Tech Support - Are States Preempted from Regulating Internet as a Utility? |
- Are States Preempted from Regulating Internet as a Utility?
- Google play service has stopped working forever?
- device or ic enabling connecting a mini pci or usb wifi card to a sdio port?
- Questions about Teleworking.
- I want to run an automatic internet speed test from multiple computers, and log the data in the cloud somehow. What is the best app / website to do this?
- I need help
- New Router Problems
- How do I connect a Galaxy S9 to a PC that refuses to recognize the S9?
- PS4>HDMI Splitter box>TV connection problems
- Need an easy to learn version of autocad. Suggestions?
- Smart TV for seniors
- Thermostat, I really need help because for school
- So, if I watch a video, on my laptop, while plugged into the my TVs HDMI. It works fine. I use a digital key, to stream a movie, and as soon as I plug into the tv, I get an error, regarding not having a decryption key. . . What is this about?
- Hey guys have this idea of creating a tech blog , wanter to ask you guys , if you have any creative /funny domain names idea with you.
- Google Drive or OneDrive
- How to explain to Aunt why her wi-fi sucks
- Does anyone know how to put a pdf into two-page view
- Win10 fresh installation BSOD.
- How does one of those instant translators work?
- Blackboard specifics
- Help me
- Dns on nest wifi.
- What is the Technology used in the video at 2:20 ?
- HDR mode black screen
Are States Preempted from Regulating Internet as a Utility? Posted: 09 Apr 2020 07:49 AM PDT Not sure this is the right place for this but any response helps. Looks like municipalities around the country have laid infrastructure and hundreds have community-owned ISPs but no state seems to have regulated internet as a utility the way telecommunications or electricity is regulated. [link] [comments] |
Google play service has stopped working forever? Posted: 09 Apr 2020 07:19 AM PDT My grandma's phone says that Google play services has stopped working but the message doesn't go away anymore and it blocks her from using the phone does someone know how too get it to go away we already tried to turn it off and on again [link] [comments] |
device or ic enabling connecting a mini pci or usb wifi card to a sdio port? Posted: 09 Apr 2020 12:49 AM PDT The device allows connecting sdio devices to an usb port on a computer. That is how I read it. Is there a device which enables a pci or usb wifi card getting connected to the sdio port sitting on a computer or phone? Disregard the connectors. Is there a device which makes it technically possible? Thanks. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:29 PM PDT 3 questions. 1. My gf and I live together and she will start teleworking next week. She works for our ISP and today they asked her at work for our SSID and Password to monitor our traffic while she works from home. Can someone explain why her company would need our home WiFi password? I originally sent only the SSID info, but they then told her to give them the password also. It felt sketchy handing it over. 2. I download a lot of porn. Obviously I'm not going to download anything while she is teleworking. I have no experience with telework. But, do workers connect to a network which monitors traffic and then they can disconnect when their work-time is finished? While she is commuting will my traffic, on a different PC be monitored? Or will only traffic from her PC be monitored? I'm looking to get back to my porn consumption without causing embarrassment for my gf. Cheers! 3. What about using a VPN while she teleworks? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Apr 2020 04:26 AM PDT I've tried "" but it has let me down. It has only been recording data from one device out of 4 for the past 3 months. Thank you [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:14 PM PDT I don't want to be the administrator of my family computer. I'm stuck somehow I became the owner of the pc and I want to get out. I've look through seething > my account and I can't log out. I don't want to harm the pc either there's important information for everyone of who have use the pc. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:35 PM PDT I got a new router with only two Ethernet ports (one plugged into the modem), so now I have no place to plug in my PC I looked it up and it said that I can plug the Ethernet cable into the modem. I did this and my computer says unidentified network. Does anyone know how to fix this. [link] [comments] |
How do I connect a Galaxy S9 to a PC that refuses to recognize the S9? Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:41 PM PDT I want to transfer a wireless driver to the PC because my PC's wireless driver isn't working. It doesn't have bluetooth either or I wouldn't need to make this topic. The odd thing is that it used to work. I have not rooted my phone or run a rom on it. It has to be a peoblem with my phone because I was able to connect a Lenovo tablet running a (what I think to be early if not much earlier) Android OS. I've tried the following: Downloading it on the tablet. I couldn't. I already tried both using bluetooth(neither device found each other) and emailing the driver to myself(the phone couldn't find the driver for me to send) to send the driver to yhe tablet Restarting my phone and using a new usb port. Looking for a usb debugging tool, usb for file transfer, and Media Transfer Protocol on my phone. I couldn't find either; even in the Developer tools. I don't know if my phone plan allows me to tether my phone to my PC. My PC's specs: i5-2500k | 16GB Ram | 1060 3GB | Win7 I plan on upgrading to Win10 | [link] [comments] |
PS4>HDMI Splitter box>TV connection problems Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:57 PM PDT Hello, So I am trying to connect my ps4 to my tv via a 4 way hdmi splitter box, but the connection is just not getting thru. I have no idea whats wrong but I followed the instructions to a T that came with the splitter. I've switched thru all the hdmi channels with the ps4 on searching for the loading menu, to no avail. Maybe there's something obvious I am missing but have no idea at this point. Any advice would be appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Need an easy to learn version of autocad. Suggestions? Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:00 PM PDT Im used to autocad - self taught still learning. Anyways due to work shifting online one of my coworkers wants a simple program like autocad that he can draw to scale accurate basic drawings (rectangles, circles, lines, angles) but doesnt have the time/patience to learn actual autocad that can be a bit daunting to just pickup and use. In other terms, im looking for MS paint when we know photoshop can do it as well.... [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:45 PM PDT I am trying to help my mom cut the cord and move to streaming. She is on the "can't switch from hdmi1 to hdmi 2" level of tech ignorance. All I have used for my tvs have been fire sticks which are extremely frustrating for me to use let alone my mom. Is there any recommendations on which smart tv/device that would be easy for a tech illiterate person could use? She can navigate her iPhone fairly well so I was thinking Apple TV but that is probably the most expensive option. Thanks for any help! [link] [comments] |
Thermostat, I really need help because for school Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:56 PM PDT Hi! How can a bimetal break off the electric circuit at different temperatures. Bimetall breaks a connection when it is bent enough at some specific time which means that there is only one limit it can have. The power may be interrupted only at, for example, 60 ° C degrees and it is not possible to reinstall it, I think. Can someone can explain how it can bend in different ways at different temperatures ? I just found out that the more you tightened the spring, the greater the force needed for the bimetal to break up the circuit. But I just don't understand the design. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:36 PM PDT |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:55 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:17 PM PDT so as the title says I am a bit confused on what to use. with the paid option of Google drive 100gb , I get 1TB of OneDrive for half the price ( with the whole sharing within family) . however OneDrive doesn't have the slick and faster document editors ( word is a bit dodgy on response ) , keep is faster on desktop browser compared to Onenote . and there is awesome photo album app for Microsoft like Google photos ( OneDrive dumps all albums , receipts and screenshots under one album even though I segregate them in to different folders) . but I get 1TB storage , desktop apps for Microsoft office , as free email interface. and unlike Google photos I can store in original resolution ( not sure which resolution the OneDrive camera upload uploads though) Google is interesting because even though I have 100GB for double the price , I may not use 100GB as the photos are on Google photos and they are free as long as I keep them in hd resolution. so I may have plenty of space left . also I can seamlessly use other Google apps like keep, maps , YouTube . everything works together. but I maybe paying a lot more. In addition I did hear that Google photos have errors and accidentally delete photos so what do you guys think ? which cloud storage should I be using more ? a background on me would be , I don't click a lot of photos but occasional ones . not too many vlogs . just occasional videography on vacations . don't intend to upload very high size of videos or games or hoarding movies or anything but intend them to work out of the box in a cost economic way cheers guys . [link] [comments] |
How to explain to Aunt why her wi-fi sucks Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT Hi there, I'm not particularly technologically literate myself, but I know that the internet speed you pay for affects the number of devices that can be on the wifi at any one time. The wifi has always sucked at our Aunt's house, but when we would visit it would only be a minor inconvenience for a short amount of time. We moved to her town for work shortly before the stay-home orders began, and we live with her now for two more months. With three of us home all the time, and my husband videoconferencing for work, the Wifi has gotten worse and become a major inconvenience. Aunt complains about how bad her wifi is, and I've tried to explain that it's the speed and the number of connected devices in the house now... but she doesn't seem to buy it. We have offered to pay for faster internet, to buy a new router, to pay to have its location in the house changed, all at our expense, but she waves the idea away. Despite not believing me, or my explanation being inadequate, she gets mad when she tries to FaceTime or zoom with friends while they play crib online, and the video keeps cutting out. How can I explain that her (the cheapest) internet package is inadequate now when there are a minimum of 6 devices connected to the wifi at any one time? Or am I totally off-base and my explanation is complete garbage? Thanks very much for taking the time to read my question, and for any help that may come of this. Stay safe folks! [link] [comments] |
Does anyone know how to put a pdf into two-page view Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:38 PM PDT I'm using a pdf textbook, but its kind of annoying in one-page view, because the pages often correspond to each other. Does anyone know any sites or extensions? I'm on Chromebook btw :) [link] [comments] |
Win10 fresh installation BSOD. Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:34 AM PDT I just build my second pc with a brand new ryzen 5 3600, MSI Tomahawk Max B450 board, 16gb Trident Z 3600mhz ram, XPG M2 MVME, and an old 1070ti. Nothing else hooked except mouse and keyboard. Everything are seems working fine in the bios. But when I tried to install the OS from USB drive it keeps getting an BSOD error with a variation of different codes each time. It usually happens in the second phase of installation at random times. Sometimes at 10% some at 95%. When it happened the systems restarted and the installation started from the beginning. I thought I got a bad file in the usb drive so I downloaded a whole new windows file with a hope that will fix it. But the same thing happens. I'm running out of ideas. [link] [comments] |
How does one of those instant translators work? Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:59 AM PDT I've been thinking about buying one of those translators, this is the exact one , and i want to find out how they work before i make a purchase, do they even work? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:07 PM PDT Blackboard tracking? I have never been in an online class before. Due to COVID my university has moved us online using blackboard for testing. I have ADHD and have not gone through the student aid channels to have time concessions for testing put in place because:
Since we have moved to online we have had 3 exams. I have gotten 2 Bs and 1 A. Being a father of 2 with closed daycares and a wife who is an essential worker at the hospital means I have a lot of chaos in my house during all hours. Since my professor is rightfully concerned about academic integrity, he has limited our 50 question exams to 30 minutes. To adapt to this I bounce back and forth from start to finish trying to solve what I absolutely know and move back at the end. I have to illuminate the questions in order to focus my eyes on them so I don't lose focus. I have to read the question aloud and then answer. I have been kicked out for not finishing in time on two of the three exams. But I am surviving and am certain at this point in the semester I can't get any academic exception for the time limit since most everything is shut down. My professor just gave our class a notice in lecture today that he is tracking our every movements blackboard (how long we are answering questions, if students are googling answers) and that we will be punished if it continues. I do not know how to handle this as I am not googling answers and even on paper I abide by the SAT rules of (skip it if you don't know- the clock is ticking). I have maintained a 4.0 GPA thus far and had a 95% in this course before COVID- if anything my grade has suffered as a result of this move. Does anyone know exactly what blackboard can and can't track if we aren't using Respondus? I have not been able to find an answer. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:18 AM PDT So recently I picked up a latitude E5400 For free. It Runs on Windows Vista. But I I'm having one slight issue with it. It's got one account on it and it's is the admin account. I do not know the password. How can I get around to changing the password. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:02 PM PDT Hi, I was changing the dns on my nest wifi but it was asking me for primary dns, secondary dns, and primary ipv6 server and secondary ipv6 server. What does primary and secondary ipv6 server mean? I do have ipv6 enabled when this shows up but when i disable ipv6, it doesnt show up. For now, i disabled ipv6, set the custom dns, and enabled ipv6 again. My internet is working fine but when i go to dns settings the primary and secondary ipv6 servers blank is empty. Any way to fix this, I want my dns to be custom but i also want ipv6 at the same time. Thanks appreciate it [link] [comments] |
What is the Technology used in the video at 2:20 ? Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:27 AM PDT |
Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:54 AM PDT Whenever I have hdr turned on whether it's in the windows display setting or within a game and I alt tab out I tend to get a black screen. I just want an explanation to why it's happening is it because of my monitor , pc or some other reason. [link] [comments] |
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