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    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    Tech Support - Is there a way to delete everything from a phone and leave it as a flash drive?

    Tech Support - Is there a way to delete everything from a phone and leave it as a flash drive?

    Is there a way to delete everything from a phone and leave it as a flash drive?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:44 PM PDT

    My idea is to delete everything from a phone (a blackberry or android in this case) and leave it as a flash drive, so i can boot windows xp and get some usage out of them since i don't have many usb drives at hand but a lot of these old phones

    I usually fix and sell them, but i haven't sold many because lockdown, and some of these are very, very outdated but have nice storage

    The idea came from first, a lack of sd cards and drives and a video from DankPods, in which he boots windows from an ipod

    I know my way around hardware, and can fix almost anything but i know very little about software, any help is useful

    submitted by /u/lautirock
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    microSD card reader v4.0 speed & best cards for storage expansion?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    The Dell XPS 13 (new) has a microSD card reader v4.0. From my research, I believe v4.0 microSD has a top speed of 312 MB/s, is this correct? I intend to use a microSD as an expansion drive (ie. I'd almost ever remove it) for the laptop, for occasional use, what's the most important things to consider when buying a microSD for this use-case? Should I be looking for anything in particular, any features, microSD standards, or things to look out for? I'd probably be looking for a 128GB or 256GB card. I'm more interested in microSD features and what to be looking for rather than specific card recommendations. That being said, I welcome any specific card recommendations you have.

    The more info you can provide the better, I'd like to learn as much as I can. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Aerilym_
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    Where can I find the very best spy camera for secretly recording lectures in Grad School?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    I am looking for something small enough to place inside a 2 inch binder pointing outward, that can record for more than 2 hours straight, that does not break video into 5 minute clips, that does not overheat, and that allows for continuous recording for a 2 hour lecture without running out of battery...if there is such a thing.... Doing online school because of COVID I've notice how much it benefits me to have a recorded lecture that I can easily rewind or re-watch as often and at the pace that works best for me. I know this would help me tremendously when school is already stressful. I don't mind paying any amount of money so long as it meets those requirements. Any tips welcomed!

    submitted by /u/ot1223
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    Need help fixing the female socket on a pair of headphones.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    I've got a pair of Skullcandy headphones with a removable cord that is having problems with the socket where the cord plugs in.

    Currently only getting sound out of the right headphone. If I press hard, the sound comes back to the left side. When I look inside the female socket on the headphones, I can see that one of the metal tabs that grab the Male end of the cord is slightly bent inwards. My guess is that this is why I'm losing stereo sound, and why it works fine when I push it into the socket.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to fix this? There is a local mall nearby that does phone repairs, but it seems like such a small problem that I may be able to fix it on my own. The headphones still sound awesome, and I would like to keep using them.

    I have already tried cleaning the socket and the Male end of the cord, and have tried it on a separate device just to be sure.

    The side of the headphone is sealed with an adhesive, so I can't really pop it open to have a look.

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: the headphones are Skullcandy Rocnations and they are silver and black.

    submitted by /u/torshakle
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    What is the best budget TB USB stick or flash drive?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    I need to back up some image files and indesign files. What is the best budget portable USB or flash drive going right now that you recommend? I am looking for one with a TB of storage if possible.

    submitted by /u/ThrowawayHarassedGuy
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    NAS storage questions

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Hello There,

    I am looking to setup a NAS storage for home media storage, and I dont really know what I'm doing so I have a few questions.

    I am currently thinking of using a: synology DS420+ 4x WD red NAS 3gb drives (raid 5 3+1) A cheep laptop or maybe an old mac mini to set up

    What is wrong with this an does anyone have advise on how to improve. Trying to keep it below 1k but obviously could go over probably.


    submitted by /u/crohda
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    Why some function that can be done in IE cannot be done on Chromium based browser?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    I use an internal website for my work on a daily basis, which is used to record customer complaints. IT advises us to use IE for some reason, which I have been using for the past few years. But IE is slow and can sometime hang, so I want to move to Chromium based browser. But for some reason, I found that there are some actions that I can normally do on IE cannot be in many Chromium based browser that I tried (Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Vivaldi). I can't show any pictures unfortunately due to propriety reasons, but maybe a simple explanation would make it clear for me.

    As an example, there's a table in the site where I need to key in few fields, then click save to automatically add in a new row with the detailed information. In IE it works fine, but in Vivaldi after I click save nothing happened even after refresh. Again, sorry if this is too vague of an explanation.

    submitted by /u/rip5yearsoldbadge
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    Where are we on smartphone pocketwatches?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    About four inch outer diameter, five-eighths inch thick, with a multifunctional bezel. When can I expect one?

    submitted by /u/Woodie626
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    Effect of jitter and ping on internet consumption

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    I was reading a bit about high ping and high jitter and from what I understand this means that most data packets received are corrupt. Does that mean that this increases the data consumption. Can my internet provider scam me by providing high ping and jitter so that the data consumed for a task is increased?

    submitted by /u/DankJediSaiyan
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    Help my lag (Images)

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:48 PM PDT


    I changed my Channel to 6 and the ping went from 800+ to 90 to ~250

    I also used DNS Benchmark and using Open DNS for fastest DNS.

    I think the problem is either the Firmware or Beacon Interval.

    submitted by /u/dennischubly
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    Technology in Sports - Shape the Future of the Live Entertainment Industry

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    We are student researchers from CU Boulder, any input received will help shape your in-stadium experience.

    We would very much appreciate your participation! Thanks in advance!


    submitted by /u/thiccproffesional3
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    NEC P401 - Expansions Card - Raspberry Pi

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    I saw a post on here about someone obtaining an NEC P401 screen which are now quite old, but I have one too and love it as a monitor... I've seen that the P404 allows for a Ras Pi Compute and from the videos I've managed to find almost directly... Does any one know about the interface board for the NEC P401? With where the Raspberry Pi currently is it may work out a better option than a TV upgrade if I can figure a sensible Ras Pi route...

    My thoughts were already to try and almost cast my laptop to it and know that there were expansion computers for this, but a Ras Pi would be cool inside for future proofing and the fact that the display has cooling too...

    submitted by /u/RobstaRobotard
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    Fiber-optic internet with coax wall outlets in home.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Hi all, I'm a bit unclear on this, sorry if its been covered, couldnt find a post that was quite what i was looking for.

    We pay for 100/100 fiber-optic internet service from Frontier, and we have the ONT box in our garage, but from that point we have standard coax cable outlets in our home. Are we still getting fiber-optic service, or does the wiring in our home negate the benefit of the fiber-optics increased speed? If so, should we look into rewiring our home with fiber-optic, or just switch to a cable internet provider?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Vigorish100
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    I saw DHCP and PPPOE in my wifi settings what do they mean?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    There seems to be an option to pick between the two.

    submitted by /u/Itachiispain
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    How does QR code work?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    How do blocks of blacked out square transmit information ? How is it possible to make the processing so fast across multiple platforms and devices?

    submitted by /u/sang_eet_right
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    Replacing iPhone logic board?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:55 PM PDT

    I have an iPhone X that is water damaged and is completely broken bc my cousin stupidly tried charging it after seeing it doesn't turn on, so I'm on the hunt for a new one. I was wondering if, to keep costs down, I could buy a cheaper 64gb one and replace the logic board with my old one (256gb).

    submitted by /u/philgravy0
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    Is My PC Good Enaugh For VR Games?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I wanted to know if i would be able to play VR Games with the graphic settings on high or even better and what resolution i would be able to get (The resolution thing because a friend said i wouldn't even be able to play in full HD but i don't really believe him)

    And maybe someone can recommend a VR headset to me (it can cost 600$-800$)

    My Specs are

    CPU : Interl Core i7 8700 3.2 GHz (but somehow right now it runs with 3.5 to 3.7 GHz)

    GPU : Geforce GTX 1660 Ti 6GB

    Ram : 24 GB DDR4 3500 MHz

    SSD : Kingston sa400s37240g 240GB

    I'm playing on a Desktop Computer

    (if you need more info just tell me what)

    submitted by /u/ShadowKnight1223
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    Trying to find a quick focus streaming camera

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    I've got a friend who is doing some Youtube videos and he needs a camera that can adjust focus very quickly (and accurately) because he frequently brings an object in front of the camera for people to see more clearly. Currently, he is using a Logitech C922 Pro which is a pretty dang solid camera.

    However, it doesn't meet his expectations when it comes to focusing. He says that sometimes he has to move the object back and forth several times to get the camera to refocus and that sometimes it just doesn't refocus fast enough.

    I am looking for suggestions on a 1080p, 60FPS camera that meets his expectations. It doesn't necessarily have to be a webcam, but it does need to have the capability of being used in OBS, for streaming. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Asatani
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    Social network for selecting gifts

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Hey, Reddit. My team and I developing new social network for shopping fans. It gona be something completely different from other ones. The network will be something like the alternative of YouTube channels like "25 unbelievable goods from AliExpress". It will be not a shopping app! One of features will be that we not represent any shops. We will impartially choose the most interesting products not for advertising, but for fun. The interface will be similar to Tinder. In your feed you can swipe products to the right and left to mark it interesting or boring. A smart algorithm makes a rating of your interests. And the main feature: your friends can see what u like to get as a gift and see it on the store(one of several). Moreover you can put the product to a friend in the feed to see his reaction. Your friend will think that it another automatically generated product! So your present will remain a surprise! But the main direction of development is the main direction of the service development is to make it interesting for you to scroll through the feed. And now I would like to know your opinion: 1) Would you use such an app? 2) What format would you like to see the products in the feed (Photos, videos, or gifs)? 3) How much text should there be in the description? 4)What would you prefer: our app or video-reviews on YouTube? 5)Which direction of development do you consider the most promising for us: a service for viewing interesting products or a service for selecting gifts? What would be more interesting specifically for you? Thank you for your feedback!

    submitted by /u/SystemNotification
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    Dubai's TraceCovid - Bluetooth

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Is there any way to Interrogate a phone to tell when someone has turned there Bluetooth on and off? I'm trying to understand how Dubai's TraceCovid works, if someone was to turn off their Bluetooth off.

    submitted by /u/scottfromscotland009
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    Is there a way to lock my files with a pendrive?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    I mean, I want to create a folder on my Hard Disk, but it should be locked and the only way to unlock is by injecting a specific pendrive on my computer. Is there a way to do that? And how can I do that?

    submitted by /u/Daneu
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    My computer can connect to my router but won’t connect to the Internet It also seems like all the other systems in my house can connect to the Internet just fine so I’m not sure what to do

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Edit: I figured it out I just had to look up the prompt "the remote device won't accept connection" And watched a video on how to fix it

    submitted by /u/Rocky_Bump
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    Best Non-contact/accurate thermometer?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:46 AM PDT


    I was wondering if anyone has used a non contact thermometer and which one do they consider pretty accurate. I want one that doesn't keep saying the same temp for everyone (97.1) I want one that can tell you if you have fever or not.

    Preferably on Amazon would like to purchase from

    Please let me know.

    submitted by /u/xJayce98x
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    Ok this is kinda a follow up question

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    can you play any steam game on a ps4 if you download windows on it?

    submitted by /u/YadaYeetYadaBeet
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