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    Monday, January 18, 2021

    Tech Support - Are the timestamps in Facebook posts/comments local?

    Tech Support - Are the timestamps in Facebook posts/comments local?

    Are the timestamps in Facebook posts/comments local?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:54 AM PST

    So yeah we all know about the feature in Facebook where you just hover your mouse to a specific area of a post or comment and you will see the exact time, day and date when it was posted,

    so my question is what if my FB friend in a different country like the USA shares something and I happen to check what time and day it was posted, given that I am from the Philippines, will it show the time and date based from the Timezone that my friend posted it? Or will facebook instead show the local timezone in my area's time of when they posted it?


    submitted by /u/Andrew_Santos96
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    using copytrans manager and seeing weird files?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:22 AM PST

    hey, so I was using this program that's an alternative to itunes, putting music on my old ipod, and I see files that say, "defaultuser100001.DESKTOP-7SINF5S.036"

    the last two numbers vary, they go from 01 to 62.

    I've had someone put spyware on a previous computer before and I'm just trying to make sure this is not spyware or anything to be concerned about??

    submitted by /u/horrorflicks
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    Best Device for Writers Only (Traditional Typer and Fast)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 07:10 PM PST

    I've been looking to downgrade my tech to something small, manageable, and super quiet so I can type in my bed before I go to sleep without waking up the person next to me with a loud fan. I'm a super fast typer on the computer and am looking to maximize my writing/editing time without having to fuss with a lot of equipment, cords, extras, or size. I don't mind the idea of smaller devices with a digital keypad rather than a physical keyboard, but I do need the keys spread large enough to do traditional typing with both hands. Thumb typing won't do. I don't mind NOT having internet access, but the programs should be easy to transfer to MS word and/or a computer without having to do anything to the original document. Any suggestions for devices that fit this bill?

    submitted by /u/MogginE
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    How can I avoid bot-generated articles when looking for tech reviews online?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:10 AM PST

    I've recently found it very difficult to find a real review of products to help me choose a brand. My search results are flooded with "Top 10 X of 2020" that all follow the same tricks for SEO, and seems to be entirely generated from the descriptions of a list of amazon products.

    submitted by /u/fdsdfg
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    Usb c transfer speed is slow

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:28 PM PST

    I have a Samsung s10, and when I transfer files to it through the usb-c it transfers them at simular speeds as usb 2.0 instead of usb 3.0, or maby faster. I also noticed that the transfer box on windows doesn't give me any detail, just a simple progress bar

    submitted by /u/SamoBomb
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    Looking for a kvm switch ?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:49 PM PST

    Okay here is my question I am hoping someone can answer. My home gaming computer currently utilizes 3 monitors. Two using DP connections and one using hdmi. I also work from home and have a dell laptop and docking station with two other work monitors. I am trying to find a switch so that I can use 2 of my 3 monitors attached to my personal pc instead of having a separate desk and area for my other 2 work monitors. Does anyone have any suggestions at all? I think the more I keep looking at the KVM switches I am confusing myself more.

    submitted by /u/Zjames1989
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    What is the best website to make GIF's and MP4's?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:19 PM PST

    I use GIF's and MP4's sometimes in the horror movie blogs I write, for added visual flair and/or entertainment purposes. I've used Make A Gif for years, but it's given me problems on-and-off. Sometimes, it doesn't make the video or pictures I upload into an MP4 (no matter how long I wait for the "We are making your MP4" blue screen with the cartoon octopus or whatever it is to finish).

    Other times, it just flat out doesn't load my GIF's & MP4's at all, however many times I refresh the page. Recently, it's gotten to the point that I'm getting tired of dealing with it and would prefer a better site with similar creation tools + more reliable service. I've been patient with Make A Gif, but it simply gets old waiting for it to get itself back in working order. There has to be somewhere better.

    The problem is, there are so many sites out there focused on GIF's or at-home video editing but I'm not looking to download editing software. I don't want to add any programs to my hard drive, nor do I need anything fancy All I want is a consistently functional site to make & access my GIF's and MP4's. If anyone has any suggestions (Ex- Others who make/edit GIF's & MP4's regularly), I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/harriskeith29
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    Which Sites Do You Use For Selling/Buying Used or Refurbished Hardware? (PC Components, Pre-builds, ect...) (UK and US)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:59 AM PST

    Hey! I'm conducting some market research for a little project I'm working and would appreciate some info on which sites are most popular within the community and helpful in regards to the user experience. Any Feedback Would Be Appreciated!

    submitted by /u/williamjpike
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    any decent use of USB killer?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 08:26 AM PST

    My friend recently bought one USB killer and told me it is pretty useful. He gave it to me for a few days but I am not able to find where it is useful, even website has no recommendations.
    Plz help.
    (Am I correct that USB killer has no use other than killing computers)

    submitted by /u/Logan45825243
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    What is a good application to post to multiple social media profiles at once?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Straight up I'm not a fancy social media manager. In fact I just use social media to relate my passions with others and to get my daily dose of social interaction. Now everyone is diversifying I need an application that can post to a wide range of social media sites so I'm just queuing up a post once, not 4-5 different times.

    Specifically, I'm looking for ones with integration with Facebook, Gab, Minds, MeWe, and whatever one that will become big.

    submitted by /u/Nevek_Green
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    Email address when sending outside of US?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 01:00 PM PST

    I am sending an email to someone in the UK from the US.

    Their email is [xxx@nhs.net](mailto:xxx@nhs.net) in the UK

    My email is [yyy@gmail.com](mailto:yyy@gmail.com) in the US

    When I send the email to the UK person, do I need to address it as [xxx@nhs.net.uk](mailto:xxx@nhs.net.uk)? or just [xxx@nhs.net](mailto:xxx@nhs.net)?

    When they email me do they have to email me as [yyy@gmail.com.us](mailto:yyy@gmail.com.us)? or just [yyy@gmail.com](mailto:yyy@gmail.com)?

    If I made a mistake, would the content be potentially delivered to some spammy domain and readable by someone other than intended?


    submitted by /u/Captain-Popcorn
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    Google's colors on my pc are inverted

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:55 AM PST

    So I have an ASUS Laptop and I installed a Google extension called "Dark reader" about 2 months ago since I prefer browsing websites with dark mode instead of light.

    But when I opened Google this morning, I noticed that the colors of all of the websites on Google was a little off. I turned off the extension for a while and the all of the colors are inverted. I removed the extension from Chrome and it is still inverted.

    Does anyone know how to disable this? Thank you in advance

    (Screenshots for reference)

    Edit: My older sibling noticed the problem and turns out, the dark mode option in chrome://flags/ was enabled with inversion of everything. So nevermind

    submitted by /u/Bajin_Shonen7020
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    Tried to instal a torrent I dont have space for. How do I remove the chunk of "incomplete data" so my disk will have memory again.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 11:21 AM PST

    I'm using tixati. Please help.

    submitted by /u/writersblock321
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    Does anyone know where I might locate this cable, but with one USB-C end. To ensure my external hard drives work with USB-A and USB-C devices. (image below, I am aware adapters exist, would prefer below)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2021 05:07 AM PST

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