• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    Tech Support - CPNI notice from AT&T. Can customers really opt out and not lose services? I've seen simliar notices fromnm other companies and people have complained of service loss/disruptions.

    Tech Support - CPNI notice from AT&T. Can customers really opt out and not lose services? I've seen simliar notices fromnm other companies and people have complained of service loss/disruptions.

    CPNI notice from AT&T. Can customers really opt out and not lose services? I've seen simliar notices fromnm other companies and people have complained of service loss/disruptions.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:44 PM PST

    wasn't sure where to post besides r/ATT, but it looks dead over there



    Your privacy is important to us. The Federal Communications Commission asks us to send you a notice about your privacy and something called "Customer Proprietary Network Information." Please take a moment to read this. It's a bit complex, but we've tried to simplify it.

    "CPNI" is information about your phone service from us. Your phone service could be a cell phone or any sort of home or business phone. The "information" is things like what kind of service you have, how often you use it, or billing information. We do not share this information with anyone outside of the AT&T family of companies or our authorized agents, with the following exceptions: Court orders or other activity authorized by law, such as fraud prevention; aggregate (grouped) information and information that doesn't identify you individually; or if we have your prior permission.

    We do use CPNI internally. And that's what this notice is about. We may share information about our customers among the AT&T companies and our agents in order to offer you new or enhanced services.

    If you are OK with this, great; no further action is required. But your telecommunications services still have extra rules, such as this notice every two years. It is your right and our duty under federal law to protect the confidentiality of your CPNI. If you don't want AT&T to use your CPNI internally for things like offers, here is what you can do:

    •You can "opt out" online, at att.com/cpni/optout, or•You can call 800.315.8303, any time of day, and follow the prompts, or•You can speak to a service representative at 800.288.2020 If you choose to restrict our use of your CPNI, it won't affect any of your services. You can change your mind at any time about allowing (or not allowing) us to use your CPNI, and we'll honor your decision until you change it again. If you do restrict your CPNI use, you may still get marketing from us, but it won't be from using CPNI.

    Every telecommunications company is required to send a note like this. We appreciate your reading it, and we thank you for choosing AT&T.

    Thank you for choosing us.

    submitted by /u/famousaj
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    How can I dismantle the "rewind/repeat" function on my grandson's iPad? Also the TV clicker, if possible?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:29 AM PST

    My 6 year-old grandson is autistic and non-verbal. He seems to be a bit of a whiz at computers. He managed to remove the parental control that my son and daughter-in-law placed on his computer. A password-protected program is now keeping him away from adult YouTube videos. Another password program is putting a lid on the volume he likes to play his programs. (Boy, was he MAD!) At 6, my grandson has figured out how to sync the program on his i-Pad with the same program playing on TV. I was watching "The Two Popes" on TV. Suddenly my program was hijacked and I was now watching singing ducks instead of my movie! The most annoying thing is when my grandson will play clips from a song or program 20 times in a row. He is listening for sounds and word snippets. Think of the "ABC Song". Imagine having to listen to "A-B-C-D..." repeated 20 times in a row. I'm going to lose my mind! Does any super computer geek know how to program something that prevents this mindless repeating and make it password protected for the entire iPad? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/janiebobaney23
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    Any Good Game Sites?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:29 AM PST

    My school blocked cool math, it also blocked almost every game site I've ever been to. Most unblocked game sites are also blocked, they even got to Titanium Network :( The school also blocked Scratch and probably anything with the game or music category. Anyone wanna share some sites that might work?

    submitted by /u/1001011110
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    What's the difference between DMI and SMBIOS?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:59 AM PST

    From what I've read, they both provide info about the system and its components. Is SMBIOS just a newer specification that does basically the same thing? Does dmidecode read both despite it's name? Does a typical PC have both or are they mutually exclusive?


    submitted by /u/SleeplessSloth79
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    Can IT really see every page you visit over wifi?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:59 PM PST

    There's one guy that got fired years ago for looking at pornography but it was on a company computer.

    My technologically challenged manager recently told me that "people have been fired for visiting those sites" because IT can see everything you do on wifi.

    I don't really believe her because the company uses comcast for business. I just doubt there's a comcast for business with that kind of technology.

    Am I wrong?

    submitted by /u/malledtodeath
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    Internet issues! Really frustrating, I could use some help figuring it out.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:51 PM PST

    For the past few months, I've been having a lot of strange issues with my internet. I'd first like to mention that my ISP has been very unreliable over the years, so some of my issues might stem from them.

    Things started getting weird when I noticed the wi-fi on my phone disconnecting for a split-second only to connect again. It was fairly rare, but I would notice it at least once a night. The modem and the router always stayed on. This went on for a few weeks. It didn't seem to really do any harm, so I ignored it and haven't noticed it since.

    A few weeks passed and then the bigger issues began. I started getting incredibly intermittent wi-fi on my phone. Things wouldn't load, I had the wi-fi warning symbol on my phone, etc. Weird thing is, when I was able to test the internet speeds using the same phone, everything came back normal. Some other devices in my house had issues as well at the time, but they were mostly fine. I did notice that YouTube TV on the living room TV took a few attempts to connect, but then it was streaming fine while my phone continued to struggle.

    After about a week, my phone went back to normal. Things were mostly fine. Then, I start noticing my brand new Samsung TV having issues with the wi-fi. It would say it was connected, but it couldn't get to the internet or something. It mentioned my internet being unstable and said to contact my ISP. I've since read that Samsung TV's have wi-fi problems, but it's strange I would have issues after just getting it.

    At some point during all of this, I got a brand new modem and router, separate devices. It didn't seem to fix anything, which is frustrating, but at least I've upgraded, I guess.

    I'm not too worried about the Samsung TV because that's mostly for gaming, not TV streaming. So, the wi-fi there isn't important, but help with that would be nice as well.

    I've also noticed getting DNS errors lately on my PS4, which is a wired connection to the modem. I never got those notifications before, but I have recently. I've also had some other internet errors, even though it's a wired connection.

    I've tried multiple DNS servers, but I still seem to have an unstable connection around the house. The strange thing is, speeds are mostly fine. My 2.4 is slower than my 5, but I think that's normal? The issue tends to be DNS errors or devices not finding an IP address for connection. Very odd.

    What could it be? Too many devices in the house? Do I need to adjust anything like the DHCP or furthur DNS settings? Can older devices in the house mess with the internet? It's mostly the wi-fi, but the wired connection to my PS4 has new issues as well. Nothing really makes sense. For the most part, everything usually works, but I'm still having these strange issues here and there.

    It also seems like web pages have been slower to load images lately. Like, scrolling too fast causes images to get behind and I have to wait for them. Didn't have that issue before. Jitter and packet loss come up more often in my speed tests as well.

    Also, if it's worth mentioning, the area where the modern and router are located seem to be touchy as far as power goes. I've noticed things turning off if I move around the cords in the area. I've replaced the cable coming up from the basement, so I don't think it would be that, unless the cable it's connected to in the basement is touchy. Or maybe a bad power outlet? I haven't pinpointed that issue yet. Not sure if that would even be a possible cause to my internet woes.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Also, I don't currently have my laptop, so I can't run any tests unless I use my phone.

    submitted by /u/Brandon_2535
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    Is it possible to pull Bluetooth connection logs from a vehicle's multimedia radio?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:51 AM PST

    My vehicle was recently stolen and recovered and I think the culprits may have connected their phones to the Bluetooth audio player in my vehicle.

    When I view "details" on my current registered devices it list my phone numbers, so I was hoping if these logs exist, they may contain the cell numbers from the thieves.

    *Head unit from 2013 Toyota Tacoma - model #57053 touch screen.


    submitted by /u/JuiceWaaave
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    Are fiber optic uploads typically throttled?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:56 PM PST

    The first residential fiber optic is now available in my town. I plan on getting it because it should be much more reliable and definitely faster. They offer 1 gig down with 100 mbps up.

    I was under the impression that with fiber the upload speeds are typically much higher and somewhat closer to your download speed when compared to cable. Is the provider limiting the upload speed somehow? I'm not complaining because a quarter of that would blow my current service out of the water.

    I have been reading about it lately and was under that impression, but can't find any solid confirmation.

    submitted by /u/Flapjakking
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    Why does it show someone viewed my second snap on my story but same person did not view the first one I put up?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 03:52 PM PST

    This is second time it happened to me. I posted a snap Story last night and it showed the people who had seen it. Then I posted up another snap today and the same people viewed it except 2 people it showed they did not view my first snap(from last night) showed that they only had viewed the second snap (from this morning)?

    Its not a big deal I'm just curious if this is a glitch and they still viewed the first snap even if it doesn't say it or can you skip over snaps somehow?

    submitted by /u/Universalis91
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    Best headphones + microphone for noise cancellation on both sides

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 06:44 PM PST

    Hi r/AskTechnology, I am looking for a pair of headphones that will block out the majority of noise around me for both me and the caller. I run a business with a lot of phone calls, and sometimes I will be out and about doing these calls.

    I would love it the caller wasn't bombarded with street sounds or trucks etc if I am at a cafe, or voices in the background if I am somewhere else.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Budget would be up to $500.

    submitted by /u/hungryhaydo
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    Need help charging my wireless earphones.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 06:00 PM PST

    I have these HV-316T wireless earbuds I got for Christmas but I can't seem to charge them. The user manual for these things is incredibly bad and the English sounds like incoherent. So I need help from a person.

    I put the earphones inside the charging box then put the earphones in. Then I put the charger into the port. They didn't charge. I later found out you're not supposed to do that. Apparently. You're supposed to charge the box THEN put the earphones in to charge.

    So I charge the box for an hour. Put the earphones in. I mean it says everywhere an hour is good enough. I put the earphones in after charging the box, charge them for a good while. Then use them and they die within an hour.

    I download an app on my phone that monitors the earphones charge. It says 100% on the phone. But they die in an hour.

    What am I doing wrong? These things are supposed to have an 8 hour lifespan but when I charge the box and charge the earphones in the box for extended periods of time they die incredibly quickly. I'm close to simply getting rid of them because they're useless but I got them for Christmas and don't want too.

    And my phone is telling me the charge is 100%

    So what's the issue here? Can anyone tell me why my earbuds have such a short lifespan? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Killmepls199
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    I bought 2 Videri screens off eBay and now I can’t use them at all. What are my options?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:52 PM PST

    Videri is a very low key company that makes these super thin, 4K "digital canvases" apparently you can control them from apps on your phone and the videos are stored in the cloud or something.

    I go to a bar and see these amazing screens. After some investigation I discover two online for sale for $300 (I'm sure they are worth a LOT more). Turns out when they get here that they do not function beyond a splash logo unless you have an ACCOUNT with Videri and login etc. I called and they said they'd see what they can do, but assured me that I should NOT have the screens that I do. It's been a week and no contact. I'm fairly sure they don't want anything to do with me.

    Is there anything you guys think I could do to get the screens working? Anyone have any experience with Videri?

    submitted by /u/business_owner_thot
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    What does it mean to 'Flash a drive'?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:14 PM PST

    I'm Looking for a program to help me categorize/index a bunch of text files- suggestions?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 04:58 PM PST

    So basically, I've got a crapload of text files inside of a messy collection of folders which i use to store research notes, writing ideas, inane thoughts, concepts, analysis of historical events, and pretty much whatever else strikes my interest at the time. I add more and more text files to it regularly, and it is starting to turn into a terrible, ugly frankenstein of a mess which is difficult to navigate.

    Hoping someone can suggest a program which I could use to structure it into a nice, easy to navigate 'index' of sorts, maybe similar to what you would find inside of a 'compiled HTML help' file.

    submitted by /u/angry_newt
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    Hard disk dissappears...

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:36 PM PST

    So I have setup with both SSD and HDD (which was in perfect condition for a few months), SSD is where my OS is stored, and all most of my data is on HDD. Today I came across a problem while I was working on a webpage in sublime text (both are on my HDD). I saved file via ctrl+s and sublime text froze. Then I tried to kill it via task manager which did not work. Then after like a minute it finally closed and I got black screen. Sublime text exited. I try to go in the same directory where I was before and discover that there is no HDD in computer shortcut. I try to look up files on that HDD in start menu and nothing shows up. I reset my computer. Everything is back to normal, I continue with my work only to be interrupted by the same scenario again. I turn off my PC plug my HDD to different SATA connector which is working for now (about 5 minutes of typing this). If you need more information, I can update you with info. I would like to know what is wrong with my PC and how can I fix it.

    submitted by /u/ArraysStartAt1LoL
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    What are chance that whole screen goes black if half is black? I can still use camera tho.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:22 PM PST

    Are there any Amazon Firestick form factor computers available?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 01:04 PM PST

    For a project I am planning, I am looking for a machine like the Amazon Firestick that I can plug into a TV via HDMI. Something discrete.

    I am struggling to find any machines that do this on Google as my results just come up with how to plug a PC into a HDMI port.

    As an alternative I am thinking of buying a small ARM PC with a HDMI port included, with a very short HDMI cable. An all in one stick however would be better.

    Are there any recommendations on things available?

    submitted by /u/jl2352
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    Backed up voice recordings to remember my dad

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:45 AM PST

    I'm hoping that this is the right place for this. My dad passed away Saturday morning, and I had an idea to ask people who come through the wake to write down or record a memory or story they have of him. In order to do that, we would need some kind of recording device. I have a two main concerns, though.

    1. Storage. My father was a military and police veteran who helped to train countless people. We don't know how many will come to the wake, but I would rather be prepared for this than run out of storage space. I was thinking I could create an empty Google account to back up to, just for this.

    2. Cost. My mom was a homemaker and raised 6 children, but her income now is going to drop to less than half of what was coming in before. My siblings and I are all helping her with expenses, but spending a lot on something that's non-essential is tough at this point.

    Does anyone know of either a device or an app that would work for this? Thank you, sincerely, in advance.

    submitted by /u/TinkerBeasty
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    Is This a Hack?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:54 AM PST

    Hello, have a question. I'm at the airport and plugged my laptop into a charging port. My screen dimmed all the way down. I restarted it twice, and then the brightness fixed itself maybe a minute later. I know it wasn't me that corrected the brightness because when the screen lit back up my cursor was on the wrong side of the screen. Is this a sign of foul play?

    submitted by /u/condo-on-pluto
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    Best Router/Modem Combo For At Home Use

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 08:47 AM PST

    I need your help!

    I'm about to move into a house, and get rid of this this stupid Comcast Wifi. I hate everything about their service. I've never had, or even know anyone that's had, a stable connection threw them (not doubting there may be some)

    I'm going to purchase a custom router/modem combo. I have been looking at the Nighthawk series, but I've seen some good Asus ones, and tons of others too.


    I'm looking for a router that can support:

    • HEAVY streaming (1440p)

    • Light Gaming (Nintendo Switch)

    • 8 - 12 Devices

    • Have A Range Large Enough For A House (A Little Over 1800 SQ Feet) (With Minimal WiFi Extensions)


    Thank you for any help! :)

    submitted by /u/TrillyReign
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    USB-C Hub Recommendations

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 06:43 AM PST

    I have been looking for a USB-C 3.1 Gen 1 hub but with really specific needs! It's got to have usb c power passthrough and a usb-c 3.1 gen 1 port on it for an external ssd. I'm really stumped! Any recommendations would be super appreciated! I have been looking for ages and don't mind if it's from aliExpress or anything of the sort. Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/SpinnyBoye
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    Sierra Wireless Airlink GX450 and SMS functionality with Verizon

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 06:38 AM PST


    I have a Sierra Wireless Airlink GX450 and also a Verizon business account with 4 lines.

    I am using one of the SIM cards in the GX450 to get limited internet for a low bandwidth need that I have. Works well.

    Within the GX450's web portal, I can send SMS but I am unable to receive SMS. Can anyone help me figure out why I am unable to receive SMS?

    submitted by /u/rizwan602
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