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    Tuesday, January 12, 2021

    Tech Support - Search word docs for image

    Tech Support - Search word docs for image

    Search word docs for image

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 03:46 AM PST

    Hi guys Trying to recover a word doc using an diagram I put in Any suggestions for software Any help is much appreciated

    submitted by /u/brownwarrier4
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    Why can I use NFC on my phone to pay by credit card but I can't use it as the badge to get into my office building ?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 12:21 AM PST

    A badge to get into an office building seems like a much less secure thing than a credit card, yet there doesn't seem to be a way to scan what that badge is sending with my phone and then use my phone to get into my office building. Or am I missing something ?

    submitted by /u/pbloomsa
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    Downloading Udemy Course on PC?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 12:00 AM PST

    I recently bought some courses on Udemy and watching them online and then going back to learn it again is very tiring and wasteful of data.

    So I have been downloading the videos through the udemy mobile app. I was wondering if anyone has a way of downloading the entire course at once on PC. ( I'm not looking for a free course site. I am just looking for a way to download from my courses)

    I have tried Udeler but the software has a login issue. Need help please.

    submitted by /u/G-Chif
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    Is VS CODE on kali Linux a good idea?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 02:27 AM PST

    Recommended software(win 10) to set which display apps launch on?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 01:23 AM PST

    I'm using a 4k TV and a 1440p 165hz monitor together for my displays and have the TV as the main display. Some applications, such as Rocket League, get a bit buggy when trying to run them full-screen. Currently I launch applications that give me issues in Borderless, Shift + Win + Arrow L (or R if I'm going back to the TV).

    Do you guys have any suggestions for software I can use to set the default monitor per app? Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/BellyandKen
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    Ip address

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 03:30 PM PST

    I was chatting to someone on an app (grindr) and they started saying they had gotten my ip address, would this be possible from a chat where we just exchanged a few pics, I didn't open any files or click on any links, also I'm not sure if it's peer to peer based or server based as I think that can make a difference? If anyone knows about that I would be super grateful

    submitted by /u/Medium-Pop-6318
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    What is a good laptop to get for my needs?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 12:28 AM PST

    I've been looking to get a good/cheap laptop for a very specific few things I've recently been looking in to trying streaming and I'd like to have a laptop to read chat and manage everything I'd also like to maybe downloaded and edit clips either from twitch or with the Xbox app I really have no clue on what would be good so any info or suggestion would help

    submitted by /u/MVP_Koala
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    Replacment charger for itech fusion smartwatch?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2021 12:24 AM PST

    Does anyone know where to get a replacement charger for an itech fusion or which chargers are compatible? I cant find a place online that specifically sells chargers for that smartwatch and I lost mine, So are other smartwatch chargers compatible? If so which ones might work? Theres plenty of smartwatch chargers online that may work but I'm not sure which ones would lol

    Heres what the charging port on the watch looks like: Image Of Smartwatch charging port

    submitted by /u/Dylanthedruggie
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    Instagram servers, deleted messages, hacked account - help needed.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:53 PM PST


    1. How to recover all my instagram messages from deleted conversations to the account - in order to unsent them?
    2. How to request deletion from servers and other people's acccounts of all my instagram messages from deleted conversations? Or just deletion of my name?

    The reason for both questions is in the fact that I want a fresh start with Instagram without loosing my posts and stories data. Plus the reason is next:

    1. My account was hacked about 2 weeks ago, but hackers just logged in and logged out with 2 devices. That day I received a phone call from Switzerland that google search sees as suspicious in many topics. I even didn't answer, but I recieved multiple messages that someone is trying to log into my account. I changed the password, but they indeed logged in my account before the change of the password - and instagram haven't notified me. I've reported that to both the Embassy of Switzerland and some emails of Instagram and Facebook, but they did never contact me back.
      The hackers didn't do anything with my account, I had previous hack accounts on my google address, another email that was hacked. But hackers also didn't do anything. They could have stolen the money (now there is no money whoever reads this really), but they didn't. I mean whaaat?
      It couldn't have been someone I know because I do not know many people. I knew one person... but i really doubt that it was made by that person. Although, well, not, that person moved on. Probably. Ok person if reads this - it can contact me.
      Still, the hackers didn't take my bank number, and my bank was associated with that email? It is weird, they could have taken something, but didn't. The attack was from all over the world, the attack attempted on another email was from Ireland, and the attack on Instagram was from Switzerland, a mobile phone that is known to be suspicious in google search results.

    I knew that they logged in because I saw two unknown devices with successfull logins - and instagram haven't notified me about that.

    The number was: +41 41 588 09 78. Based in Lausanne.

    The emails to where I sent my appeal were:










    What to do? To search hackers to delete my old conversations from servers or to get it back to instagram app? Or ti fill a request somewhere for Instagram staff (Facebook is linked with them, to do it?) So weird.

    Cheers! :)

    submitted by /u/Andrejki
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    Replacement to Google Hangouts for long distance land line phone calls at low price & good quality

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    Google hangouts used to charge USD 0.01 per minute for an international call to land line phones and I used it to communicate with family overseas. It worked pretty well and price was incredible.

    For some reason they retired the service in Switzerland last 31st Dec.

    I know there are some known contenders out there such as viber and skype but I am curious to know other potential good solutions. One that ideally does not belong to google, microsoft, apple, facebook or amazon. Non-american is a +

    Would you guys have any solution to propose as a replacement that you use for a similar purpose and that has an equivalent price?

    Thanks for your kind help

    submitted by /u/NrebNarf
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    How to make a folder on a windows PC accessable for android Tablet to play media from?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 09:48 PM PST

    I have a Android Tablet always plugged into my Windows computer. It acts as a second control system and so I would like to play music from it. So how do I play the mp3s on my Windows PC with my mp3 app on the tablet.

    It's almost like reversing when you plug the tablet into a computer and can play the files from the tablet, well reversed I need to play the files on the PC on my android.

    submitted by /u/Gold_Champagne
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    What is i2p?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:55 PM PST

    Someone said that i2p is like tor. Is t it that same or what is the difference? Plz if can, say how i2p works(like mechanism and pros cons).......

    submitted by /u/skyworld911
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    USB-C Splitter

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:13 PM PST

    Hey everyone! I recently got a Dell Inspiron laptop, and it's perfect except that it doesn't have a USB port. It came with a USB-C (the charger type) to USB dongle, which is great, except I can't use anything with a USB while I charge my laptop. I've done research for a splitter that would allow me to do both at the same time, but to no avail. I found one that would work, except one of the ports is for headphones, and plugging in a USB device won't work. If I have to go two steps and go from one USB-C to two (that's what the one I tried was), and then plug the dongle into that, that is perfectly fine. I just need something that will let me charge my laptop and use a USB at the same time. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Landless1532
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    Is there a tool for drawing a rectangle on an image and get it's specifications? (location on the image, dimensions and so on)

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 07:41 AM PST

    I'm currently working on hitboxes for my 2D fighting game, and since there are so much to do(around 3 hitboxes for each frame, each animation is around 8-16 frames), I need a way to automate it, instead of manually testing numbers each time.

    So I need a tool that would allow me to get the dimensions of the hitbox on the frame after drawing over it myself, it's going to save a lot of time and effort for me. Is that a thing?

    Thanks Ahead!

    submitted by /u/eitanski
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    For Samsung Tab S7: matte (paper-like) or glass screen protector?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 10:36 AM PST

    For a Samsung Tab S7, should I use a matte (paper-like) or glass screen protector? Which one do you prefer for a good note-taking experience? I've heard that the paper-like one breaks down the rubber tip of the s-pen very quickly.

    submitted by /u/nolk30
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    considering parler and gab died today is it possible to create a decentralized shitposting app on blockchain so all text messages are just on a block node?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 01:04 PM PST

    Binary code/Ai/other Demensions/Time

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 06:39 AM PST

    I tired to understand 0 1 because i think about going into computer science. As far as i have understood we created a system how we can make sense of it to use it. But couldent we make a better system to translete human expericen and the world until it get knows it is not alone anymore? We just have to creat a fantasy other dimension which makes sense. Giving it life and death or mabye the code /DNA of some simple animal until evelution is taking part like by us?

    submitted by /u/Elobari
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    Is there an IOS app to monitor your sleeping heart rate with just Iphone (using flash and camera)?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:47 AM PST

    Question about self charging phones

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:10 AM PST

    If you made a prototype of a self charging phone, how would you go about funding or releasing it to the public?


    submitted by /u/TheNemiru
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    Terminology about photo sizing

    Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:00 AM PST

    Hey there! I have a strange question-- I know when discussing images there are size and dimensions. I have to resize images for my colleagues all the time but I am running into an issue with terminology. There are restrictions for certain things by size - as in, under 5KB is preferred but "size" translates to dimensions to most people. So I have started referring to that as "weight". Is there a better way?

    EX: I made an image and it was too big. I fixed the dimensions to 580 x 320 which was the appropriate size for its use, but it still wouldn't work so I changed it from PNG to JPG to drop the quality and therefore the size from 277kb to 37kb. When I was trying to get the dimensions/size requirements from my colleague, other than "I don't know" I was met with "it just says it's too big".

    Is there a way to refer to the size of the photo without using the word size? Because size means many things...

    (This is not my domain of expertise so I would appreciate gentleness!)

    submitted by /u/bubblesnblep
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