• Breaking News

    Monday, December 14, 2020

    Tech Support - Whoever solves this the most elegantly I’ll give a $20 steam gift card. New pc build triple 120m fan with radiator won’t fit with 3080.

    Tech Support - Whoever solves this the most elegantly I’ll give a $20 steam gift card. New pc build triple 120m fan with radiator won’t fit with 3080.

    Whoever solves this the most elegantly I’ll give a $20 steam gift card. New pc build triple 120m fan with radiator won’t fit with 3080.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:23 PM PST

    So recently I started working on another build and I received my 3080 today; that's when I realized my h150i with fans will not fit by about an inch. The case is a Corsair crystal 280x. The card I'm using is a gigabyte 3080 oc. I need you guys to give me a clever solution to my problem. The rules are; 1.) I'm not returning anything 2.) It has to be a fairly simple solution. 3.) Use the parts givin. I will note that I also have a 3090fe so consider this in your solution as it has a length of about 0.3" less; only use the 3090 in the solution unless absolutely necessary.

    TLDR; find a clever solution to fit a h150i in a Corsair crystal 280x with a gigabyte 3080 oc. Win $20

    submitted by /u/RetardPBR
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    Laptop cursor stuck in loop.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:58 PM PST

    Well idk how I fucked up using an auto clicker but now I can't use my cursor. How do I force shut down the autoclicker (no hotkeys)/ my laptop? I'm using the Legion 5i

    submitted by /u/drop-the-ball
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    Gift for my husband

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 09:53 PM PST


    My husband is a techy guy, but he also likes old retro stuff: games, crt, old laptops.

    He likes thinkpads, trackpoint keyboards and stuff.

    he already has a CRT tv.

    side note, he has a fluency in japanese, if you have something i might not have thought of. any help would be helpful D:! im struggling because he is so difficult to buy for.

    submitted by /u/nyanpires
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    Two factor authentication

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 07:23 PM PST

    If someone can mimic your IP/ISP and your user agent, how do websites identify that it's a different device for 2FA?

    submitted by /u/clubedry
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    Can I use 2 devices ( same account, laptop and a phone ) for google meet at the same time? I want to use the phone's mic and the laptop's camera

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 03:45 AM PST

    Family Room Video Calling on Smart TV

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 03:35 AM PST

    Hi, /r/asktechnology! I'm searching for a way to turn my living room Samsung Smart TV into a video chat platform. While I have a few ideas, I'm certainly not the most up-to-date on consumer technology, so I wanted to ask what you all thought was best. We have strong Wifi. Some other limitations:

    • The primary usage is for small children to communicate with the family.
    • Cross-platform video calling would be ideal, but if not feasible, at least a very well-known service.
    • The children like to push buttons, so something that can be mostly tucked away would be nice. Similarly, a webcam that rests on top of the wall-mounted TV would be better than one resting on the TV cabinet below it.
    • The Smart TV does not have a microphone.
    • I would like a way to ensure we're not being spied on. That can be as simple as a way to disconnect the webcam or turn the whole setup off.
    • No Apple products.

    The best idea I've thought of so far is a cheaper XBox and USB webcam, which would allow for Skype (one platform we all have, although it's not the family favorite). What would you do?

    submitted by /u/Reasonable-Ask
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    An object I can move using my PC?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 11:37 PM PST

    Hello there!

    For a DIY project, I am looking for a device that I can send a command to, or control using my PC via a USB connection.. be it a wheel, robot, toy car, a stick that moves left and right.

    I need to put an object infront of a sensor, and need to control via PC when I want it to move out of the way, and come back in a second or two.

    Would appreciate any ideas, thanks!

    submitted by /u/throwaway17401
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    Tablet vs. chromebook for my mom

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:44 AM PST

    Hi all, I've been tasked with technology-buying duty for my mom for Christmas and would love some buying advice.

    She currently has a very old Samsung tablet (I believe it is the Galaxy Tab S 10.5*). She mostly just uses it to play games on apps, check her email, look up recipes, other basic internet things. She does have an external keyboard for it, but at this point I never see her use it for anything other than propping up the tablet. Much to my dismay, she just uses the on-screen keyboard. Recently, she's been very frustrated with the near-nonexistent battery life, painfully slow response times, and random ads popping up when she doesn't even have games open.

    As for important features in a new one, it has to be touchscreen, app-compatible, and pretty easily portable. Which I believe doesn't narrow the search down at all. We also aren't looking to spend more than about $600-700 (at the absolute max).

    If you guys have any thoughts or ideas on what would be a good replacement, I'd really appreciate your input! TIA :)

    *Edit: it's actually a Samsung Galaxy TabPro SM-T900 12.2

    submitted by /u/unfamiliar_flamingo
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    Wireless Earbuds?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Hey guy! I wanted to buy some wireless earbuds(Headphones). So I wanted to ask for any suggestions on which ones to buy. They should be affordable though.

    submitted by /u/Zodiac_11
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    What's the name for this element area in this pages “inspect element”?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 02:25 PM PST

    I'm trying to use this script to list the pace figures displayed in a specific section of the element - but "ele.innerText" isn't working to display the pace figures

    So I'm wondering what I should replace "ele.innerText" with so that the pace figures will be displayed

    Heres a gif of the element area im trying to download (for each horse, theres 10 horses in this race) , the pace figures are all listed in the "card-entry" classnames https://gfycat.com/AthleticBonyEyelashpitviper

    and heres a link to the page itself https://attheraces.com/racecard/Catterick/15-December-2020/1455/pacechart

    URL := "https://attheraces.com/racecard/Catterick/15-December-2020/1455/pacechart" tooltip Downloading page page:=download(URL) ; Download page to memory tooltip document := ComObjCreate("HTMLFile") ; Create an HTML file in memory document.write(page) elements:=document.getElementsByClassName("card-entry") ; Get elements with class "card-entry" loop { try ele:=elements[A_Index-1] ; loop through each element catch ; Above line gives error when we run out of elements break ; Then we break out of loop msgbox % ele.innerText ; Display its innerText for example } return ;Ref: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/URLDownloadToFile.htm#WHR Download(url){ whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") whr.Open("GET", url, true) whr.Send() whr.WaitForResponse() return whr.ResponseText } 
    submitted by /u/computerstuffs
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    Why is using the Google search engine a better spell checker than spell checkers in texting apps?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:18 AM PST

    Watch with independent phone? (I don't want my young kid to have a smartphone, but want to be able to call him)

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Is there perhaps a a watch without social media that can be used as a phone and perhaps text messages?

    Social media correlates with depression and other problems, so I want to hold it off for my kid for as long as reasonable possible. But I still want to be able to call him. Is there any gadget, perhaps a watch with such capabilities?

    submitted by /u/-EuropaInvicta
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    Looking for a tablet that’s good for drawing

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:39 AM PST

    So basically I would like a Wacom but with all the functionalities of an iPad. Could someone recommend one which costs about 200$?

    submitted by /u/niccu_x
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    ZTE support sucks

    Posted: 13 Dec 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Good evening fellas. Tommorow morning I'll have a new VDSL 100Mbit connection ready. My company sent me a "ZTE ZXHN H288A" router, and tommorow morning I'll receive my connection username and password so I can connect to the line. I fiddled around with the settings, changed passwords and stuff, but I really can't find the field where I'll put that username and password. There is a field on the DDNS tab but I'm not sure that's it. Problem is, I can literally find ZERO information or manual guides for the router and how to navigate the menu to connect it to the internet. Does anyone have any way of helping me? Zte's website says nothing

    submitted by /u/MasterLin87
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