• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 21, 2021

    Tech Support - My mom keeps getting random wrong calls. Can you help her?

    Tech Support - My mom keeps getting random wrong calls. Can you help her?

    My mom keeps getting random wrong calls. Can you help her?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:21 PM PST

    My mom owns a small company in Europe.

    Every day she recieves 2-3 wrong calls thats asking for other companies in our country. When she asks where did they find her number, they always say that they clicked on a "call now" button on some job searching website. The problem is that that website is never the same so we can't locate the problem.

    So for example. Let's say someone is trying to call a company called xyz on Yelp. They press the button to call the number and they get my mom on the phone. The guy tells her which company he was trying to reach and from which website. The same company never repeats and its 4-5 different websites for jobs.

    We tried contacting the providers, the websites we get calls from, companies they were calling, Google information...

    By now she feels very helpless about this problem. Is there anyone who might know what the problem is?

    submitted by /u/blarckz
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    Google Chrome Dark Mode

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:12 AM PST

    Hey! So I have dark mode turned on for my Mac but today when I was doing college work, the google search webpage has now changed to dark and I find it really hard to read. I have never had this issue before as only the top taps bar would be dark. How do I turn this back without turning off dark mode for the whole mac? Can't find anything online about turning it off. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/cormacoconnor97
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    How to connect windows os installed hdd to mac book as a storage device

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 03:19 AM PST

    So later this week I bought mac pook air for my college projects.. Before this I had a computer with seagate refurbished hdd (still working) of 1tb storage.. so now I want to connect this hdd as an external HDD to expand my storage of mac.. I also bought hdd casing on order to connect the hdd via USB port... So how do I start this... And thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/prannoyroy
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    Help with a story I'm writing...

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:27 AM PST

    I'm writing a story where one of the characters is using social media to keep track of two guys who are bullying him. I want to know what's the best/easiest way of doing this? I don't need to know how to do it (I don't want to write a how-to stalking guide here) - just enough info that he can explain how he's doing it to a less tech savvy character and have it sound legit.

    Preferably this would be a way of tracking them in real time - not just using exif data to see where last pics were posted. I was thinking an app like Snapchat might work - he creates a fake profile and uses the map on Snapchat to see where they are. Is there a better/cleverer way? The character doing this is pretty good with technology so any suggestions that don't sound like BS to the audience gladly received, even if they require some specialised knowledge...

    submitted by /u/Cafern78
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    Can an old wifi modem be used as a temporary router replacement? Get wifi when my parents take it?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:34 PM PST

    I am 14 years old and I consider myself to be smart. My parents underestimate me and are pretty dull at night my parents turn of the wifi at around 9 to 10:30 ish some nights later. It started by them using an app but i brute forced their passwords and got control over the app so they then started taking the cord, I found a cord that fit from our tech junk drawer after they took all of the cords I made one with a knife some electric tape and an old radio now they take the router. I can't use the neighbours wifi because it's wrong and they are smart and auto kick any new devices off. In the junk I found some old routers so my question is could I use an old one to replace it overnight. I have access and know how the cabling works. If it doesn't work are there any ideas that I could use instead. Any help would be great

    submitted by /u/nadsuo
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    Two short questions about Tor

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:32 PM PST

    1. Why would an ISP allow a customer to host a Tor exit node considering a decent amount of illegal traffic goes through them?
    2. Why would an individual choose to host one considering the possible legal risk of being held liable for the traffic exiting there?
    submitted by /u/WiseNebula1
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    Temporary photo storage site help

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:32 PM PST

    I am looking for a photo storage site that I can easily download from and then erase when I no longer need them. Thanks

    submitted by /u/calandria63
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    Why do antivirus programs quarantine threats rather than just delete?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:11 PM PST

    I'm concerned that the program will simply let all the viruses out at the end of the trial period if you don't buy a license.

    submitted by /u/shallowblue
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    Basic Internet User if Computers and Smart Phones with Question

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:12 PM PST

    I'm a computer (Windows) and Smart Phone (Android) who uses this items for basic things.

    I was wondering if anyone knew what the definition of term for this kind of thing is that I frequently encounter.

    Basically many websites do not update as often as they normally would, the same exact (or nearly the same) news article loads on many pages often with different authors and the articles are dated from many years ago.

    Also, there are fewer responses than normally there would be on forum websites and the responses take longer than usual to come in. Also, many of the responses are as if they were written, viewed and moderated by a super similarly person (persons).

    Also, there are items that I search for using a search website that I cannot find online by searching (but sometimes someone else can find the item I was searching for using the same search words, browser and search website).

    Also, there are pages and images (including shopping results) that won't load (a blank image and some error appears)

    I also notice that my internet is quite a bit slower than the other people who have the same provider and the same/similar setup. There is a fetch and update link that appears often also.

    Also, a problem where to my eyes the text on a page appears more jumbled than how I left it (I have to re-read and edit many times)

    I am banned for seemingly no reason or for something that I didn't do (the reason for the ban is not something I understand or not something that I did) yet the account still exists in such a way that I receive notifications and friend requests. I email support and some of them never email me back about why I was banned /had my account removed

    submitted by /u/AJobWellDid
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    What happened to Telco's fixing stuff in store?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:03 PM PST

    So I remember gears ago when Telstra first brought in the TechBar you could take your Nokia or Alcatel into the store, new keypad, new battery, new screen, etc and they'd fix it on the spot.

    These days, you go in and they struggle to change settings, and any repairs you need get sent away for 3-4 weeks.

    Yet you can go to the shop (generally right outside the door) and get your phone fixed in 45 minutes whole you go get a coffee.

    Why pull such a great service from your stores and instead outsource it?

    submitted by /u/Rumbuck_274
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    So a company called Cisco Umbrella keeps blocking me.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:54 AM PST

    Cisco Umbrella is completely blocking my access to websites such as Steam, Epic, Reddit, Instagram etc on my phone. Apps work fine, but browsers don't work as they block me before I even connect.


    Does someone know what's happening? This started happening only recently.

    submitted by /u/6SacredSoul9
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    Chromebook dev mode?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 10:37 AM PST

    I am asking because my brother is always putting in a "your choice" and I need help. I feel my chromebook is getting stale in fun for me. I need some suggestions.

    submitted by /u/LandscapeSevere
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    Using one Keyboard and Mouse with 2 computers

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:50 PM PST

    So since last year I have been working from home, and so I have to use the desk where I play games at as the same desk I work at.

    Typically by the end of the work day, I tuck my keyboard and mouse to my work PC under my desk, and just slide the keyboard and mouse from my gaming PC over. This is sometimes pretty annoying and it unfortunately takes up a decent amount of desk space.

    What I want to know is, is there a way to just be able to easily use one Keyboard/Mouse for both machines, whether it be like a switch box, or something that detects which computer is turned on?

    submitted by /u/redneckN3RD
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    Can I connect to my home WiFi network using an adaptor plugged into my laptop's ethernet port?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:25 PM PST

    The wireless card on my laptop has failed and I don't think it's really worth replacing / fixing it for the age of my laptop. However, everything else is still going strong so I'd like to just connect to the WiFi using an adaptor. I have seen ethernet bridges on Amazon but I don't know if that actually does what I want? I have been using an ethernet cable but this is not ideal for moving between rooms obviously. I know I can get USB wireless dongles, but I've heard USB can interfere with 2.4ghz connections - my WiFi network also has a 5ghz connection though, so maybe a USB dongle to connect to that would be better? Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/verisceral
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    Does anyone know of any software that exists that can remove targeted pieces of a video while replacing the removed parts with new pixels?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 08:53 AM PST

    So far the only tool I have managed to find which accomplishes this was the Jihosoft Photo Eraser. Which to my utter shock worked nearly flawlessly on a censor bar. That leads me to another question however and that was can we automate this process for a video by highlighting the offending element and having the software remove them throughout the video.

    submitted by /u/StayDead4Once
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    Could I store a game on a USB flash drive?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:11 AM PST

    So I'm not a tech guy at all, and I know basically nothing about storage and stuff. But anyways I have this dinky laptop with only like 120 Gb of space, but I have already used 108 GB, and I wanted this game called "Sea of Thieves" but it takes up 50 GB of space. While researching how to add more space to my Laptop I realized I could maybe use a Flash Drive and store the game there, but I don't know if that would work, I looked up if it would work but didn't get a satisfactory answer. So I decided to ask here. Sorry if this would never work and I sound like an Idiot.

    submitted by /u/Styrofoam127
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    Android - IOS

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 06:22 AM PST

    Greetings fellas,

    I'm looking into switching to IOS (Iphone 11 pro). I've been on android ever since my first phone, so this would been quite a change. Any stuff i should know/ look in to?


    submitted by /u/Mr_Fries69
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