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    Sunday, May 10, 2020

    Tech Support - HELP ME

    Tech Support - HELP ME


    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:18 AM PDT

    hi. i have a problem. my laptop screen have vertical white line and a big black spot. can u tell me what is that and what the caused of it? thank you

    submitted by /u/suhailabae
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    3D printer recommendations

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    I'm looking to buy a 3d printer and don't know which to go with. My budget is up to approximately $500 or $600 and I'm a novice. I can figure out technology pretty easily so I'm not concerned with being a beginner. I'd like one that's got a pretty good amount of volume for the printed products as well

    submitted by /u/EliteThunder14
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    Scratch Disks full problem.

    Posted: 10 May 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    Hey guys. So I have been constantly getting "Scratch Disks Full" notifications for months now. I have gotten it so many times that I have uninstalled almost all programs and apps and deleted almost all deletable files to try and make room. It might be back working for a little while, but still I will keep getting it. These are the things I've tried so far:

    Run CleanMyMac 3 to smart cleanup. Cleared all caches. Deleted all my photos. Deleted a tonne of files, apps and programs. Restarted the computer. Deleted photos in Lightroom and Photoshop, as well as recent item list. I understand sometimes the files made in Photoshop might be too large but I have deleted all of them.

    When I open scratch disk preferences, I only have one option available, Macintosh HD: Free space 5.63GB. But nothing seems to work. Can I go out and buy a new scratch disk? I'm not the most tech-savvy so any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LeeroyM
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    What is the best version of Linux?

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:43 AM PDT

    Robolox lagging even on a beefy computer

    Posted: 10 May 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    If this isn't a relevent sub let me know

    My friend suggested me to paly robolox so i was Arsenal(robolox game) but as soon as i started playing was noticing too much lag , i tried ru fraps to see how much fps am i getting but i guess fraps doesn't work with robolox so i enabled the in-game system profiler it showed that i was a stable 60fps but there were still regular micro stutters , i tried lowering the graphics but there was no difference and also i do have a decent ( 50mbs with this site )

    Below are my specs:

    • i5 9400f
    • RX580 4gb OC
    • 16gb 3000mhz

    if this isn't enough then robolox might be the WORST optimized game ever

    submitted by /u/YET_TO_BE_NAMED
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    Where do I get rid of a swollen laptop battery during quarantine?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:26 PM PDT

    My laptop battery swelled up a lot and I just removed it. I'm not sure where to put it, I currently have it outside in a bucket, although I'm worried that the sun may heat it up and cause it to burst, not sure if I'm being overly cautious though. The charge was at 90% so I have no clue how to discharge it safely, I don't have a large enough bucket to give it a salt water bath.

    submitted by /u/Elitefuture
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    Any software to record all my activities and convert it to step by step instructions

    Posted: 10 May 2020 02:36 AM PDT

    I've been given a task for writing a sort of detailed walk-through of literally giving instructions of even my mouse click... as in I'm clicking on top right corner on a particular icon...then I need to write that..

    so is there any software that would actually convert all my mouse clicks/ key logs into instructions?

    submitted by /u/Hateuhacker
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    Is it possible to use an monitor to an laptop where the screen is broken and doesnt show anything

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    Is there an anti anti adblocker or anti adblock killer for Firefox??

    Posted: 10 May 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    What is 3d secure encryption?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    For background I live in the usa and was trying to make an online purchase from a European website. I've never heard of this type of site authentication.

    I'm not sure if it's strictly a EU procedure but my Visa card was considered invalid.

    Has anyone else encountered this problem and how did you deal with it. Is there anyway I can still make my purchase?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Forlorn_Cyborg
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    Fitness/sleep tracker with oxygen sensor

    Posted: 10 May 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    My 1st tracker for sleep apnea


    I decided to buy myself my first fitness tracker, but I've to stay on a tight budget..so, second hand is the way!

    My main needs are:

    • sleep tracking (quite good, cause I really need to improve my sleep) where I want to get real insights and suggestions on how to improve (food/drinks, alarm, bed-time, anomalies over how I breathe when I sleep, as I feel I have slight sleep apnea problems..)
    • bike ride/runs trackers (km, max speed, time, route...)
    • motivational support/notification for basic things (drinking water, reminder for moving a bit, yoga, meditation etc...)
    • tracking of stress levels and such
    • suggestions on how to function best the day after (mins of sport needed, hours of sleep, etc..)

    I have the Garmin Vivosmart 4 on the radar as it's quite cheap and does all what I need.

    Which one do you suggest? Fitbit vs Garmin vs ...? Could you please help me choose the one that would best help me?


    submitted by /u/mircofragomena
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    Mobile hotspot prices increasing? Why?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 11:42 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I was wondering why old technology like this 4g hotspot is now $200 for something that was out in like 2015? https://www.amazon.com/Netgear-Unite-Mobile-WiFi-Hotspot/dp/B00HCNHH2W/ref=sr_1_88?dchild=1&keywords=unlocked+4g+hotspot&qid=1589092780&sr=8-88

    I bought one a year ago for $60. It seems all of them are sky rocketing in prices. Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/BHD_Kassy
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    Best Drawing tablet for someone looking to seriously get into digital art

    Posted: 09 May 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    So due to Covid I finally made the decision to get back into art. I just bought a new computer, photoshop, a desk, a chair, and everything else, but now I need the last piece: a great drawing tablet.

    I'm super stoked to get into this whole thing, but I truly need help as to what tablet is the best one for me.

    I'm looking for one that is precise with the pen touches, has the quick keys, hooks up to the computer, etc.

    Preferably something that's under $500 USD.

    I plan on doing Lightroom editing, photoshop, and several digital art classes from Udemy, if that helps narrow it down.

    Would really like one that allows you to draw on the screen as well. I feel like it might be best for me rather than having to look up and down constantly. Even one with a sturdy stand would be helpful.

    I'm just not sure what's in my price range, so if you have any suggestions or helpful advice I would super appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/BoFoSho92
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    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    Hi! I have a 1TB HDD Seagate and I've been using it for almost 5 years now. It has plenty of free space and I've only used about 400gb of it. It has somewhat of a loose cord already but decently fast until recently. It started by Macbook not recognizing the device right away but when it does, the files would take so long to be read and the transfer speed is soooooooooo slow. When I transfer 1gb it takes 10-30 mins and it sometimes disconnects itself from my mac. I'm assuming bc I have a loose cord.

    Also it's so hard eject the device from my mac and when I forcefully pull it out, my laptop would restart. Anyone else had the same experience? I'd get it checked but quarantine situation is bad and nothing is open. :(

    submitted by /u/meovved
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    Loud Fan in PC

    Posted: 09 May 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    A few months ago, I got a LENOVO Think Station Tiny PC for work, but I recently had to move it so I could work from home, and after the move I've noticed that the fan will be really loud when I start it up, and then after I've had it on for a couple hours, it will normally get quiet like it used to be. I have tried sitting it on it's side and horizontally, and there doesn't seem to be a change either way when it's being loud.

    I just don't want to get in trouble when I go back to work, so does anyone know why this is happening? Thanks for any help you can provide.

    submitted by /u/trippykittie
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    How can I stream my own video content with my friends in sync?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Basically we want to MST3K some bad movies I have over zoom, so we need to be able to stream them synced up for everyone.


    submitted by /u/jomamma2
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    New House -advice on running ethernet

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    currently in the process of purchasing a house. its old enough to have phone lines run to every room and i am planning on swapping those out for Ethernet runs which i am fairly confident of being able to do as long as the phone lines aren't stapled(due to corona we cant get to the house to inspect things often) and was wondering if anyone had any tricks to replacing stapled runs (preferably without removing drywall i'm a technie not a handyman and it would end up looking ugly)

    submitted by /u/talmadge7
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    Looking for help with audio questions

    Posted: 09 May 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Hello! I am hoping for some help with a specific audio question. I am planning on building a PC in a few months and will be putting a tv above the computer monitors that will run independently of the PC. I am trying to use the same speakers for the PC and the tv, with some sort of a way of easily switching the speakers to play audio from the PC or the tv. I couldn't find any simple answer to this online. I haven't purchased the speakers or tv yet, so if you have recommendations for specific speakers that would work with this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/Goondock_Saint
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    Recommendations for a value-for-money 40" to 44" smart TV?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Not necessarily has to be the cheapest, but a brand or model that has good viewing angle, smart TV functions with a reasonable price tag.

    submitted by /u/l64926l
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    How to setup Apple two factor authentication if you don't have any Apple devices

    Posted: 09 May 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    About to buy a lapto! suggestions

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    I am about to purchase a laptop but I'm still indecisive about what I want, any suggestions? The main things I am looking for are durability, good aging, good screen quality.

    I am looking for a good machine to edit photos and light video editing, fast performance.

    My budget is around $ 900

    Any help!! ??

    submitted by /u/africano09
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    A question of mine about facebook "spam posts"

    Posted: 09 May 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    When I used Facebook 4 or 5 years ago, there were two broad categories of "spam posts" that annoyed me to no end, every time they popped up in my feed.

    The first category of "spam posts" were the "what do you think of me" posts. You know the text images with the bullet points, that usually went on any variations of "Are you my; A. enemy, B. friend, C. lover."? Mostly, they were posted by preteens or teenagers trying to fish for compliments. However, I had quite a few adult Facebook friends that often submitted them too.

    The second type were the "guilt trip into sharing" posts. Like the ones that were like "if you don't share this, then you hate soldiers, disrespect Jesus (more often then note, the "Jesus" picture in the image was actually a photograph of Ewan McGregor), support animal abuse, etc." Most of those were usually shared by my elderly Facebook friends (including my paternal grandmother), but it was also fairly common for the aforementioned preteens and teenagers to post them as well. I guess they thought that sharing those posts was a way for them to show solidarity with their whatever cause they have.

    For someone like me, who isn't savvy on social media lingo, are there any actual terms for those types of "spam posts"? If so, what is the proper name for them?

    submitted by /u/Oldmanofthemountian
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    Windows closing and auto deleting flagged files

    Posted: 09 May 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    im try to download a injector and it gets flagged by windows antivirus for being a trojan. i know its not a virus and its just the way its made. i keep downlading it and places it on my desktop. when i go to luanch it it atomaticly closes after some seconds and sometimes it uninstals itself why.

    submitted by /u/FuryReflex
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    Are APSC digital cameras better in image quality than full format cameras from the previous generation?

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Not sure if cameras come in generations or not, but I just mean like how quickly can new APSC cameras rival their older full-format counterparts.

    I ask because I like APSC because you can get really nice cameras and lenses for way less than full-format. Yet, full-format is always a step ahead in image quality. Better low light performance is the main thing, but I've heard there may be other improvements as well. So I'm wondering, as I'm new to photography, how quickly is image quality improving in APSC cameras? Are the improvements so fast and significant that an APSC camera from this year can literally make better photos than a full-frame from say, 2 years ago?

    submitted by /u/Master_Vicen
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    How do i get my Phones IME number unblocked

    Posted: 09 May 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    I recently had my phone stolen. When it was stolen I reported this to the police so that they could have the IME number blacklisted and render the phone relatively useless. However, a few weeks later, the police rang to report that they had recovered the phone and i could have it back. I now have the issue of the blocked IME number and was wondering if there was a way that i could have the number unblocked so that i can actually use my phone again. Sorry of this is the wrong place for this question, and I'm in the UK if that helps.

    submitted by /u/Slaver102
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