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    Wednesday, January 20, 2021

    Tech Support - If your ISP offered you 1.5g internet instead of 1g internet, is it worth it for $5 extra dollars?

    Tech Support - If your ISP offered you 1.5g internet instead of 1g internet, is it worth it for $5 extra dollars?

    If your ISP offered you 1.5g internet instead of 1g internet, is it worth it for $5 extra dollars?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:38 PM PST

    Would my internet even really benefit and get faster?

    submitted by /u/ridge9
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    How would I extend internet access to a different room in a condo that has proven incapable of being able to do this wirelessly? A switch and very long Ethernet cable to connect from modern to switch in second room? How would my iPhone then be connected to the switch for internet access?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 04:05 AM PST

    Questions about how to improve my gaming experience.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:50 PM PST

    I want to settle my gaming hinderances once and for all. The two biggest issues begin at the TV/monitor and then my internet.

    I'm currently on a couch, with a 65" LG 60hz (120 "Tru Motion") TV, plugged into an Xbox One S. I'd like to move into the world of desks and gaming monitors but I just understand some of the buying guides...

    1. Is there a difference between buying a monitor for a PC and buying one for an Xbox/Playstation?

    I have always felt that my TVs response time, and my horrible internet connection, are the leading factors to my subpar performance in competitive games. I live in a basement suite and just share the internet with the folks upstairs. They each have an iPhone and a laptop/iPad, and then a Amazon Firestick. We pay for 300mb, and use the company's provided modem, plugged into an Archer C5400. They say their speed tests render about 30-120 megabytes, and I usually get around the same when I'm downloading an Xbox game. All of them using wireless.

    1. How do I improve my internet speed and connection? (preferably without going wired, but I understand that may be impossible)
    2. Will any of these things actually make my gaming experience better? I would really like to get more into it, but cannot stand when I go to aim at someone and they skip the other side of the room.

    Thank you in advance for all your answers! I hope this was the proper place to ask these questions.

    OH! I should also mention that I hope to use the monitor setup for work as well. HDMI into my Macbook, and maybe start recording gameplay. (I own a Haupauge DVR).

    submitted by /u/Gelinuts
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    Can I move the windows system folder to a new partition on the same drive and then clone that partition to a new drive?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:27 AM PST

    Hi I have windows installed on a HDD (c:) and want to clone it so that it boots from my SSD (e:). My SSD is not empty though, it has been in use for a while so it is not just a case of simply cloning the whole HDD as I am worried that I will lose stuff from the SSD if I do that (although there is enough space to do so, i might just be paranoid).

    My HDD currently only has the one partition that has the windows folder and everything else like steam etc, which I would rather keep on the HDD rather than move absolutely everything from that drive over (i have all my taxing games on my SSD already, just non-intensive ones on C:).

    I have downloaded Macrium Reflect in order to do the cloning part but I don't know how (or if it is possible to) create a new partition for just the Windows system files and move it into there and then clone the new Windows system partition from C: to the new drive.

    Can anyone help? Is this even possible? Is there a less stupid way I can do what I want?

    EDIT: If I just clone the whole C: onto the E: that already has stuff on it will it overwrite and lose data?

    submitted by /u/fun-frosting
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    Internet speed Zoom vs Gaming

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:29 PM PST

    I have 2 roommates, so there are 3 of us in an average size 3 bedroom apartment. Our internet is 200 mbps. My one roommate wants to get faster internet, because he plays a lot of Fortnight and says the internet keeps cutting out. My other roommate and I work remotely. I teach over Zoom, so I run group Zoom meetings a couple times a week. At most, my third roommate, who also does not game, uses the same amount. I only notice internet problems when my roommate who plays Fortnight is trying to game, so I don't see the point in paying for faster internet if he is the only one who needs it. Does gaming take more internet than Zoom meetings? Also, he keeps trying to plug in an extender which seems to make it worse for the rest of us and I don't think we need an extender in this size of an apartment. I'm not good with technology at all, so I also don't want to be an unnecessary bully, but should he have to pay for the internet upgrade?

    TL;DR Does gaming take more internet than Zoom?

    submitted by /u/jn261410
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    At work we have an Net Promoter Score where we each customer gets sent a link for an online survey to rate their experience out of 10. I am asking to see if there is a way I can cheat basically?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 11:28 PM PST

    To elaborate, the link is sent out by email so I tried using those randomly generated email websites but it must recognise device/ip address as it only allows one survey to be filled out by each customer.

    Any help would be much appreciated, my boss is withholding our bonuses unless we are above a certain score and it's very unpredictable/unmanageable to get the score he has set.

    submitted by /u/BallsDeap
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    Question for someone knowledgable in using Facebook?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:36 PM PST

    Recently I started using the feature where if you want to share a post with only specific friends, you will just change the audience when creating the post to custom/specific friends, I am happy with the feature because it works well and would just show "custom" whenever my friends who would see it hovers over the gear icon,

    but then I remembered the time when I was still using my other account years ago, the feature would work fine and just show "custom" until i received a notif saying that the next time I'll use the feature, friends "may" be able to see the names of the other people I shared it to, I tried it and it shows the names of everyone that I chose to share it with when they hover over the gear icon, which I don't like, I still have access to that account, I tried it and it still does that.

    While I am contented with my current account that it doesn't show any names (I have been using the feature for quite awhile now), I am constantly worried that just like my other account, it would also do that at some point, I really don't want the people I'm sharing with to see the names of the others because of personal reasons, so what I really want to know is that is there a good explanation on why my current account only shows "custom" while the one I used years ago shows the names? I already checked the settings of both accounts and they were all the same

    if it helps, my current account that shows "custom" only was created around 2010, while the one that shows the names was created in 2015

    it's something similar to this one:


    The difference is I don't use Lists, I just manually choose specific people whenever I make a post

    submitted by /u/InstanceAmbitious587
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    Best (free) Antivirus in 2020 for windows?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:43 PM PST

    Hi! Recently came from Mac (I still have it, I just like gaming again). I have used Avast for 8+ years without issues, but I recently searched them and saw some...issues, some concerning things about privacy.

    Edit: wait, it's 2021 now..

    submitted by /u/Lokael
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    Adding a E-GPU to a 2016 gaming laptop with thermal issues

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:39 PM PST

    Is there any setting i should add or do to windows drivers before plugging in the E-GPU? The laptop has a GTX 960M that never passes 405MHz, i will connect a GTX 1060 to the laptop, should i disable the GTX 960M before connecting the E-GPU?

    submitted by /u/DrMengueche25
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    Should get everyone in my family to leave Whatsapp for another app?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:09 PM PST

    I hsve left Facebook years ago over their nonsense and the nonsense of my friends and family. Then a few weeks ago it was revealed that while Whatsapp marketed themselves on end to end encryption, Facebook was still combing through our messages for data. Everyone in my family uses Whatsapp mostly for texts and calls between the US and Guyana. That was the main reason I used it. But as I don't feel comfortable with that even though It has been the case since 2016, I prefer not using a Facebook app. Then again, I shouldn't make it a big issue because I still use Instagram. But I don't want to cut off my family, especially over them using apps that are a privacy nightmare; they are super active on Facebook and FB messenger as well. Also not everyone ins my family is as tech savvy as me. It took my mom months for her to work her iPhone and Whatsapp. Should I push them to use an alternative app like Signal or Telegram or should I leave just good enough alone?

    submitted by /u/hipsterdannyphantom
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    Do RCA cables degrade quality?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 03:59 PM PST

    I'm actually intentionally trying to degrade quality and was wondering if I connected a male to female to male to female to male to female to male to plug in if all the RCA cables would cause significant degradation to the quality.

    submitted by /u/Meyeke
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    Good monitors to buy?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 05:19 AM PST

    at the moment I have two monitors. one is 24" and the other is 27". they're both 60hz. I was wondering if there was a good place online to get good 27" 144hz monitors. for gaming btw

    submitted by /u/BirdmanUwU
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    Why can my phone show full bars of LTE service, yet not be able to load webpages?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 07:45 AM PST

    Why don't modernized VCRs exist?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:20 PM PST

    With the large number of people who are attached to video collections, have years old recordings on tape, or just enjoy nostalgia, I'm so surprised there aren't VCRs on the market that connect directly to HDMI. Is there a technological reason for this? Or is it just a market blind spot?

    submitted by /u/mrfunktastik
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    Why am I having trouble finding landline phones that can send and receive text messages?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 04:02 PM PST

    The Year is already 2021, so why haven't landline phones been made to send and receive text messages yet? Why is that technology so difficult to implement in landline phones? When will landline phones finally have that feature added to them?

    submitted by /u/FattDegPaHjernen
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    Making patterns on the PC - connecting different VPNs and programs?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:11 PM PST

    Hi. Is this possible and how to do it? E.g. I have 10 programs and I want all of them to connect to 10 different IPs via some VPN software programs? Win10 or Linux, I d copy programs and VPN programs Best regards.

    submitted by /u/Andrejki
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    Second time my MacBook Pro screen somehow repaired itself by being left alone for a month. Anyone have any insight as to what’s going on?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:42 AM PST

    I am utterly perplexed.

    My Mac had that black screen problem a couple times over the years now. The first couple times I fixed it by trying to NVRAM/SMC reset and it worked.

    Last year the same thing happened but nothing helped. I didn't have the $ to get it repaired so I just left it alone for a month. After a month I tried turning it on again and... the screen worked. Not to mention the keyboard backlight was working again too.

    It worked for almost a year. Then the same thing happened.

    Again, I left it alone for a month. And now it turned on again. What could be going on??

    Also, I tried leaving it alone for a week or two and it didn't turn on then. Only after about a month.

    This is so odd. I know I need to get it looked at anyway but I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas about what could be going on. That would also help me gauge how much it's going to cost to fix whatever keeps breaking

    submitted by /u/Miliaa
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    What USB type is it?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:42 AM PST

    Connecting Two Monitors to a Laptop

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 10:29 AM PST

    Hi everyone, sorry this may sound really stupid, I'm not super technologically advanced but I guess that's why I'm here. I need some help with adding some monitors to my laptop. The small screen makes me squint and crane my neck a bit, and because I'm a broke college kid my "setup" is just an HP EliteBook attached to a small HDMI flatscreen. So far, this setup has been good for general use, but I'd like to replace my laptop's display for another monitor, and just use my laptop as the "powerhouse", I guess, like how you would use an actual PC (do this by closing the lid, putting it under my desk, and having everything run on external displays).

    I have an identical small HDMI flatscreen I can hook up to my laptop as well, but all I have left for ports in my laptop is 2 USB ports and a VGA. Basically, can I use 2 monitors, one attached with VGA to HDMI and the other one with DisplayPort to HDMI, and not use my display on my laptop at all? Can I turn off the display on my laptop and use two external monitors instead (and have them work as extended)? How can I do this from my laptop's settings? Sorry if this makes no sense or sounds really dumb, I'm just hoping for some feedback. Thanks so much for any help. If you need any extra specs for whatever reason I can try my best to provide them.

    submitted by /u/cerealkillxrs
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    Is there a way to pull a list of all banner ads that run on a companies website?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:34 AM PST

    Curious if there's a tool or simple way of pulling a list of banner ads that are served on a specific website. I work in sports sponsorship and I'm trying to get a complete list of companies that run banner ads on other team's and organization's websites.

    For example, If i go to https://www.nba.com/knicks/ I see a Dunkin Donuts banner ad, and then if I refresh a few times I see a KIA ad. Is there any way to run a complete list of banner ads served on a specific website that wouldn't just be me hitting refresh a million times?


    submitted by /u/GoBears6
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    What Antivirus should I get for my laptop?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 08:22 AM PST

    Three options I see are mcafee, Norton and kaspersky

    submitted by /u/iamaaronmullen
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    USB Bluetooth Transmitter with a Decent Range

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:44 AM PST

    I have a small USB Bluetooth adapter on my desktop and use some Bluetooth headphones connected to them. I can then walk around my apartment without wires, nice!

    But the headphones start cutting out if I walk into the kitchen or bathroom. I'd like a "better" Bluetooth transmitter so they can reach into the bathroom and kitchen.

    I feel like it's possible because if I connect the headphones to my phone, and leave it on my desk, I can walk all the way outside before the audio starts cutting out.

    Can anyone please recommend a USB Bluetooth transmitter that will allow for greater range for my headphones and still allow connecting my Bluetooth keyboard/mouse?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/AnAnxiousCorgi
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    Which charger fits in a small Lamina computer?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 06:19 AM PST

    Plz help me

    submitted by /u/melwah2
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