• Breaking News

    Thursday, December 17, 2020

    Tech Support - Formatting an Encrypted USB?

    Tech Support - Formatting an Encrypted USB?

    Formatting an Encrypted USB?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:33 PM PST

    If an USB is encrypted, can it still be formatted in such a way that all data disappears from it?

    submitted by /u/Blaafjell_
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    Draw pad for Mac

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:53 PM PST

    My wife really wants to get into drawing on a digital medium. She would like an iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil but that is out of the budget. Does anyone have any recommendations on a draw pad with pencil that will work on a MacBook?

    submitted by /u/cartersauce1318
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    Best SMS Backup app - iPhone

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:06 AM PST

    Hi all,

    Looking for an App that will create a backup copy of all my existing and future texts.

    Bonus features would be if the info could be exported, but this is not a dealbreaker.

    Essentially I need to document and have saved copies of texts with a particular person for legal reasons.

    Appreciate any advice or suggestions!


    submitted by /u/sassyboiiii
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    What kind of ban is this?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:30 AM PST

    I played a game called Wizard101 and was computer banned on it. I have tried changing my ip, mac, uuid, hwid, buying a new hard drive/wifi adapter, reinstalling the game, reformatting windows, nothing works. Does anyone know what kind of ban this is and how I can get past it without buying a new pc? Because I never had this problem before. Also tried a vm + vpn and that didn't work either.


    submitted by /u/kaguya8264
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    What kind of ban is this?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:11 AM PST

    I played a game called Wizard101 and was computer banned on it. I have tried changing my ip, mac, uuid, hwid, buying a new hard drive/wifi adapter, reinstalling the game, reformatting windows, nothing works. Does anyone know what kind of ban this is and how I can get past it without buying a new pc? Because I never had this problem before. Also tried a vm + vpn and that didn't work either.


    submitted by /u/DreamAion
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    How do you guarantee a saved copy of an email without chance of it being edited?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:42 AM PST

    Not sure if this is where I ask this question, but I am wondering how do you guarantee a saved email without the possibility of any editing? I am requesting documents for a legal matter from someone and I am worried that they may send me a "PDF" copy of the email which can be done easily in Word before it's converted as a PDF to look like an email.

    I think in Outlook you can save files as .MSG which guarantees no editing, but what about for Hotmail or Gmail?

    Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/korokorie
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    If I installed iPhone OS onto my PC, is it theoretically to have an iPhone on your PC?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:30 PM PST

    Would Grub accept it? Am I an idiot?

    submitted by /u/CrackMyIP
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    Bluray player sound too quiet through headphones.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:51 PM PST

    Don't know if this is the right place but... I use a Samsung BD-J5100 bluray player and a pair of Audio-Technica M50xs to watch films with but the thing is the audio coming from the headphones is just too quiet. Even on max volume I'll have a hard time understanding the dialog. I like to avoid the use of subtitles because it ruins the film watching experience for me. Is there anything I could do to fix this problem? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/parasiticskies
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    Is Laptop microphone always on/listening during Zoom/Teams calls even on mute?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:32 PM PST

    When I'm on a Teams or Zoom call with Thinkpad laptop microphone muted: If I say something or make some noise, the application shows notification "Your microphone is muted."

    And it hit me: Does that mean the mic is always listening? It has to be always on to detect the sound level.

    submitted by /u/ipodpron
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    Dell 5584 Not Fully Booting After Screen Replacement

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:17 PM PST

    Hello! I recently replaced the screen on my Dell 5584 (not an inexperienced repair/tech electronics person). When I got it buttoned up, it'll try to start booting when I press power, but no lights, I can just hear the fan spin up for a few seconds. I've attempted to reset the CMOS, and Reseated/Tried other RAM. When I plug in the PSU (known good) the lights blink once, same as when I push the power button. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/gt4ch
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    Best Apps for Mass Texting

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 04:21 PM PST

    Looking for a basic app for seasonal mass texting - a few "Happy New Years".

    Nothing crazy, not a serious marketing campaign I want to invest in

    Can anyone kindly make any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/anon_investor1
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    What is the best bone conduction headphones?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 10:16 AM PST

    For use with computer. I found it works well with my hearing aids. My previous one broke because the frame was too flimsy.

    submitted by /u/Ok-Ad3161
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    Gmail displaying unfamiliar profile picture?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:27 PM PST

    So, this is a strange one.

    I opened up a new tab on Google Chrome while I was browsing the internet, just a new tab with the Google search bar. You know how if you are signed in to Gmail, the upper right hand corner will have your Google+/Gmail image? (I will add a screenshot link in the comments if people don't get what I mean, but I am sure you know what I am talking about). Well, thing is... my image was set to something I never set it to.

    I am actually signed into two Gmails on Chrome, and it allows me to easily switch between the two. One of them is perfectly fine and displays the correct image, but my main one does not. It has an unfamiliar image up in the top right hand corner. But what's even stranger, is that when I click on the image to open up options (such as to change image) suddenly the correct image appears in the options page. And when I click the little camera icon to change image, an album opens to show all the images I've used before, and the unfamiliar one is not there (there's only 2 pictures there). The unfamiliar image only appears in the little corner.

    So, I did a reverse image search. It's an image of Stan Laurel. As in, from the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. I'm not even kidding. It's an old black and white photo of him with a paddy cap on. Why? What the hell is going on?

    According to Google there has been no strange activity on the account. I did not search Laurel and Hardy recently, I am not a huge fan of them or anything; I didn't even recognize him until I reverse image searched. Nobody else uses my computer.

    I would be inclined to say that someone found out my password and logged in... but as I said, Google says there's no strange activity, and the image doesn't even appear when I try to change it, or when I look at my album of profile pictures. Is this a glitch? How does that even make sense?

    I considered the possibility that it was a move by Google, like how they make their logo look festive or stylized to celebrate certain events. BUT this is unlikely, as Google would most likely not want to freak their users out by changing their profile picture and making them think they are hacked, and the last time Laurel and Hardy were in the news was probably their movie in 2018, so there's no reason to celebrate them today. (I Google his birthday and death, neither in December, but June and February)

    Wanna know a creepy detail about all this though? Moments, literal moments before I spotted that little black and white icon, I had been Google two things. One was the lyrics to an Eminem song. The other thing I googled was a scene from the movie Mallrats where they talk about Stan Lee doing a comic book signing. The Eminem song was Stan. Stan Lee appears in Mallrats. Stan Laurel is the guy who appears as my profile. COINCIDENCE? I feel like a lunatic.

    Oh btw, it's still there. Updating my picture with a new one might solve the issue but I refuse to until I understand this. I am worried I might be hacked.

    Thank you so much for reading this and please let me know if you want more info.

    Edit 1: So in my attempt to figure this out I found something else very strange. I right clicked the Stan Laurel picture on the corner and opened it in its own tab. Then I copied the link and pasted it into a different browser, Internet Explorer. The link just leads to my actual profile picture. The same link that displays Laurel on Chrome displays my actual profile picture on IE. Can anyone explain this?

    submitted by /u/CorpusTristis
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    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 04:31 AM PST

    Has anyone used the site shiptuonline,and is it safe?

    submitted by /u/HeartStoneTV
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    Why isn't there a universal remote for garage doors?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:00 AM PST

    A garage door opener just sends out a simple signal right? Shouldn't it be possible for a smartphone to be able to pick it up and rebroadcast it? or is the frequency out of range?

    submitted by /u/eSPiaLx
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    For those who own the Facebook Portal TV... If the TV is off, does (or how will) the Portal TV work?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:54 AM PST

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