lets say every CPU can ADD, but MULTIPLY is very new to the market, and only the latest and greatest CPU's can do it. Where and when does this instruction get implemented in a program? Does the instruction get used by the compiler, and is compiled into the binary? If so, what happens when a CPU that doesn't have the MULTIPLY instruction tries to run that program? Does the compiler have to also have some sort of clause in the program for what to do? If that's the case, wouldn't all modern programs be insanely bloated with custom instructions and cases for what to do if the processor doesn't have those instructions (And possibly fallback cases for the fallback cases?). I'm very confused, and fear my understanding of custom instructions may be fundamentally flawed. I welcome as much detail as you are willing to provide.

    submitted by /u/ElectricalMadness
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    Rigged wheel spin

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:14 AM PST

    Are there any rigged wheel spin/number picker sites?

    submitted by /u/Purpurelu
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    Can anyone give me an idiots guide to getting WiFi outside?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    Hi, really hoping someone can help as I've sent hours and hours researching and am no closer to an solution. I have a router in my house which works pretty well for WiFi, but doesn't reach the top floor of my house or the garage. I have run Ethernet cables from the router to both locations, but they obviously don't provide WiFi. What I want is to be able to have strong WiFi and also a wired connection for TV's. What will work best and is easy enough to install? (Looked at extenders as well as the wire, access points, bridging routers etc. but I don't really understand which will work better or which will be easier to install.) Please help! TIA.

    submitted by /u/Numerounopendejo
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    How can I get a Twitter feed into my email inbox?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 09:16 AM PST

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