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    Sunday, December 27, 2020

    Tech Support - (Possibly a stupid question) Can a mouse dongle log any sensitive information from a laptop?

    Tech Support - (Possibly a stupid question) Can a mouse dongle log any sensitive information from a laptop?

    (Possibly a stupid question) Can a mouse dongle log any sensitive information from a laptop?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:12 PM PST

    This might be a stupid question, but If I plug in a mouse dongle to a laptop and then return the mouse, should I be worried about the dongle logging any sensitive information?

    submitted by /u/floatingcrystals
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    Why Lighthouse Basestations (Valve's VR tracking system) uses big spinning motors instead of vibrating MEMS mirrors to perform the laser sweep?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:27 AM PST

    My phone fell in water

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:51 AM PST

    My phone fell in water and i put it in rice for 1 week or more and now when i charge it it turns off and on and it has a blue screen when on. I should also note that i dont have any tools to open it up and all my near by shops are closed

    submitted by /u/Anxious_Trouble_6965
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    Questions regarding Paypal, Payee Program, and Security

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:59 PM PST


    I am creating a Spotify premium account for my dad.

    I plan to pay the Spotify account using PayPal. Say if the Spotify account gets hacked, 1. Will the PayPal password be leaked? 2. Will the credit card information be leaked? (note: spotify and paypal and gmail are all using different passwords.)

    I tried googling this question but could not find the answer. Thank you in advance for any input!

    submitted by /u/PMmedankmeme
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    How does "peer to peer" (P2P) video-platforms handle publication of child pornography?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 04:25 AM PST

    MacBook color?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 03:00 AM PST

    I am buying a new Mac today and I have doubts what model and colour option to get i have an 11 to match with space grey but I am thinking longevity. Also if I should go for pro or air. I previously had a pro early 2015 silver.



    submitted by /u/Outrageous_Theory_32
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    Desktop to old TV via hdmi resolution problem

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:41 PM PST

    I am trying to find the best resolution to display on my old Sony Bravia via hdmi. The problem is I can only have 60hz on some very weird resolutions that don't fit the screen at all. I'm currently using a 30hz interlaced option at 1660x900 or smthing like That.

    The 1280x1020(?) @ 60hz looks more sharp and closer to the TV native res. But it doesn't fit the screen at all its very zoomed in. Is there any way I can find the optimal resolution? I have searched many options but can't figure out shit and when I put something wrong in the AMD settings it loses signal and goes blank. I had to do 3 system restores already to be able to see the display again.

    Any tips would be helpful, merry Xmas! 🤶🎅🎄

    submitted by /u/celestial_god
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    Need a solar powered web cam in remote location

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:13 PM PST

    I own a summer lake house in northern Minnesota and am not there during the winter months. The cabin does not have power or wireless internet during the winter months. Is there a device that is solar powered without power outlet and can run off 3G/4G data?

    submitted by /u/bearcats6001
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    What apps for iOS that auto clicks?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:48 PM PST

    Trying to farm a game automatically.

    submitted by /u/Fragrant_Song6807
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    will a power supply to a USB hub fix input lag?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:17 PM PST

    title. i bought a (4x) USB 3 port to USB-C with an option for a 5V power supply for my laptop. All i have connected is a mouse and a keyboard, and still i get major input lag. Like it holds the last letter i pressed for a second or two and prevents any other input from either device.

    i've tried another hub (but a different model), same issue.

    Will that be solved by buying a power supply for my first hub? ive read that for things like mice and KBs you really dont need a power supply. or is this an issue of the laptops board or usb card or some shit? or the quality of the hubs i bought?

    what i bought was similar to this. but also has a 5v jack on the opposite side of the usb-c cable.

    submitted by /u/carlorb
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    Clicking noises

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:06 PM PST

    (im using windows10 laptop) My audio recordings are just clicking nosies and my voice but slowed down, it only does this when im using my usb webcam but when i remove the webcam it suddenly works again. i dont really know how to fix it, pls help me

    submitted by /u/arowaiii
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    Few questions on the differences of routers / switches / WAPs / modems

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Sorry if this is a bit basic.


    Question Set #1: According to this, "computers can be connected to each other via a switch or a router"

    Would I be correct in saying that this is only possible because most routers have built in switches?

    Or do you NOT even need a built in switch (into your router) to construct a LAN?

    If so, then could I say that built in switches (to the router) only serve to add ports for nodes that your router doesn't have enough ports for?

    If so, how would a router form a LAN if it only works with IP addresses and not MAC addresses?


    Question Set #2:

    Can a router be wireless without a wireless access point?

    If yes, then how?

    If yes, then why would I need a wireless access point?


    Question Set #3:

    Can you connect to the internet without a modem?

    If so, why would you prefer / not prefer to have a modem?

    submitted by /u/steppenstone
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    Trying to figoure out buying some new tech for a basic work set up. Let me know if I can make any changes.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:22 PM PST

    Trying to get an external ssd for my lenovo legion gaming laptop, not really sure how to choose ssd's for that (found this one so far: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B073H552FJ/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&psc=1)

    Also looking to add an extra monitor to have two screens if I'm working on code and trying to follow a tutorial. My parents have an older screen, but I think it only has vga input so I guess i'd need a converter or something. In terms of newer screens, i've been looking at benq (https://www.amazon.ca/BenQ-24-inch-Monitor-HDMI-GL2460HM/dp/B00IKDFL4O/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=benq+monitor&qid=1609017341&s=electronics&sr=1-4 or https://www.amazon.ca/BenQ-GW2283-Optimized-Brightness-Technology/dp/B07N5MG9LP/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=benq+monitor&qid=1609017341&s=electronics&sr=1-3)

    Finally to cap off this long ass post (sorry community, im a rookie) I'm also looking for like a decent small-medium sized desk to kinda contain this badboy. I was looking at wayfair, or staples. Not really sure where to look for stuff like that, I'm not necessarily looking for a gaming desk as it would be huge for the available space I have in my room. Super open to suggestions!

    Thanks so much :)

    submitted by /u/Agreeable-Grand4608
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    Facebook video call through TV

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:06 AM PST


    My toddler video chats my parents every day through Facebook Messenger Video, but lately she's been getting excited and grabbing for the laptop screen. I want to get a setup that'll stream the video to the TV and then have a bluetooth camera pointed at her so I can set my laptop away from her while she chats.

    My wife and I were thinking of Chromecast, but we didn't know if it would work well for this purpose. Additionally, we didn't know if Chromecast and bluetooth cameras could be both connected to my laptop simultaneously.

    What would your best suggestion be to get this set up? We don't have a smartTV, but it has needed inputs for HDMI cables and all.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    submitted by /u/GooberBuber
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    Been out of the PC tech world for a bit and haven't kept up--how much better are monitors these days than they were in 2012/2013?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Back when I built my PC I picked up two of these babies:


    stats: 23.6" 1920x1080 2ms Paid $190 for each

    If I were to get a $190 monitor now, how much better are we talking here? Worth the upgrade?

    I realize that's something I could look up myself, but I'm having a hard time translating the specs into what they would actually be like if I had the monitor. The comparable one I'm looking at is this:


    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/PeachRingsAreGodTier
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    What are the disadvantages of compressing multiple files?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 05:46 PM PST

    I have an external hard drive that seems like it is failing, and I don't have the files from that hard drive backed up anywhere. It's close to 2 terabytes of data that would suck to lose. I can't afford another external hard drive to pack it up (I know they are like $50 - I'm a broke grad student and can't swing $50 on something that I don't need). Because of that, I want to store the files in a safe location without it taking 2tb of storage.

    I know a bit about compressing files into a zip file, but I don't know if it would be a good idea given the number of files I'm trying to store. Does the size of the files impact how they can be zipped? Are there any errors/problems that could lead to me not being able to open the files correctly after unzipping the files at a later date?

    submitted by /u/theguyfromtheweb7
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    Witch GPU to buy?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 03:43 PM PST

    I want to upgrade my graphics card but I don't know witch to buy. I would like not to spend much more than 500$. My current build is B450 tomahawk for motherboard, ram is 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR4 DRAM 3600MHz C18 Memory, I have one samsung evo 970 plus 1tb ssd disk, my cpu is ryzen 5 3600x 6-core and my power supply is Mars Gaming MPVU750 750w 80 plus silver. I have 144hz 1440p monitor so I would like to get that kind of performance at least in some games. If you know graphics card that would work in my build and is around 500$ please tell me.

    submitted by /u/luka_Plejer64
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    I can't figure out how to enable X11 forwarding on Linux.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 02:16 PM PST

    OK so I got a Chromebook and I wanted to use Linux for steam to play a few indie games, But then it said I needed a thing called X 11 forwarding and I cant figure out how to enable it on Linux. Please help.

    submitted by /u/Electrical-Court-120
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    Segurazo program/ Santivurs Product

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:53 PM PST

    Hello everyone, I'm having a hard tine trying to uninstal the Segurazo program. Ive looked all over google and they all say the same thing, uninstall from controll panel which ive tried but its still here even after rebooting the pc. Anyone had this on their pc who knows how to get rid of it ?

    submitted by /u/ThugLifeDerp
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    Dual Monitor Setup

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:24 PM PST

    Hi. Hi have a Lenovo Legion Desktop and two Onn monitors. Each have an HDMI and a VGA Port. Monitor 1 is using the HDMI. Can I get a VGA cord, plug that into my computer and have the monitor work? Or is there some adapter that will let me plug in two HDMIs into one port?

    Example: I'm looking so that I can have a game open on one monitor, and, say, Discord open on monitor two.

    submitted by /u/jerseyv_90
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    Gigabyte GTX 1650 ignores custom fan profile.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:30 AM PST

    So I set a custom fan profile in green with envy that has it silent when the temps are low. Yet the gpu seems to blatantly ignore the profile. How do I get it to respond to the profile?

    submitted by /u/Linux-and-Planes
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    How can I cast a TV signal to other devices in my house?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:50 AM PST

    I have a cable set-top box connected to a TV via HDMI cable. Is there a way I can access that HDMI signal over Wifi and watch it on other devices?

    submitted by /u/iamfraggley
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