• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 12, 2020

    Tech Support - If an apocalypse were to happen, what would happen to the internet?

    Tech Support - If an apocalypse were to happen, what would happen to the internet?

    If an apocalypse were to happen, what would happen to the internet?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    I'm wondering if an apocalypse occurred, and say all the ISPs shut down, what aspects of the internet would be preserved? Could people make connection at all, what possible scenario would have to happen for internet service to be cut off and be brought back? What challenges would one face if they were trying to, say, message a friend on the other side of the world?

    I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge of these terms, and this obviously relies on a lot of assumptions if an 'apocalypse' happened. Just wondering for your informed thoughts! What do you think would happen?

    submitted by /u/bicfucka
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    plc interferences with my neighbours. They steal my internet.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Hi. I have just bought a computer and I have my wifi router in another room, so i decided to buy plcs(Power Line Communications) to connect the computer to it(by cable).

    The problem came when in the next few days I noticed that my internet connection was slowing so much. After some investigation, I discovered that there were my neighbours, who are stealing my internet using another terminal of some sort of plc in their house.

    I've tried everything to block them (changing wi-fi's name, blocking their MAC adresses...), but it seems impossible to block some devices to connect to your router if they are connected with an ethernet cable.

    Does anybody know any way to block users connected to your LAN?

    Thanks everybody and sorry if I have some gramatical errors (I'm not english native speaker)

    PD: My router is an ASUS RT-AC68U.

    submitted by /u/Pablovep
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    Why would someone install a satelite dish in 2020?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:29 AM PDT


    Odd question. A few weeks back my parents neighbour installed a 2nd larger satelite dish on their wall.

    It wasn't done by sky or any company. He now has the only satelite dishes in our entire area.

    I read online even sky have stopped using dishes. I was wondering in the UK in 2020 what use is a dish when everyone else in our town uses cable etc.

    Can't ask neighbour due to lockdown. My parents were wondering if it could be used for anything which endanger their privacy?

    • Just curious what this would be for...
    submitted by /u/ilivedownyourroad
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    help me - iphone restore and disc space problem

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    I have a problem with my iPhone 6s. it froze on the logo screen (white background, apple logo opening screen). I searched about the web and as a consequence, I connect to my laptop in iTunes. my screen now black and I see a sentence of support.apple.com/iphone/restore and little computer icon. I tried to update but I receive there's no disk space warning. (yes, my phone memory was almost full before this problem). what can I do? I don't access any content for delete. please help me. Also, I have iPad, is there any possible way to access iPhone content from here.

    submitted by /u/cinnamonautumn
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    Is it good to charge an iPhone to 100%?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    I heard a rumor that it is bad for your phone

    submitted by /u/Nesquick19
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    Crazy FPS Drops in MW with high endish PC

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 01:27 AM PDT

    My specs:

    OS: Windows 10

    CPU: Intel Core i5-8600k

    GPU: GTX 1080

    Memory: DDR4 8GB 2133MHz HyperX Fury RAM

    SSD: Kingston 1TB SSD + 2TB HDD

    Motherboard: MSI Z370-A-Pro

    Hey guys,

    So I recently downloaded the game "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", which is a fairly demanding game but I thought that with my PC I would be able to run it with no problems.

    When I started playing I got crazy fps drops and stuttering, and I was just wondering do you think this problem is becuase of my low amount and low speed RAM? Do you think by upgrading to 16GB of higher speed RAM this problem will be solved?

    Thanks for you help!

    submitted by /u/BoomBamBop08R
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    Someone is blackmailing me. Should I be worried?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    Thankyou wonderful internet strangers!! You're all correct, it is in fact a scam.

    For anyone experiencing the same thing it looks like this https://i.redd.it/ujgu67s3rzr41.jpg
    (thankyou bcacoo for link)

    Check your if your passwords have been sold here https://haveibeenpwned.com/

    And the non essential line in Aus for the police is 131444 (thanks for the suggestion 00wow00)

    I will now drift back to trying to convince my baby that he's not a cat and my cats that they are not infact people as they pull the only acceptable scam.. which is all of them trying to con me out of more food.

    submitted by /u/Confusedlandfish
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    My USB volume control adjusts the volume two steps at a time - how can I make it adjust one step at a time instead?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    I recently bought this volume control for my Macbook pro, but when I use it, it changes the volume by two steps for each step that the control turns.

    Is there a way to adjust this somehow so that it does one step at a time instead?

    submitted by /u/lindymad
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    Unsubscribe from Calendar

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    URGENT I'M A MINOR AND DON'T KNOW TO TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM SUSPICIOUS WEBSITE. Not sure if this is the right place to ask but as I was on the internet I received one of those pop ups saying I just won a phone or something. I tried to exit out but as I exited out it made me hit subscribe and now it's popping up in my mail. I didn't put my information but when I try to see what website I exactly subscribed to, different websites pop up each time. One time it opened up the news app and the next it opened up to those "Hot Single Women im your Area." I'm not sure how to unsubscribe and I don't want to call apple in case this problem is deemed unimportant.

    submitted by /u/Character_Implement
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    Why do projectors need to keep running the fan for a minute after the bulb turns off?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Having an exhaust fan is necessary when a component generates a significant amount of heat, but I've been working on electronics for a while, and it seems like thermal cycling is generally something to be minimized as much as is practical. Therefore, on the surface, it seems like it would actually be better to turn the fan off with the bulb, so the thermal cycling happens over a longer period of time.

    I have 2 theories as to the actual purpose of the rapid cool down cycle. One is that, would restarting the bulb while it's still at a high temperature be bad for it? Second would be that it might not be safe (for the bulb) to move the projector when the bulb is still hot, so maybe having the fan run, just enables you to move the projector within a minute after turning it off instead of, say, half an hour.

    submitted by /u/dickcheney600
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    Need A GPS

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I've been looking for a stand-alone GPS unit that does the Heads Up Display on my windshield. All the ones I've seen require my phone but that wouldn't work without a 4g signal. I need one that doesn't require a phone. Does that exist or am I grasping at straws

    submitted by /u/shinobifujin
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    Laptop Disk always at 100% + Multiples of apps open that I don't know how to stop from opening

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    Whenever I open task manager, it shows me that my disk is at 95%+ but when I look, there's nothing over 3 MB/s. I can absolutely nothing open and it'll still say 100%.

    I think it's mostly when I do have Firefox and/or Skype open. Right now for instance, I only have one window with 2 tabs open, it'll say Firefox (6) and all of them will be using memory. https://imgur.com/a/spYiB4z The same happens occasionally with Skype.

    I can close them all and restart the application, but it'll just happen again after a few minutes or immediately. I don't know how to fix either of these problems.

    submitted by /u/AvianEren17
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    Best Standing Desk 2020

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    Can I connect my router to a modem/router combo unit?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Usually a router connects to a single modem, correct? We currently use a modem/router combo single unit. I recently got a new router, wondering if i could use it

    submitted by /u/killerbolo
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    Quarantine project

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I'm wanting to build a device that will use a computer power supply to power other various low voltage devices. I have an A/V rack with multiple 5 and 12 volts devices. I would like to use a switch to choose between 5 and 12 volts, along with the ability to power cycle these devices as the need arises, most likely via a web interface (thinking of an ESP32, because of the Ethernet, as opposed to the WiFi-only ESP8266). I've been watching some YouTube videos about BJT's MOSFET's and relays.

    Could someone point me in the right direction, or help me answer questions about how to build such a device?

    submitted by /u/AVDude923
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    I added a 6tb internal drive to my pc. I was about to map to it but w10 seems to have automatically mapped it? Does it do this? I'm concerned something might go wrong.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Best backup solution? (Individual computer, not enterprise)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Any recommendations on best disk imaging software? I've got a Windows 7 PC I want to do a full image backup of before upgrading to 10.

    submitted by /u/rpi_cynic
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    Is there any free website or program where i can play 2 songs simultaneously?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    Hello, im looking for a free site or a program where i can upload 2 songs from my pc and play them at the same time. If anyone could help me with that i would really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/trkuro1
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