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    Thursday, January 28, 2021

    Tech Support - Macbook with m1 or intel for programming?

    Tech Support - Macbook with m1 or intel for programming?

    Macbook with m1 or intel for programming?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:02 PM PST

    I want new pc and I'm interested about macbook so I want ask your opinion about which processor is better and is m1 compatible for example with visual studio, web storm etc?

    submitted by /u/Ker_Kir
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    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:06 AM PST

    I clicked on the anon files website and i'm scared it's hacked my phone will it?

    submitted by /u/lily-xo
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    Admin privileges at work

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:46 AM PST

    Slightly hypothetical and unethical question ( ͡° ͜Ê– ͡°)

    I work for a medium sized company and do not have administrator privileges for my user (as is standard). Of course then, if I need to install anything I have to ask IT.

    They remote into my computer and provide the admin user credentials when the prompt appears.

    Let's say I happen to know the admin credentials (username and password), will the IT admins be able to tell if I use them? (for example, to install python).

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/RodOfGod69
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    Best noise Cancelling headphones for office?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:38 AM PST

    A lot of the noise cancelling headphones are designed for reducing airplane noises and those things. What headphones would be best for an open office environment where people chatter etc in the background?

    submitted by /u/kazador
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    What's the best way for me to back up my photos and videos from my phone?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:00 AM PST

    First I will explain how I do it now. I like to keep a copy on my PC that is then backed up to a external hard drive every few months or so and finally a copy on Google photos. So in all I have 3 backups.

    Currently what I do is my files are automatically transferred to my PC using drop box. When I get time every once in awhile I will tag, organize and delete my photos and videos I don't want from my PC. Then I move them from my drop box folder to a folder on my PC that is then automatically backed up to Google photos using the Google desktop backup app.

    This works pretty well for me so far but I would like to just automatically back up to Google photos straight from my phone and also somehow get a backup on my PC. The problem with the way I do it now is that drop box automatically changes the file name to a different dating format when it is transferred to my PC with no way of changing that in the settings or anything. Google photos sees the photos from drop box as different from the originals on my phone so if I turned on automatic back up on my phone I would end up with duplicates on Google photos when I back up from my PC.

    I hope I explained that well enough. What is your method of backing up your photos and videos?

    submitted by /u/blove135
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    Older process nodes

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:53 PM PST

    Are older process nodes like 32 nm or 45 nm still in production by semiconductor manufacturers for chips that don't demand the latest tech? For example, are chips that are put into a Bluetooth speaker or a router on the latest nodes like 7 nm, or do they use older cheaper nodes?

    submitted by /u/FlorisRX490
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    Advice on video Doorbell.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:56 AM PST

    So I bought an Arlo video doorbell last year and have been having nothing but problems with it. I would like to find another video doorbell and need some advice on which one is best. If possible I would like to find something that has 4k and can do continuous recording and is wired.

    Any suggestions?


    submitted by /u/767man
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    Confused on why a Virus scan would have an 844 domain phone number

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Basically I keep getting notifications that my computer is in threat and I have 5 viruses including ransomeware and trojan. (somehow lol) I know this is BS but the thing that has been confusing me is why the number it keeps telling me to call is an 844 domain, which is widely used by customer support for actual large coorperations. Also the Mcafee website says I have a virus but the application is saying I don't. Also it's saying my Mcafee subscription expired (even though it isn't). Checked the URL on the mcafee site and it seemed very legit, though I'm not an expert on URL's.

    I get the notifications on my notification bar but the only time it has actually "locked up my computer" was when it froze my cursor in a chrome tab so I know it isn't actually a virus, just confused on how it's possible for the scammers to have a 844 number

    submitted by /u/Resident_Original_24
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    How is 0 latency possible?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:44 PM PST

    I used to play and watch a lot of fortnite and I've seen many streamers with supposedly 0 ping, but I've never really been curious to try and figure out how that was possible, until now that I got a new ISP at home and it also shows 0 ping for me sometimes in game, and also shows like 1ms on fast.com.

    So I wondered if anyone has an idea if these results are manipulated or is it some kind of new technology, cuz I remember a few years ago even on LAN I would get like 4 or 5ms latency still.

    submitted by /u/ornziK
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    Can I run an HDMI switch into an HDMI splitter?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 01:37 PM PST

    I have a Switch and a PlayStation 4 plugged into the same HDMI switch box and have an HDMI splitter running out the output slot. I have one piece of the splitter running to television and another running into my computer monitor. They both worked before plugging in the splitter and now neither of the consoles displays an image on either screen. I'm assuming they won't work but I don't know if there is some way to get it to work. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/FrenchieFrey
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    How can I track multiple cars and give the option for multiple people to view the location

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:37 PM PST

    So where I work, we constantly move multiple cars around. I'm trying to create a Google doc/form where there is a link for each car or whatever and anyone who clicks the link can view the live location of the car. Does anyone know how to implement this and what equipment do I need? I'm thinking an OBD GPS or some tag that attaches to the car key

    submitted by /u/Snoo92247
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    Wireless Network Disconnects w/ Dual-Band Adapter

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:43 AM PST


    I live in an apartment and connect to the internet exclusively over wifi to an ATT router that has both a 2.4ghz and 5g network. I receive disconnects often but only for about 15-30 seconds at a time. I am confused if the issue is more likely to be local to my computer and wifi adapter there or with any of the ATT hardware.

    One thought I had is that maybe it connects to the 5g network by default and is dropping due to not being in the same room as the router? Would my reliability be better if I disabled one of the connections?

    Thanks in advanced

    submitted by /u/xfactorx99
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    Turn on non smart AC from away?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:51 AM PST

    Hey. I have a house in a village near the city where I live. There is really cold and it takes few hours to temperature the whole place with my non smart AC. I need to make or buy something to start it few hours before arrive.

    So far my best bets are:

    1. Smartphone with pre paid SIM card which stays there. When I call it, it need to move something that almost touching remote control power button

    2. Smart power socket outlet with sim card. When I call it, it instantly turn the power of something that moves 1cm and pressing the remote control power button

    submitted by /u/Kindly_Statement_447
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    How to remove footnotes?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:14 AM PST

    Hello, I wanted to ask is there any way via any software to remove footnotes. (I already tried removing them by the 'remove header and footer' option in Xchange pdf editor and also by converting it into word i.e. word's feature to remove footnotes)

    I want to remove footnotes numbers mid text as well as their corresponding text.

    If you can please show me the way...

    submitted by /u/traponeesama
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    Mesh wifi and Wired internet?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:58 AM PST

    I have a set of three mesh wifi router things and I was wondering. If I built a pc can I plug it into the one on my desk and connect to the one in the basement connected to the modem? (They are by TP Link, not sure about the model)

    submitted by /u/engin-ear06
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    Windows 10 Burning M4V files to DVD-R

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 06:12 AM PST

    I am trying to burn/copy+paste some M4V files onto a DVD and the only issue I have is that it does not autoplay it once it is done even if i try using a different PC. It needs to be M4V as that is what was requested of me at my job. any idea how to resolve this or what other format i can use besides the VOB format?

    submitted by /u/spicytorta
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