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    Monday, May 11, 2020

    Tech Support - How can I improve wifi to my playstation?

    Tech Support - How can I improve wifi to my playstation?

    How can I improve wifi to my playstation?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm home from college right now, and my home wifi is terrible (my dad put the router in a closet and it makes the wifi reception awful) how can I improve the wifi without running an ethernet cable from the box, down the hallway, and into my ps4?

    submitted by /u/ntaylor7746
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    any website or program where inputting the time tell me the location?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    so I was looking at some world clocks and most just tell you the time of a place but I wanted to see if anyone would give an approximate idea if I enter a time. For example, if I enter 14:40 pm then it can show me which places are closest to that time

    submitted by /u/Stroov
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    SAS to SATA

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    If I use a sas to 4x SATA cable plugged into a raid controller card . And have a SATA drive plugged into each SATA port. Will my device pick it up as 1 drive or 4 separate drives? I'm not too sure wether I will need to get a bog controller card with say 8 ports if I need 8 drives or if I can get a smaller one. My motherboards ports are already all used.

    submitted by /u/FloppyAntelop3
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    Is my ISP provider illigally capping my internet speed? (Download speed 5mbps upload, 99mbps)

    Posted: 10 May 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    So I recently moved to a small local ISP provider, that promised me unlimited 120mbps download/upload

    It's been a week , to be fair I was getting 99mbps the first few days .

    Now it's around 30mbps on LAN and 2-5MBPS on WiFi

    But however my upload speed is still 99mbps same as it was in day 1 .

    I have complained and argued about this to CS but send like the net momentary picks up and turns to shit again.

    Do they have any settings that caps how much I can download on my lAn Vs how much I can download on my WiFi?how will they know ? Can I override it .

    I need details so when I call the service guy I know what to ask for

    submitted by /u/Flashback180
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    How does it work? Ask the smart ones.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    I recently got a laptop from a friend. It is a gigabyte Q1732. It has a core I7 and 4Gb Ram. With a 3gb dedicated gt540M.

    I also have a desktop PC at home. It's average at best. Some of the specs. GeForce 750ti gpu. Core I5. 6gb ram.

    What I know about PC's is slightly above the average Joe. Just slightly.

    Okay my question.

    Performance of laptops and desktops are different and normally desktop performs better than laptops. But what I don't understand is that how can a core I7 be outperformed by a core i5 and 2gb gpu which is almost the same except for clock speeds. Blah blah. Why does the laptop struggle with games such as Anno 1404 and the PC doesn't.

    If someone could give me a detailed explanation for that I'd be ever grateful. I'm afrikaans so punctuation is not the best is English. Sorry.

    Thank you for your wisdom and time

    submitted by /u/iGympanzee
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    Is there any way to play local wifi mobile games with friends who live far away?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    Me and my friends want to play a mobile game but the game requires us to use same network. Is there any way we can play together? Like join a vpn network or something.

    submitted by /u/GetsJobDone
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    Can frequently unplugging a TV while it is powered on cause damage or additional wear in the long term?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    I don't actually plan on physically yanking the cord or anything, but it's something that occurred to me as a potential solution to another problem I had (my LG TV being unable to accept a standby/power off signal over HDMI-CEC): just plug the TV into an old wifi smart plug I had lying around and have the smart plug kill the power for a few seconds when I want to turn the TV off from my PC. Not sure if this will have any ramifications on the hardware though, anyone have any input on whether this is safe to do?

    edit: Might as well mention that it's not a smart TV if it matters, thing is at least 10 years old and wasn't exactly the newest model even when I got it.

    submitted by /u/GreenBallasts
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    Is it cheaper to start an semiconductor company now then 10 years later?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    I always dreamed about starting my own one but the market to entry is high does that increase as time goes on?

    submitted by /u/FartCompany
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    Is there an audio amp type of decide that will let me isolate bass output to a speaker?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Questions about why I want to do this aside, let's say I have 2 speakers and I want to separate my PC's audio into bass and not-bass for each one, is there a device that lets me do this? Maybe software even?

    submitted by /u/do_a_kickflip
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    Looking for a microphone, suggestions?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    Hello -- I want to start making video essays and am looking for a microphone to use. I have a pretty deep voice and I want to find something that will accentuate that, something that will sound rich and deep. Where should I get looking? I am not trying to break the bank. I've looked into buying the Blue Snowball mic.

    submitted by /u/IcedAmerican
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    Need to make a slide show in loop for a funeral in less than 24 hours.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    I need to make a slide show of my grandmother for her funeral that is less than 24 hours from now, a family member was supposed to have this done but just didnt happen.

    Whats the best way to go about this?

    This would be strictly photos (no videos) on a slideshow on loop it would be created then placed onto a flashdrive to give to the fun funeral home to present of of their computer and projector, im not sure if they have powerpoint or imovie, i know you can create a slideslow into a .mov file however how can i get it into a file that loops but also is likely able to be played on any computer via flash drive.

    Help would be very appreciated!

    submitted by /u/mfreeman3223
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    Help verifying information then sending a response email without being able to farm email addresses

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    A group I am working with need people to respond to a form of some sort with information that we use to verify their identity, then once we have verified their identity, we send them back an email with a unique code that they can use to submit a response to something else.

    So here's the question I have: I would like a way to do this such that the people verifying the information and sending the codes never actually see the email addresses (and can't farm them in any other way). Does a tool like this exist? Any help finding something like this would be much appreciated, thanks.

    submitted by /u/sorry_about_teh_typo
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    Publish self-made website

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is too noobish of a question for this subreddit, if there's an obvious other one that would be more appropriate just let me know!

    I've made a basic website (partially just to learn the languages involved) and now I want to publish it onto the internet...as one does. But I'm a little lost on what services I need to use to do this. I have a vague idea that its two parts: a purchase/subscription of the domain name and a place to host the necessary files but that might not be the case anymore.

    What is the 2020 workflow of getting a website that you wrote yourself online?

    submitted by /u/pharmapelloCA
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    Is email marketing really helpful for freelancers to get new clients?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:44 PM PDT


    I am a QA Engineer with 10 years of experience and currently working as a freelancer. I wanted to know how effective email marketing is for one freelancer? Is it a good idea to do or email marketing works usually for companies? Can a freelancer get new client using email marketing?

    submitted by /u/siddharth81286
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    Do we see the cellphones screens really at Quad HD?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    A lot of cellphones support Quad HD. I don't use a cellphone myself that supports Quad HD but I want to ask. Do the users really see them at Quad HD when messaging, browsing on Web etc....Do the apps people use such as "Chrome" or "Settings" support Quad HD?

    submitted by /u/Michael-Townley
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    Unusual phone speaker problem

    Posted: 10 May 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    I have a very strange speaker problem with my Huawei p20 Lite. At first I thought my phone speaker had randomly broken, but I recently noticed that the speaker comes on when I apply pressure to the lower back of the phone. And although the phone still charges, I can only connect it to a PC and access the files through the PC if I apply the same pressure.

    I think it must be some kind of disconnect. Does anyone know what it is or know how to fix it?

    submitted by /u/DerekBl
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    WiFi stops working, when PC is turned on.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    My PC uses ethernet and up until yesterday everything was working fine. But then the problems started. My WiFi and everything is still working fine UNTIL I turn on my Pc. We have multiple PCs at home, but it only happens when I turn on my PC. The only way to prevent it, is disconneting the Ethernet-cable, or turn of the PC. If you need more information, just ask, but please somebody help me!

    submitted by /u/MrMohexon
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    Macbook Pro 90w Charging Samsung s20+

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Hey guys

    Wondering why my MBP 16" 90w charger can't superfast charge my Samsung s20+?

    The MBP charging cable can handle the Superfast charging however the 90w plug will only fast charge and not superfast charge


    submitted by /u/trystate
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    A request for our exam essay.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 08:11 AM PDT


    This is a request for interviewees for a university philosophy exam project on digital assistants. If you would be interested in participating we would appreciate it immensely (contact details below).

    Who We Are Looking For

    We are looking for someone with a digital assistant (i.e. Google Home, Siri or Alexa) who uses it daily or almost daily. We do not expect anything from you other than your participance in the interview (no preparation).

    The Interview

    We would like to interview you about your usage of, relation to, and thoughts on digital assistants. It will most likely take around 30-45 minutes. You pick a date for the interview between May 12th and May 17th. The interview will be carried out online on whatever platform suits you.

    Use of the Interview

    Parts of the interview will be used in the paper. You will be anonymized in the paper (although there are no intimate or personal questions to be feared). You will also be sent the transcribed interview.

    About Us

    We are two university students of philosophy currently working on the topic of digital assistants. We are very curious about the topic and would love to hear about your experiences with digital assistants.


    Please e-mail us at filosofiexam@gmail.com or simply answer this post if you would be willing to participate or if you have any questions that have been left unanswered.

    Thanks in Advance!

    submitted by /u/BiggJj
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    What's harder to acess or is more secure and safe Intel ME or AMD PSP ?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    bent blue yeti cable

    Posted: 10 May 2020 06:08 AM PDT


    as the title says i accidentally bent the cable on the bottom of my blue yeti...


    now when i use it it sounds robotic/ like farts.

    its not that bent though... any fixes?

    submitted by /u/aPointlessOpinion
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    Why does messenger block messages with zalgo in them

    Posted: 10 May 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    S̷̢̨̡̢̢̨̢̢̡̡̧̨̢̨̢̛̛̝̻͉̖̪̥̝̙̭̥̞̙͖̘͇̣͖͚̹͙̤͚̭̻̯̹̱͈̼̙̦͍̦̱̭͇̦̱̣̩̫͈̜̟͔̟̞͎̙̗̥̤̯̳͎̮̻̩̻͖͚̙̝͙̙̼̥̝͎̖̙̰͇̘̖͈͕̲̠̙̝̩̘̻͕̞̖̲̘̣̝͚̗̰̥̯̼̲̪͙̻̤̞̞̳̯̟͖̳̻̭̼̺̮̙̞͖͚̩̬̱̣̈́̈́̈́̐̍́̃̿̉̅̄̔̌̀͂͂̀́͌͆̿̈́̾̽̃̈́͑̇̏̔̇̊̉͛͐̈́͗̃̂̈́̑̾͐͐̈́̿̍͆͋͛̊̈́̔̿̈̊̂̎̐̆́̿̈́̀̈́̋̾͐͊̕̚̚̕̚̕̚͘͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅt̷̡̧̧̡̡̢̡̢̢̢̨̡̢̛̛̛͔͙̜͓̱͔̝̭̣̲̻̹̝̻̦̱̰͙̤̠̭̹̳̩̖̫͖̫̖̙̩̱̺̫͕̝͓͎̫̺̰̤̭̠͈̳̭̞̟͕̝̻̳̠̮̳͚̼̞̰͚͎̗̳̪̩̖̲̣̮͙͚͎͖͉̪͉̲̻̳̟̰̠̞͓͈̬̳̬̮͇͇̘̜͕̯͈̫̼̰̪̫͍̹̫͕̰̦͈͎̻̟̱̻̮̯͖̭̮̳̣̖̝̖̲̦̭̺̪͍̫̠̭͔͓̦̞̘̘̩̻̫̼̙̰͖̤̮̤̱͖̟̩͙͍̥̰̹̰͔̅͂̅̏̿͌̉̈́͒̅̊͗̅͋̍͆̃̂͒̾̔̒̈̔̑̔̿̎̽̈̐͗̓͑̔̊́̄̂͐̽͌̂̆̀͊͗̍̅̔̅̐̉̒̈́̔̏̐́̇̅̐̀̽͊͛̐̂̌̿̓̄̀̄̑̒̍̊̉̓̇̈́͊͑͑́͋̿̔̌̒͂͋̊̋̑̔̇̄͊̈͂́̆̈̈́̑̌͐̏͊̒́̐́͌̇̆̈̄̈́͑͆̓̋̉͂͐̀̀͌̀̈́̐̇͗̈́̂̽͗̃̈́̎̋̋̇͐͐̾̚͘̕̕͘̚̕̚͘̕̚͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅư̵̧̧̧̡̧̨̢̨̡̨͓̙͉͚̙̻̮̟͖̺͕̱̦̗͍̦͕͕̩͕̜͉̘̪͇̥͎̯̟̳̖̻̭͕̬̟̳̣̹̼͍͇̮̭̲͉̭̗̮͔͉̱̲͙͚̹̙̰͓̠͓̝̺͔̟͇̣͖̘̥̼̜̺̱̟͓̤̙̘̩̥͇̣̦̹̫̱̠̼̓̋͆͆̇̄̔̈̿͂́̈́̑̐͋͑̿̊̕̚͜͜͠͠͝ͅͅf̸̡̨̧̧̧̧̡̨̢̧̢̨̧̡̨̧̧̧̡̧̛̪͇̲͚̝̦̗͈͎͈͓̼̲͈̘̮̼̼̜̹͕̪̦̠̺̟̖͍͖͉̞̦̺̲̣̥̮̹͈̳͓͔̲͍̬̦͈͉̠̻͙̙̲̗͙̟͚̹͍͈̩̦̖̮͈̙̗͕̦̲͈͕̫͇̗̞̭̼̭̘̱̹̣̳̞̣͙̫̙͙̥̞̹̩̬̗͓͕̮͓̲͇̟̳̟̖͇͓̝͕̺͔͉͚͉̪̺̖̋͑́͐̉̋͑͂͊̿̓̓̈̇̑́̂̌̀̾͊̈́͜͜ͅͅͅͅͅf̴̢̢̭̭͚͓͍͓̞̪̦̼̮̤̟̜̖̺̝̣̽͂̔̏̂͌͗̾̽̋͗͌̄̊̈́͗̌̈́͒̏̀̌̇̄̋̀̍͋̆͒̑͌͊̐̽̇̏̈́̈̋̕̚̕͜͠͝͠͝ ̸̨̢̛̛̛͔̣̲̬̙̹̹̰̩̥͔̫̼͈̖̥̩̋̿̈̇̈́̑͂̈́̊̿̔́̍͗͆͂̽̿̏̉̌̌̓͑̆͐͊͋̒̀̋̓̐́̊̌̉̊͊̂͋̆̇̎̊̀̽̾̑̏͌̀͂́͂̾̌́̔̏̿̈́͛͆̂̑̃̔̈́̂̍́͌̓͊̾̈̈́͆̀͗̕͘̕̕̕̚̕̚͝͝͠͠͝͠͠͠͠͠͝͝l̷̨̧̢̧̧̡̢̧̢̧̨̨̡̢̧̡̧̛̛̩͙̻̺̞̞̦͓̹̞̩̯̞̟̞͉̪̝̺̮̤͔̦̝̺̭̲̱̥͓̙̻̫̺̠̠͚͎̣͎͍̱̥̤̟̘̦̮͈͓͍̮̪͕̦̙͇̬̠͖̰̜̼̰̫̩̟͖̰̺͓͚͈̻̱͍̝͈̰̹͉̰̺̲͖͔̫̼̩̼̗͍̹͎̮͇͙̩̠̝̲̭̠̞̲̙̣̣̱͔̪̻͎̤̲͈̖̻̹̰̳͉̤̖̦̤̜̻̫̠̮̘̻̥̥̝̞̦̩̭͉̼̻̰̼͍̱̙̪͚͇̲͙̻̫͉͍̱̬͕̲̖̹̯͓͇̄̾̏̈̍̌̿̾̇̏̀̿̓̀̆̈́̋̊͊̆̇̀͗̈͋̉̔̀͗͊̅̍̎̀̓̀͋͊̓̀̅̍̂̑͐̐̆̂̐͋͊̑̾̀̇͊͒̽̄͛̀̒̏͆̊̈́͒̒̀́̏̍̏͂̃̄̈́̂̀̿̔̀͐̆̽͗̓͒̑̃̅̽̀̋̿̓͒̊̌̊͛̒͋̎̑͌̈́̓̈́͆͛͐̍̌͊̈́̀͋̉͑͌͗́̀̉͐̊̏̍̚̕̚̕̕͘̕̚̕͘͘̚̕̚͘̕͘͘̚͜͜͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝ͅͅį̶̨̡̨̨̢̢̨̨̨̡̧̨̛̛̛̩̻̞̪͇̤̳̥̳͈̣̫̻̥̹̹͇̩͔̥̝͕͖͙͖̪̼̠͉̰̬̘̟͎̪̰͈̩͕̬͙̥̺̬͔̱͉̹͓̱̣̪̳͓̰̭͍̦̖̲̲̙͍̜̹̳̝͕͖̠̭̟̗͈̣̝͉̺͍̯̫͙̙̤̣̻̥̹͓̮̳̝͙͕̱̖̞̥̯̦͎̥̮͓̣͍̺̘̘̤̖̗̺̖͔̫̗̤͖̻̠̳̗͍̥͚̟̺̥̱͕͓̟̹̝̜̺͓̯̜̰͙̝͍͎̩͍͎̗̟͕͕͎̼͌̄̈̈́̂̆̉̓̈́̔́̑͒͛͌̀̀̀̆́͗̿̎͌͗̄͊̓́̈́͌̋̌͂̂̈͒́́̽̀̅͛̅̅̀̈́̿͐̐͆̉̀͂̾̀͐̏̆̍͑̒̄̈̈́͋̉̑̿̔͑̒̊͌̅̐͋̔͒̓͗̂́̅͑̍̈́̀͌̇̂̎͂̿̐̽̈́͒̓̅̓̈͊͐̉̄̆́̒͋͛̂̔̈́̑̓̀̃́́̂̑̆͑̓̓̀̕̕͘͘̕̕͘̚̕̕͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅk̴̢̡̧̢̨̨̢̨̛̛̛̳̟͎̯̭̺̠̣͎̯͍̦̣͖̖̜̰̟̣͕̦͔̠͖͈̱͕̣͕͚̩̫̝͇̬̙̣͔̮̮͈̲̲̩̜̤̥̤͎͔̰͖͖̪͕͙̮͔̝̯͕͉͓̱͔̳̤̩̰̠̰̫͎͚̳̮͉̖̲̬̭̣̭͉͚̯͕̪̙̩͉͔̞̝̳̠̖̻͚͎̺͈̫̮̜͖̋̄͗͆̉̿̊͒̎͛͒̂̔̑̎͐̊̒͆̈́̅́͆̒̇̈́́̓͛̊̀̔̋̎̈́̓̒̾̀̽̋̂͑̏͋̉͗̑͋͒͛́̀̅͂̓̌́̓̀̈́̀̍́̂̇͂̋͐̅̅̅͑͛̆̑̾̎̌͐͑̈́̀̋̿̋̈́̈́͂̀̇̊̇̈́̎̓͒̈́̏̂̀̓͊́̈́͗̃͘͘̚̚͜͜͝͝͠͝ͅͅè̷̡̢̧̨̡̡̡̨̧̡̧̟͚̙͇̝̖͕͎̣̣͎̱̣͎̝̲̳̥͓̲̘̹̫̝̲͍̳͇͓͔͎̯̩̰͉͖̝̳̮̪͍͓͓̘͈̫̖̘͚̯͎̰͉͇̩̦̩̤͎͙̲̮͍̪̬̣̥̫̩̱̹͎̪͎͎̯̺͙̣͇̹̪̪͓͚̤̹͇̹̯̜̖̘̼͇̦̳͈͂̉̍̉̄̊́̌͐̿͜͜͜ͅͅ ̸̨̧̢̧̡̢̢̢̡̨̢̡͎͈̻͓̞̬̯͚͓̣̲̗͙̺͉̩̖̠̭̭̼͕͔̪̦̥̠̼͕͔̗̖̯̦̭͓̮̪̖̗͔̠̙̟̱̤͉̙̜̘̹̖͚̲̠̯̱̘͔̜̲̘͎̯̼̗̹̜̘̪̱̙̼͓̪̮̯͇̞͍͈̘͎̳̯̭̩̻̟̹̟̙̺̪̯̫̩̬̠̜̠̲͕̟̜͇̪̟̦̘͉̗̺̯̺̪͚͕̠̥̣̭͙̤̞͚̜̲̳͓͉͕͖̫̥̤̙̻͓̀̇̀͂́̽̑̎̓́́̐̃̑̀́̽̄̂̄̈́̎̂̓͆̉͗̀͑̿̋̄̕͜͜͜͜͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅt̵̨̢̡̡̨̢̧̨̨̨̧̧̨̢̛̛̛̠̯̲̱̪͈̻̙̻̺̙̪̠͕̩̙̲̖̜͓̥̘̭͚̺̘̹̣̼͖̮̠͔͖͍͇̱͕̙̰͇̬̘̩̘̹̭̗̣͕̲̞̦̘̳͙̤̣̜̰̩̱͓̬̟͕̼̮̱̥͕͓̯̝̬̳̺͙͚̞̱̰̻̺̞̖̮̯̫̠͈͓̗̮̬͈̞̮̱̗̜͙͍͉̭̗͍͖̻̜̪̖̫̤̯̟͙̪͚̣̙͎͍̠̜̼͇͚̭̰̪̖͎̟̖̠̩͚͎̫̲̳͎̼̰͉̘͙̗̩̞̥̯͖̼͎͉̗̣̘̩̘̖̰̜̫͑͆̏͆̈́́͛͂̊̀͌͛͂̈̾̉͛̈́͊͗̈́̇̎̿̿̈́̈́̔̉̈̈́͛̑̂͛͆͗͂͋̌̏͐́̽̔͂̏͛̍̌̇̈́̉̂́̍́̍̌͊͛͌́͗̃̇̋̎͐̽̅͋̊̀̓̈́̇͛̅͊̊́́̀̈́̓́̇̋̀͊͒̓̑͆̓͋̔̇̾̆̀͒̃͑̃̏̔̈́̈́̉͗̅̊̂̊̌̏͊́̏̾͘̚̕̕̚̚͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅh̵̡̛̛̛̤͈̺̳̤͐̽̈́̃̈́̄͒͂̇́̀̾̓̃͑́͑̀̈́͂́͋͋̄̌̆̍͛̆́͆͂͐́̓̾̿̐͆̌̈́͋͒́͂́͂̊̈́̊͂̿̄͒̒̈́͋̂͘̕͘͘͘͘̕̕̚͠͝͝͠͝͠i̶̧̡̢̧̡̡̡̡̧̡̢̧̢̢̢̧̨̺̠̬̺͖̪͍̥̤̪̪͉̲̥̳̜̬͓̣͚̬̬̱̣̜̹̝͎̗̰̱̥̠̻̞͓̥̫̞̳̫̳̮̯͍͉͕̝̜̠͍̫̫̳̹̙͔͕̠̭͇̹̲̪͙̝͖̯̼͍̼̱͉̤̰̹̰̜͕͉̭͖͚̗̰͇͛̌̎̐̊͛̌͛͘ͅͅs̵̨̨̛̛̛̛̫̦͈̫̠̣̪̤͎̫̹̺̖͕̩̀̒̀̓̀̅̔́̀̈́̀̍̍̇͊̍̀̌́̈́͑̒̄̀͐̓͛͆̊̒̒̅̿̋̎̐̂̔̆̑̌͂̊̎͘̚̕̚͜͠͝͝͝͝ gets blocked by their "security system"

    submitted by /u/ABaronMortis
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