Tech Support - On The new mac pro and 1.5TB of ram |
- On The new mac pro and 1.5TB of ram
- I want to set up a simple website hosted locally on fairly decent hardware. Or maybe not..
- Is my Phone being hacked?
- Triboelectric generator
- What's the most cost effective way to make the screen on the Nintendo Switch glare-proof?
- Need a Recommendation on a new (Or recent) desktop!
- Need help creating a digital filing system
- Is there an easy way to use an external microphone with a DSLR that doesn’t have a mic jack? (Nikon D3500)
- Can I use my laptop adapter on an alienware PC?
- Fog machine
- Google play
- Trying to start recording and streaming videos
- How can I setup Easy Switching between Work Laptop (Dell XPS) and Personal Laptop (2015 Macbook Pro), connected to a u2717d Dell Monitor?
- Does anyone know what voltage levels come out of a serial management port on a network switch?
- Weird cables connected to usb ports
- I found an unactivated Sprint phone in a house I was repairing. It's a Galaxy a50, if I switch out the sim on it could I use it as a cricket wireless phone?
- Move photos to google drive but retain date and geotag?
- Is there a device or piece of external hardware that can be connected to a computer or monitor, to capture a screen record?
On The new mac pro and 1.5TB of ram Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:04 AM PST I'm not here to comment on price or bash on apple. I know professional needs require dedicated systems and custom workflows that the lay person may not be aware of. What I truly want to know is who out there is using 1.5TB of ram? I'm assuming complex simulations or data crunching? Maybe virtualization? If there is anyone out there with some experience with this kind of configuration I would love to hear your story. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
I want to set up a simple website hosted locally on fairly decent hardware. Or maybe not.. Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:40 PM PST TL;DR for the TL;DR: I came with a question about setting up a website with some caveats, but without intentions somewhere along the way, I address you, the reader, and while trying to engage you, I talk about some pretty serious issues that I try to keep to myself. The following is likely hard to read, mostly off the subject, and although it meant a lot to me as I was writing, probably won't be appealing. Im posting because... Why not? The mods might take it down, which would be understandable. If you are up to the punishment and decide to read. TL;DR: I came to ask advice on setting up a website with particular and specific mandatory needs. To ingratiate myself to you, the reader, I started to preemptively thank you by trying to craft a whimsical way to show how much you (the people that spend their time on subreddits just to help others)... How much that means to mean. I've been going though a lot, which as I progressed, really got me (for better or worse) to open up on some things I've been holding on to. Without going to hard on the pity party, this late year has been hardest I've had. I don't mention it by name below, but I'm pretty sure I would be clinically diagnosed as depressed. Maybe among other mental maladies. I don't want to admit it. I don't want to seek help. But, for whatever reason, as I was trying to write something humorous (which I'm starting to get more and more certain that it's drivel) .. Anyways, as I was writing, in the moment as I was writing, I felt clever in the way I was writing. I'm certain I took it too far. I'm certain it will make much sense to anyone... Or, that it will be linear and clear enough to follow my, at best, mentally unwell brain. The ironic part, I think I failed describing what I'm trying to do with hosting my own website and content. It's three hours past my bedtime. I'm tempted to edit...I think I said in the summary I was going to reread and edit it to make it as comprehendible as possible. As I've slowed down and settled a bit from the frenzied river of thought, I'm afraid I'm be too hard on myself and not post it if I were to go through it again. First, please be kind. I'm a long time user of Reddit and truly love it, especially for the community. I haven't posted much and, which the few post which I've made, I've mostly how lack luster results. I did send considerable time not only looking thoughout this sub, but through Reddit and with considerable Google Fu. Maybe not about techies, but I'm fairly competent in my methods to used different and accurate, concise query terms. I believe I have a pretty specific set of demands of from what I need. Not of what I've found was able to hit all of my needed criteria. It may not be feasible or not. Knowing my luck, I will have overlooked it. Or it is a top comment top comment on one I overlooked for whatever reason and I'll get downloaded to Oblivion. Maybe even more likely it will get buried with not response. I'm not sure which of those scenarios I prefer. I do hope there is an answer for me. If you made it this far, thank you so much. The fact that you are the kind of person that scores the the sub (especially this sub sorted by new I assume?) with no other perceived benefit up that of some famously comically-worthless internet points and that short-lived good feeling you might get from knowing you maybe just one, single person you done know happy. If my credit were meet by you, get unknown future hero of mine. If all that's feasible, I hope your know know much this really means to me. Not to try to play up that I'm a charity case, I am definitely frugal at least. I have ever looked into trying to higher professionally, but feel confident it would be our what I could budget for what what the desired effect (with still being strict for meeting all me demands) would be worth to me. Beyond that, though I'd have to assess which of my preference were more dire you me to make my vision close enough to my ideal. Anyways, all or the above to sum, I am trying to make this as painless to read. From this point forward, along with a follow up at the very end of this post, I will try to the very best of my ability to make the rest of this post as enjoyable of an experience as possible without making it a chore. I believe I'm a fairly decent writer despite what I have... I feeling like an interjection is necessary: I'll further say these are a couple of self-consciously and very carefully chosen words because of my irrational fears of being judged whereas I feel insulted in any feedback what-so-ever. (This interjection is complete.) ... ALL THIS WHOLE COMPLETE and now even this little part [ especially this stupid and if, and... OKAY IF NOTHING ELSE GETS YOUR IS MORE META that that (this is getting overwhelming) this is really (in the matter in which I mean as I'm writing this)really seems like the most narrow margin of possibilities...even with all that and even this right at theright here within the brackets] completely , I'm certain as I write this... and at this RIGHT HERE Oh my God.. this is so beautifully, this time I tragically and just to add to what can only, I'm later be described as this confusing and (oh my God again?!) painfully confusing ever-increasingly moment... All of this... All of it. All of it was done only because I really wanted to get this particular project done... In that I, I'm not sure I'm not completely insane or perhaps... Somewhat of a anti climatic and, given all this might mean, Just...God... now I'm confused...I hope this works out... Now I'm almost sure the odds are against me. As I progress, this gets more meta. To be honest I came on here to ask the question I started but, I JUST REALIZED THIS WILL NEVER WORK UNLESS I PUT THIS HERE. OMG. I'M SO CONFUSED AND DON'T..? OR WON'T..? MAYBE FOR (HOPEFULLY I'LL REMEMBER TO KEEP THIS AS THE BIGGEST AND MOST NOTICABLE SECTION... BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MATTER. MAYBE IT WILL WORK. MAYBE IT WORK. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE. ALL THIS, INCLUDING THIS, IS GETTING PAINFULLY CONFUSING AND HARDER TO END. THE PRINCESS BRIDE <-- HOPEFULLY THAT WAS RELEVANT LATER. THIS REALLY IS A PROJECT. I REALLY HOPE ALL THIS POST, the most of this babble was so I could try to let you know, with my effort of my, as mentioned before (or was it after) somewhat one of my few and proudest rough talents: (Spoiler Alert: this is mentioned later but hopefully you'll understand) >! Writing Skills and humor!< . I feel venerable, exciting, and apprehensive and I haven't got to the question now. Are you still with me? Can anyone make it though this? Am I alone? Am I funny? What is this even? Is anyone going to read it. Is it comprehendible? Maybe this is my start? Wait, am I using this sub Reddit, which I really did have a question about, trying to karma whore my emotions. If I were, would I point that out. OMG.. This is like..I had to go check (I really didn't check.. All the funnier if I was wrong and you're made it this far... This is what that random Princess Bride reference is from. Right here. I knew I'd work that out. I'm literally confused myself. I want Myself to want it for the right reasons... To thank you, dear good sir or madam! Thank you for your (is this proper use of the Schrodinger's cat whatchamacallit.. Paradox... Am I really thanking you now?) I am. Thank you in advance. I think I made my point clear. OKAY, From here on out, (again.. other than a summary I plan to put to you at the end, I will try to make this as consider concise. 2 1/2 in and we're getting to the question... _________give me a break. give me a break__ I have an always on last gen MSi laptop on which I have have my media server, Plex, which along with torrenting software and a few web-based applications don't seem to really strain the system. I am more and more cautious, safety minded, and paranoid about intrusions on my home network. I do keep my cameras (on the laptop) covered with DrTinfoil's blue painters tape but I have a couple Google homes, an Amazon device, my phone..I want security for my children's privacy while they still have it. See this is where I wanted to point out that this is a good example of how you know my.. I might as well play along and act as if I have the confidence... Wordsmithinesshood. Did I just make up a new word? No. I didn't. As I was typing... Well dragging my finger across my phone's screen, anywho.. As I had that thought to prove it to you, then I think... Isn't that what a person just for the karma would do. If I do want karma, is that bad? I guess it could be, if you were using a subreddit for something it's not intended for... Perhaps wasting time. Maybe someone is actually following my whole train is though here. Are you a genius? Insane? I'm sorry...I promised to be as concise and to the point as possible. I know I have, will, and will have said it, but I'm amused but self-conscience about how I'm not even sure what's going on. Wow.. more sidetracking, but I'm not going to delete in. It's been cathartic to have someone (might be literally no one) to talk with. -...........- Anyhow.. I no longer really use social media. I'm very weary of posting pictures, videos,timelines.. . I want to keep my kids' privacy, including their image, away from those who would profit off my unwitting and innocent younger children. What I want is to be able to host a personal website that can act as a blog, have a place for my off-site guest to both upload and photos. I'm not sure if this is something separate or a configuration once I get started, but I would like different levels of access for hosted videos and pictures. I'm plan to have a blog or several maybe (if I'm not a hack, anyways). The primary would be a timeline whereas, for example, my parents could see pictures, video clips and little summaries for their grandkids. I'm thinking that it should require user name and password else you, my kind and wonderful new friend, have other options.. The goal here is that I might have a page that is for friends. Mom and Dad don't need to know about partying and drinking. Why did I say that. I'm anxious in public, but you know.. let's go partying and drinking. Lol. Anyways, I would like the website to load differently dependant on who logs in. I'm assuming that is possible.. Whereas your home page is based on your login. It has to be, right? Is it a complex process. It's over 3 hours now. Jeez. I need to get to bed but I have to finish. I feel like if I save it for later, I'll reassess my writing as a lunatic's ramblings. I worry I might be losing it. Falling down. Oh yeah... The website. I enjoy painting and drawing and such. I honestly don't think I'm good. I think I'm probably about as bad as one can be with as much experience as I've had. That's neither here or there. I like doing it and would like to have a personal page where I could have a gallery available when I'm away. I feel like there is a really big necessity I'm completely forgetting. God... Should I sit in this until I remember..I might chicken out on actually posting this as is. Should I cut it down to just the real on-topic subject matter? Take out the long winded filler. I could have just said "If you can help, it would be appreciate." That's what is status quo. Expected. Might be even required. Again, I read the rules...that was before the unexpected word torrent. I think I'll send though. If not, other than it just feeling good talking with you (my future pal). So.... What do you think? I don't believe I mentioned my experience level and how I want to make my site. I had mentioned that I wanted it to be simple. The reason for that is that I want to design and write my site. I'd consider myself in somewhat of hobbyist level of experience with computers. I have a basic level of understand of HTML and a little CSS. Am I going the wrong way by trying to code my own site if security is the highest focus. Are there very affordable options that would allow what I'm looking for? From what I've seen, there is a service, Mastodon, that would allow some of the functions of what I need, but it seems to be a resource hog and didn't seem like a viable option for a notebook... Especially since it wouldn't be dedicate to the task. I hope there are some options out there. I bet this will get buried. No one wants to read this much, right? If anyone did make it though, once again, thank you. I'd like to kind of summarize here. If it wasn't apparent, I legitimately came here seeking advice. I, thinking I'm clever and uncharacteristically slightly confident started writing and, emboldened for whatever random reason, felt confident enough to try to have fun with it. Along the way I got into a game and everything got very meta. I purposely used run on sentences that would make every grade school grammar teacher give me the sink eye. I interrupted myself just to interrupt myself again... just to interrupt myself more. I really tried to finish all my thoughts, though I'm sure I failed. Likely, in a miserable, unintelligible fashion. I don't know if I should go back and read/edit it. This has been the most I can recall ever writing in one time. I'm hoping that my earlier confidence was warranted. I think if even one person got some enjoyment..a little laughter from it, that would make me please. Although, I probably wouldn't believe it. Maybe more likely, and truthfully scarier to me than it should be, would be trollish, mean hearted comments. Probably degrading me for trying to be venerable. When I really need it. I hide it fairly well amongst my coworker and family, but I'm really struggling. I'm not sure if my sick mind likes being sick. I keep thinking I should talk to someone. This might have been, if nothing else, a step. amount of how much your knowledge and help means to one person. One that did not intend to open up so much. It's been around two hours since I started this post.. with most of it to this, according to my first paragraph as of now, is to let you know you I really appreciate it THAT HELPS TO DRIVE HOME or brilliantI hope, an interesting a little glimpse of hope in an this might be because that simple little word of perhaps just maybe a good writer for someone who feels venerable about their education [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:05 PM PST This morning my brother came over and I was just playing a game on my phone while he was just hanging out. He got a Snapchat call from me and I looked down at my phone and I wasn't calling him. I informed him and he answered the Snapchat call. A voice speaking another language (I believe Chinese) began speaking to him through my Snapchat. Does anyone know what this could be? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:09 PM PST So I've been searching about a triboelectric generator and I've found this vid. Then it lead me to this study Can anyone help me on how to do this? I've followed the instructions yet it still doesn't work. I've used 60micrometer thickness copper foil instead of 50 because it's the only thing that's available, also a 75 micrometer thickness pfte film instead of 50. And also i am confused in where to put the output wires. Hope someone can help me. [link] [comments] |
What's the most cost effective way to make the screen on the Nintendo Switch glare-proof? Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:14 PM PST I only have this issue with the switch and not my laptop or my phone, but the reflection of the ceiling lights obscure too much of the screen and an anti glare screen cover from amazon did absolutely nothing. My idea was to apply a polarizing filter. Would this do anything? [link] [comments] |
Need a Recommendation on a new (Or recent) desktop! Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:01 PM PST Looking on newegg, the whole "i7-i'6-i'5 4th 5th, and 6th generation intel combos for their desktop computers are confusing. I don't need Intel per se but I do need some advice. What I need something fast that is close in speed to the system I have now which is great. Can someone recommend an economical desktop with similar or better specs at a good price? (Under &500) [link] [comments] |
Need help creating a digital filing system Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:23 PM PST Hey everyone! I have a situation and need some guidance. I'm an amateur videographer with hundreds of video files stored on a hard drive. Unfortunately, the files are stored haphazardly and not in an organized structure. I want to organize my files into folders based on the date of the recordings as well as the genre. I also want to be able to search for specific files easily, ideally I would be able to search for "video-1" and find that exact file. Do you have any advice on how I can accomplish this, or is there any tool (preferably free) that you could recommend? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:34 AM PST I'm looking to record a few videos with my DSLR but sadly it doesn't have a dedicated mic input. What would be the easiest way for me to go about setting up an external mic to use simultaneously? Is it possible? [link] [comments] |
Can I use my laptop adapter on an alienware PC? Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:03 PM PST I lost my alienware PC's power cord, it requires a special cord, similar to laptops, so I'm wondering if it's safe to use my laptop adapter on a desktop alienware PC? I did boot it up using the laptop adapter once, but I shut it down because I wasn't sure if it was safe to use. So it does work. Here's a picture I took of the voltage specifications on each. Left is my laptop adapter, right is the alienware PC power specifications. Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST I need some help with this. I've never used a fog machine before, and I need to get one that flies low, but on a stage where plays are at. Which fog machine would be best, why, and where could I get one? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:00 PM PST Everytime I try to open Google play store on my Android Moto g phone I get a error message the says "Google play has stopped working" all I can do is press ok when I open a app from Google play I get the same message but if I say ok I can use the app but the message comes back a few minutes later also all updates for apps will not work and will not download [link] [comments] |
Trying to start recording and streaming videos Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:30 PM PST Ive been trying to record gameplay at 1080p 60fps, on OBS and have been having a hard time. Can it be an issue with my obs settings or do i just have to buy a capture card to get good consistent recordings? I currently have a Windows 10 (64 bit) AMD Ryzen 7 2700 RTX 2060 1 tb samsung evo ssd then a total of 7 tb of hardrive storage 16gb DDR4 [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:38 AM PST Thank you for taking the time to read and help. I have: 1 Dell u2717d Monitor 1 2015 Macbook Pro with USB, HDMI, and mDP ports 1 Dell XPS with only USB-C ports As it stands, I use a DP to USB-C chord to connect the Dell XPS to the monitor. Works great. When it is time to switch to personal, I unplug the chord from the both the monitor and laptop. I then run a DP from the monitor to the mDP on the Macbook Pro. Works great. I would really like not having to unplug the entire chord each time I want to make the switch. Here is what I am thinking, and where I'd like confirmation and advice. Connect DP on monitor to USB-C on Dell XPS Connect mDP on monitor to mDP on Macbook Pro Use the soft toggle buttons as a 'switch' on the monitor to change from DP to mDP for work vs personal. Will this work? Is there a better solution? Thank you. [link] [comments] |
Does anyone know what voltage levels come out of a serial management port on a network switch? Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:58 PM PST Long story short, I'm trying to interface with a network switch, all I have at the moment is a Raspberry Pi 3, and I either need to build a level shifter to use the 3.3v pins on a Pi for sending and receiving serial commands/data, or I need a serial to USB converter, but I've never messed with it and have no clue what voltages I'll be working with. I need the cheapest solution I can find, whether that's a product I buy, or building a circuit. [link] [comments] |
Weird cables connected to usb ports Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:08 AM PST Hi, I'm switching my PSU for the first time and noticed that the cables from the 4 pin peripheral power cable have been glued to some kind of green thing on the underside of the usb ports. Is that necessary to keep the cables there or can I rip it off? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:09 AM PST |
Move photos to google drive but retain date and geotag? Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:28 AM PST I have a TON of photos from a long road trip and I put them on google drive to clear up space on my iphone. As far as I can tell when viewing them from google, they no longer have a geotag and the date is just the date uploaded. How can I test whether google retained the date taken and geotag, and what can I do if it didn't? I love having the dates and geotags because it's a kind of log of the whole trip. Also if there is a more appropriate sub let me know. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:58 AM PST Just trying to figure this out- we're filming a surgery and they will have a PC/monitor inside the operating theatre that displays useful info for the surgeons, but it will be covered by a semi-transparent sheet for hygiene reasons. We won't have access to their PC to install screen recording software, so is there any kind of capture device that could be plugged into the monitor to mirror the screen and record it through one of our own laptops? Something like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated! TL;DR, need to remotely record what's going on on a monitor. [link] [comments] |
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