• Breaking News

    Monday, December 28, 2020

    Tech Support - Does anyone know the name of the app for Timeqid's HDMiniCam? When I contacted the company they replied: Please use the Pro iCam app. It’s the same app but changed to a different name. However, that exact name doesnt appear and other similar apps arent working as a substitute. Thanks

    Tech Support - Does anyone know the name of the app for Timeqid's HDMiniCam? When I contacted the company they replied: Please use the Pro iCam app. It’s the same app but changed to a different name. However, that exact name doesnt appear and other similar apps arent working as a substitute. Thanks

    Does anyone know the name of the app for Timeqid's HDMiniCam? When I contacted the company they replied: Please use the Pro iCam app. It’s the same app but changed to a different name. However, that exact name doesnt appear and other similar apps arent working as a substitute. Thanks

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:02 AM PST

    Realistically, how close are we to smellivision?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 03:27 PM PST

    In theory, it sounds like it should be super easy. Make it cartridge filled, like a printer, load in different carts for different games that use a different combo of smells. Simplistic, sure, but imagine how cool it could be to walk through the forests of skyrim and smell a pine forest fragrance.

    submitted by /u/destructor_rph
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    How to share GIFs from Tumblr instead of URLs

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 02:23 AM PST

    My girlfriend likes to share GIFs from Tumblr with me over WhatsApp. When she does this, it sends as the gif itself in the chat. When I try and do the same, I am only able to send a URL of the gif.

    She has an iPhone, I have a pixel. Is there a way for me to send them to her in the same way?

    submitted by /u/Cloudsack
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    Why does car Tech lag behind so badly?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2020 03:23 AM PST

    So I just bought a new car, and some things I thought would be relatively simple and straightforward in 2020 are still "not possible" they say.

    I've even discussed this online and apparently these things are hidden behind layers, like an onion, and you just can't make them talk to each other.

    For example my car has inbuilt sat nav, and if you use the in built sat nav, you can have it appear on the dashboard screen in the instrument cluster if you want.

    However, if you prefer Waze or Google Maps via Android Auto, it just gives you a blank screen saying "Android Auto Active"

    Same same for music, I can display that in my instrument cluster if streaking via Bluetooth, if I listen to the radio or DAB+, it will show, however Android Auto? It just tells you "Android Auto Active"

    Though from my understanding, Android Auto pairs your phone via Bluetooth automatically, and streams all audio over Bluetooth.

    Now to me these seem like fairly straightforward simple things in a network to stream, if all that data can stream down a tiny USB-C cable, surely there's enough capacity on a CANBUS to then send that same data to the instrument cluster?

    Even the Nav, really the stream should be basically the same whether it's the inbuilt sat-nav, Google Maps, or Waze. It's just a map.

    Why is it 2020 and this kind of interoperability still eludes us?

    I'm talking about a VAG product here.

    submitted by /u/Rumbuck_274
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    How do I fix my hundreds breached/compromised passwords and get digital life in control?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 03:27 PM PST

    I've been putting this off for years. My Google password check looks like this and it's alarming

    My iPhone password manager is also alaraming

    Is there a way I can reign this in quickly or am I going to have to hunker down and manually delete/deactivate all these old accounts / passwords?

    I have multiple email accounts that look like this...

    submitted by /u/DEEPfrom1
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    Can you convert a video embed link to mp4 on mobile?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:17 PM PST

    Lack of GTX 1660 Super in online stores

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:18 PM PST


    I was going to buy myself PC components after christmas, but one item from my shopping cart went missing. It was a graphics card, but i thought that it was out of stock only in this store. so i started to search for it on the internet, but i couldn't find it. it's obviously because of christmas. do you know when it can be restocked? i tried to contact the stores but without any response. I live in Poland if it matters.

    submitted by /u/AsacaFernandez
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    I want to sync my Gaomon GM116HD tablet to my chromebook.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:45 PM PST

    I can get the screen to show up but I can't use the drawing apps without difficulties. I connect the tablet and I have to close the Chromebook for the app to show up on the tablet but I cant actively use it. I don't have another device to use so I hope I can make it work.

    submitted by /u/Weeb_pop
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    Trying to find a specific kind of earphone but not sure it exists

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:10 AM PST

    My mom is not super technologically savvy but has started recording music and making videos to go along with it. I've gotten her a laptop, headphones, a mic, and a stand for her phone to take video. What I'm looking for is a pair of earbuds which are wireless but plug into the computer, like how wireless USB mice work. The reason I'm looking for this specific thing is because she's not super good with things like Bluetooth but if something is plug and play it's usable for her. She would use this kind of earbud to lipsync while taking videos so a small earbud is most useful for her.

    So does this exist? I haven't found it by googling but it seems like the tech should be possible.

    submitted by /u/Anyun
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    Media Programs That Can Play Blu-Ray

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:52 PM PST

    So my laptop doesn't have a disc drive built in, and I just got a portable USB Blu-Ray/DVD/CD player for Christmas to solve this issue and let me watch movies from the library and stuff. However, something I've quickly discovered is that VLC Media Player (my go-to media player for watching any and all videos) can play DVDs, but does not seem to be able to play Blu-Rays. The Blu-Ray drive came with an install disk for Cyberlink PowerDVD, which does function as a Blu-Ray player, but the UI is terrible and it's a pain in the ass to use.

    So, that leads me to my question. Are there any easy-to-use, VLC-like programs out there that can play Blu-Ray discs, or should I just stick to Cyberlink and learn to cope with a program that's a pain in the ass to use?

    submitted by /u/DraceNines
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    Fix to unexpected broken laptop?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:05 PM PST

    Let me explain the situation. I've had this really good Surface Pro 3 for years. It's suffered it's fair share of injuries, a broken touchscreen from a crack, and a hard hit onto the rock hard ground which cracked it a bit more, but it still worked perfectly fine and has been for the past 4 months.

    Today, I was playing a game on the laptop. All of a sudden, the computer shut off. I wondered if I might have hit the shut off button or something, so I turned it on again. Once again, after around 8 minutes, it shut off again. I kept turning it on again, only to have it shut off around that 5-15 minute period.

    In addition to this, my charger stopped working. I had to unplug and plug it from the wall in order for it to even work temporarily again, only for it to stop another 4 minutes later.

    Later, charging stopped working entirely. I'm fairly certain this has nothing to do with the charger, and rather with the computer itself.

    Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone know a fix to it? Please let me know in the comments, thank you.

    submitted by /u/HappyDragonBoy
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    Chrome selected word search

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:13 PM PST

    I used to get an automatic search pop up on Android Chrome when selecting text, but i think i somehow disabled it and can't find the setting, does anyone know how to re enable it?

    submitted by /u/yamfe1
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    Asus monitor with vga port only

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:10 PM PST

    So I have an asus monitor and there's a vga port and no hdmi no any thing else but the cord that plugs into the electrical socket to turn it on Now I want a pc it only costs 150 dollars now if I buy it and it needs hdmi I'm fucked because it has no hdmi port

    submitted by /u/Interesting_Koala_23
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    Portable charger things

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 04:14 PM PST

    Does anyone know if a portable charger can be charger with a laptop charger? Is the portable charger like a phone whereby there is a limit of power it can receive and protect the device in the event of a surge? Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/0ppai69
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    If my DVD says "Shot in 4k" does it mean the movie is guaranteed to be in 4K?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 03:38 PM PST

    Question in title.

    submitted by /u/VividAlps
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    screen beam mini 2 help

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 03:35 PM PST

    I got my grandpa a screen beam mini 2 for christmas because he doesn't have wifi, only a smart phone with mobile data. he only watches local cable and I wanted him to be able to use netflix from his phone to watch movies. when I mirror netflix or hbo or any movie app besides youtube, it only shows a black screen with the subtitles and sound. I turned off the color correcting setting and made sure his phone was updated. still giving me the same issue. any tricks to fixing this?

    submitted by /u/tpgxx
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    Thoughts on a DHCP Server

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:49 PM PST

    I've been thinking about installing pfSense as a replacement for my home router. My Linksys router doesn't support features like PXE boot or multiple SSIDs. (I might segregate IoT devices and the guest Wi-Fi doesn't count.) I know that I could do a lot of interesting things with root access to a Linux box that sees all my traffic, BUT there's another aspect to the DHCP server in Linksys Smart Wi-Fi that I've never seen anywhere else.

    There's a GUI full of tiles with names and icons that I can edit! I've been into the sysadmin space for years and I've managed DHCP on Windows Server, Netgear, D-Link, you name it. Linksys Smart Wi-Fi has the only DHCP server I know of where your DHCP management doesn't look like a spreadsheet. Am I wrong?

    It's very fancy: http://screenshots.portforward.com/routers/Linksys/EA4500_-_Smart_Wi-Fi/Device_List.jpg

    Even a proxy DHCP server wouldn't solve all my problems. It might just be that I have to decide if I really need fancy front-end features or powerful back-end features. Can I get functionality like this from ANY Linux or Windows server?

    submitted by /u/ZombieRoxtar
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    USB-C/Thunderbolt 3 to DisplayPort?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:29 PM PST


    My Dell G5 15 5587 has a "Thunderbolt 3" port as per this link which supports DisplayPort via an adapter. I bought this specific adapter to do so, and I can't get it to work. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

    Thanks in advance for any response!

    submitted by /u/BluRosie
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    USB-C is so confusing. Anything I should keep in mind when buying a USB-C hub that supports 4k 60hz DisplayPort and power delivery for Macbook?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 09:04 AM PST

    I've seen somewhere said a hub can't have both 4k 60hz DisplayPort and USB 3.1. Does it mean I just have to look for a hub that only has USB 2.0 or doesn't have USB ports at all? How do I make sure the DisplayPort on the hub I buy supports 4k 60hz? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/crk2005222
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    As an amateur filmmaker, avid film enthusiast, and masters educated wannabe critic; I am forever in the search of 'optimal' viewing conditions. My LG TV has some wonderful settings and I'm quite against them. Bit am I right in my stance?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:14 AM PST

    CrossPost - Bricked router TP Link WR740N ver. 5 (detailed)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:03 AM PST

    More than 2 external monitors with a Macbook Pro?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:48 AM PST

    I recently switched jobs and went to a Lenovo laptop to a Macbook Pro. On the Lenovo, I had 3 external monitors in addition to the laptop display and it worked fine. Two plugged into the docking station and one directly into the computer and it worked fine.

    I'm having some trouble trying to do the same with the Macbook through. 2 monitors work completely fine via my docking station, but I've been stymied in every attempt to get 3. Some notes:

    1. At one time or another, all 3 monitors have turned on so I'm pretty sure it's not a hardware problem
    2. I purchased a little converter HDMI>Thunderbolt and it works to plug one of my monitors directly into the laptop, but in doing so, one of the other monitors that had previously been working (via the docking station) goes dark
    3. I've tried various combinations of plugging these into the 4 Thunderbolt ports and it doesn't seem to make a difference, which is what I figured
    4. I found what I thought I needed, a docking station like [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q56MW2M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) which works in a sense that all 3 monitors will turn on at the same time, but two of the monitors are duplicated and I can't 'decouple' them so that the laptop recognizes them as two separate monitors. I've tried through display settings, but it just won't recognize them as separate, which makes this docking station mostly useless.

    I've Googled everything I can think of to try and see if I can find a fix for this, but all I've found is tons of posts talking about how easy it is to connect two monitors to your Macbook, etc. I've not been able to find anything that states one way or another that 2 external monitors is the max, full stop. It would be really disappointing if that were the case, but it would be nice to know so I stop wasting my time trying to get it to work. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_legal_5399
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    Monopoly Ultimate Banking "Remastered" ?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:52 AM PST

    hi, i had a strange idea, let me explain (sorry for my bad english): i bought some days ago monopoly ultimate banking and I was thinking of building a machine to read credit cards the same but with some variations, the problem is: how is the original machine built?

    submitted by /u/Kill3r4Gam3
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