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    Monday, April 13, 2020

    Tech Support - Using Laptop while charging?

    Tech Support - Using Laptop while charging?

    Using Laptop while charging?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I have done some research about this. Some say it is ok to use laptop if one is to unplug before laptop is fully charged others say it is bad for the battery to do so. Can you help?

    Ps: it is an Hp pavillion 15

    submitted by /u/PaxRodopov312
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    Syncing workspace/OS between desktop, laptop and smartphone

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    Like most people, i own a desktop PC at home, a laptop for mobile working and of course a smartphone.

    I have a problem though, because i do mostly the same work/leisure activities on all devices I require the same software and files, but it can be tiresome and tedious ensuring all my devices are up to date, have the same file versions, all the same settings and software ... blah blah blah

    Now i know cloud storage is a exists but uploading and download files is tedious and it doesn't provide a solution to software and settings issue.

    What i'm asking is - Does anyone know of a service/product or a way i can create a virtual desktop space (hopefully windows) that is continuous and synced between devices - while still allowing exceptions such as having PC games downloaded locally to the desktop.

    (And hopefully something for android phones too)

    submitted by /u/LoudSlip
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    Connect Headset to Windows through Android

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, I have a nice BT Headset that I use on my laptop, which also has a 3.5mm jack.
    When I use the jack to connect it to my older desktop though, mic is off. I have found a simple program that lets me use my Android's mic and send it over WiFi to my PC so I can use it to talk.

    This got me wondering: is there some kind of program that lets me bridge ALL audio (in and out) from windows to the BT headset through my smartphone? (I have tried Googling but maybe I'm not Googling well)

    submitted by /u/CoccoCA
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    Question about my computer left in another house plugged in for a month

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:53 PM PDT


    I left my computer in my house plugged in since the 13th of March, im in another city due to the quarantine and im worried whether something happened to it or not. It is a Toshiba satellite i7 8gig ram and r7 m260 2vram, it has a non removable battery. I want to know is it safe to let it plugged in since the 13th of March.

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/177013fox
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    Creepy Stalker Drone Help

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    I made this account just to ask this question and because I know I sound crazy. I'd actually prefer that I was imagining this because it would unsettle me less. So, here's my situation-

    I am currently staying with my parents in a area that's just far enough away from stuff to be inconvenient but not impossible. The surrounding homes are either small older homes w either elderly residents or small families from low to medium income levels. Or ridiculous custom built gigantic good ole boy mansions w gated driveways on 70+acre plots of land that was formerly part of a private cattle farm.

    We are the border between the two extremes. This is important to note because I've got weird transients w too much junk on the porch in rentals to one side.....and rich people who obviously value their privacy and space on the other.

    At night when I take the dog out I noticed some lights that were obviously not aircraft or any orbiting celestial bodies etc. They seemed much lower and moved in a different way. So I assume drones and think nothing of it. Whatever. People are nosey and there is a lot of open space and etc. But then I walked out one night to see something hovering well within our property line and way too close to our open windows for my comfort. Whoever it was definitely saw me too bc that stupid thing jerked back and up immediately. I was probably also yelling loud enough to where the sound was carried to some degree.

    Since that day- it's like I'm getting stalked around the house and taunted any time I take the dog out and I'm out for a smoke. I thought I was going crazy until I did manage to get a couple pics (you know how easy it is to take a pic of anything in the night sky and all).

    The google informs me that I just cant shoot the fucker down. So, is there any way to identify where this thing is coming from or who is controlling it? Or to see what is being viewed? And how far away can someone be from the drone to control it and/or receive info? How long can one be up at a time?

    Please help. I really feel like this is some jerk off that thinks it's funny to scare me or it could be something more sinister like people trying to check out houses they want to rob....but is there anything I can do to stop this????

    Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/CalienteKatastrofe88
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    Wifi working but can't connect via ethernet

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:20 PM PDT

    So my Dir 878 router is giving me an issue where I can connect via wifi but I've tried 3 different ethernet cables across 4 LAN ports on 2 devices with no results. Anyone know why that might be?

    submitted by /u/SOLDIER2ndClass
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    Will mmWave 5G last?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:02 PM PDT

    Sure it's blazing fast, but the range doesn't make it that very useful imo

    submitted by /u/Gloverboy6
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    I'm on a phone call, speaking on loudspeaker. I play music through Spotify, also on my phone. I can hear the music perfectly, but the person on the other line cannot. How is this possible?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Game crashing after setting up dual monitors?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    I recently got another monitor and plugged it into my gpu using vga and my main through hdmi. My games have been crashing ever since.

    Specs 16 gb ddr4 ram 1660 ti 2tb hdd Core i3 8100

    submitted by /u/lacasualcritic
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    Looking for a store similar to Electronic Goldmine, but in the European Union

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Hi everyone! I've been told to come to this subreddit after asking in r/AskElectronics

    I'm looking for a webpage where I can buy surplus electronic components and new-old-stock, and I stumbled upon Electronic Goldmine. It's an amazing site apparently, with tons of cool stuff at fair prices, but it's in the USA, so the shipping + custom fee would be over the cost of the electronics themselves. That's why I'd love to find a website in the EU similar to that one. Do you guys have any ideas? Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/GranzGabrielin
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    Hospital: How to allow families to share photos, videos, audio with their loved ones?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 05:16 AM PDT

    I work at a hospital and we have a lockdown like a lot of places. Patients are entering the hospital and family can not see them. In some cases patients are passing without ever being able to say goodbye. We have mostly helped with this by distributing a 100 iPads thru our organization and utilizing Zoom.

    We now have another item that came up and trying to find a great solution for it. Families are talking with Zoom but families can be big. So we are now getting requests to share recorded audio messages, videos, or pictures. I won't get into our staffs ability to show all this but one thing they know, they want to simplify this process of sharing the content.

    So we have a process now that isn't ideal but basically the family emails the content to the clinical staff and they open webmail on the ipad and click on each item. OK it's a solve and helps. We also looked at setting up websites with the content and an index file so they could click thru them one at a time.

    Problem is in a lot of cases patients don't have that kind of time. We also don't want to have to deal with nurses having to get accounts in solution X or give email addresses to someone or whatever.

    Are there any suggestions for sites where families could post audio, video, and photo assets in a single location and then give a link or a code or a room to a nurse and have them open that app or website without any addition work required on their part? Ideally thinking cloud based so we are not in the middle of potential hipaa issues hosting this that may stem from this?



    submitted by /u/jriker1
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    Need Help - Good Quality HDMI Switcher w/headphone and toslink audio out

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    Hi All,

    I've been searching for hours and need some help from all the professionals here.

    I recently bought a Samsung monitor (24SF350) that has an HDMI output but no audio input or speakers. I am looking to hook up a laptop, a fire tv cube, and a PS4 to the monitor (3 inputs) and have a few audio out options (both headphone and toslink) to be able to play sound from any of the 3 inputs whenever I switch inputs.

    I also want to make sure it's a bit future proof with support of 4k, 3D, 60hz, HDCP2.2, HDMI2.0, 60hz, HDR10, Dolby / Stereo, IR Remote, 18.5Gbps, etc

    I've been researching HDMI switchers for hours with these capabilities and: 1. They are either few or far between 2. I can't find any with good reviews 3. Have image or audio issues

    Any recommendations or help with setup would be most appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Jmoney1987
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    In need of £450-500 gaming PC within the UK

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    IM looking for either a pre-built or part list for a decent gaming pc (preferably a ryzen cpu with 16gb of ram) to run games such as csgo, valorant, apex, pubg e.c.t. Any guidance would be appreciated but parts sourced from amazon are more helpful as I don't want to spend much on overseas shipping. I struggle to find a good mix of parts that make the best of my budget:)

    submitted by /u/finn_young03
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    I need help identifying a pcb button the has a 3mm led embedded in it

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I dont know if this is the place where to get help for stuff like this but here i go anyway

    I like to modify cars and my biggest challenge up to now has been this button ive tried the usual google searches but it brings up nothing im hoping its not a manufacture part by volvo themselves


    Any help will be deeply appreciated

    EDIT: i did snap the led off trying to change it

    submitted by /u/flash1996
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    Is there any site on the web that can provide high quality images from any shoot of a film ?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    Hi everyone !

    As i learn how to watch and enjoy movies, i slowly learn how to enjoy photography in movies. When a shoot is perfectly made and you can just press pause on your screen and look at the picture like "i want this as my wallpaper".
    In the film industry, when the movie is over, they export the film in a file format called DCP. It's a format for theater diffusion where every frame is export individually. It's basically the best quality you can find. Ofc it's way heavier.
    So here is my question, do you guys know the existence of a site where i can find that type of picture to make my screen really nice ? With no bad compression square sh#t ?

    Thanks for those who read, and those who answer !

    submitted by /u/Uslish
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    HELP! Printable P.A.P.R. Machine | Development Discussion

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Hey there, Reddit!

    I have designed a 3D printable P.A.P.R. (Powered Air-Purifying Respirator) helmet and would like to crowd source some ideas for it!

    Link to commercially manufactured P.A.P.R. machine referenced here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powered_air-purifying_respirator

    Fun .GIF of my model with renders:


    As the title says, it is a pretty large model and is much too big for my 220 x 220 x 250 mm Ender 3. I have used MeshMixer 3.5 to cut the model into 3 pieces. The pieces of the large model will now be able to fit, however the print times are like 3 days, 3 days and 6 days. I changed the print speed to 60mm/s and layer height to .4mm and it brought the print times to .6 days, 1.1 days and 1.8 days. It will take about 1500 grams of filament which will pretty much wipe me out as far as that goes, let alone the changing of colors. ;)

    Questions to you Redditors:

    • What type of material should I print a mask/helmet like this in?
    • Does anyone know of a good source of high quality yet cost-efficient filament?
    • I have some ideas for the actual face shield portion of the helmet, but what do you think I should use?
    • Will it have to have a nice tight seal around a person's head to be effective or should it be some sort of shroud type deal to cover the head and direct airflow toward the jaw?
    submitted by /u/61tHaTsAbIgNuMbEr
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    Internet cuts out every ~12 hours. How do I fix this?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    I noticed some time ago that every night around 1am or so, my internet connection would cut out. Thankfully my modem, crappy as it was, would have me back online in barely a minute or two. Occasionally I would notice the same thing at around 1pm or so, but I was rarely home at 1pm to notice. Now I've got a new modem, and it takes MUCH longer to reconnect to the internet, like six or seven minutes. This happens twice a day, almost like clockwork, but it seems to be moving by about a half hour each day. 1am and 1pm, then 1:30am and 1:30pm, then 2am and 2pm, and so on. This is really inconvenient and irritating. My ISP has dreadful call wait times right now (as I learned when I had to call in to set up the new modem) so ideally I could solve this problem without having to sit on hold for 40 minutes.

    So, why is my internet cutting out every 12-and-a-bit hours, and how do I fix it?

    submitted by /u/ZenKeys88
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    Is it possible to delete something on anonfiles.com?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    A good Video - VPN Basic Security and Risks

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    I'd like to use a program where you're able to draw in the screen, like circulate keywords or scratch wrong answers. Is there any option of this for windows/android?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:14 AM PDT

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