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    Monday, November 2, 2020

    Tech Support - Random domains archiving information?

    Tech Support - Random domains archiving information?

    Random domains archiving information?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:12 PM PST

    Hi guys. I hope this is the right place to post this because I literally don't know where else to do it. It seems like there are websites with strange domain names archiving information. If I look up on Google, let's say a portion of a reddit post, the description of the websites with these weird domain names are the portion of the post I looked up, yet when I click on the website, nothing appears. It just says the domain name and that it's powered by "VESTA". One of those domains is called carsur.my.id but of course there are many more. Some end in .asia and others in my.id.

    What exactly is this?? I'm so curious.

    Also, something strange that happened that was similar. I looked up someone's phone number and something similar happened. Weird websites ending in things like .club , .ar, .info , .life, and have very strange descriptions on the Google results!!! For example, here are a few : - Hematuria is blood banking? 775-239-3082 Statement is pending. Blue or black? Taste as ... -Cantankerous is a derelict. Jinny up at farm mechanization or overseas rate? Wow hehe thanks for ... -Map driven interactive menu. Swell of face validity. specter. Branch help raise even more? Murphy noted that accurate information ... -easant fruitiness on the difference maker. General skin tone clash with perfectionism getting in from?

    Can someone please explain?? I'm so curious!!! What the fuck is this.

    submitted by /u/DingoNearby
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    Why would LinkedIn searches (that I didn't make) be appearing in Google search history?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:54 PM PST

    It's a site I haven't so much as opened in years, yet my past searches are lousy with things like this:

    inurl:www.linkedin.com/pub/dir katherine mXXXnn hall

    Except it's dozens of them now and they are dominating my search history and pushing my actual searches off the most recent.

    I never touch LinkedIn and am mildly creeped out this keeps happening

    submitted by /u/gslayton82
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    Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:13 PM PST

    I have a 1500VA/900Watts MaXMa UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). Will the UPS still be charging its battery while a running device ( 500 Watts PC) is plugged into it? (The UPS is plugged into a power socket)

    submitted by /u/Hotmangoao
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    What is the Max memory of my laptop? Need to upgrade RAM.

    Posted: 02 Nov 2020 12:34 AM PST

    Intel site

    crucial site

    So i need to upgrade my ram currently have 2 slots one 8 GB and one empty. When I checked the internet with my laptop model each site is giving a different answer. the intel site says I can max out to 32 GB. The crucial site scan says 16 GB. I tried out other ways to check like command prompt it says 32 GB.

    Finally I called up the support after a loooong hold they said it's 16GB and then took it to a service center nearby they opened it up and said 32 GB , sent me to another service center where I can buy the RAM and those people again said I can only max out to 16 GB, I told them the previous centre said otherwise so they did some online stuff and walked back and forth and after a looooooong gap said it's 32 GB. I wanted to get a crucial and checked on their website and you read it above -_-

    Please can someone verify what is the RAM I should take and which is the right specs and why are there such different answers for a single model? I would be really relieved!

    submitted by /u/Zombie_Wizard999
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    what does the padlock to the right of my name on the Twitter app mean?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:52 AM PST

    does it also mean I can't get followers?

    Does it mean it's a private profile ?

    Does it mean I'm being audited or something ?

    submitted by /u/courtesy_flush_plz
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    is my PS4 about to crap out

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 05:07 PM PST

    i didnt realize it last year but it actually wasnt disney+'s fault that my ps4 was being shitty, because my other hardware is performing the way it should with streaming.

    Youtube works fine on PS4, but I think that's because it's probably on auto 720p most of the time.

    PS4 will just freeze up constantly on D+ or twitch. And now I'm starting to wonder if this is related to my frequent game crashes. It's an old white Destiny bundle model, and I never clean it...

    submitted by /u/bambootears
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    Why did my phone start playing some creepy soundtrack when all apps were closed and the screen was turned off?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:15 PM PST

    I use Samsung Galaxy S9+. And something just happened that freaked me out. I had my headphones plugged in (I was listening to YouTube half an hour before). Then I left the phone on the table (and closed the case - so screen was off). And suddenly, I heard noises comming out from my headphones. I put them on, and there is this short noise clip - like from a party or something (loud music, people talking - about 5s) - playing over and over. I check the apps. All are closed.

    I unplug the headphones. The same noise clip is still playing. All apps are closed. I can't do anything to stop the noise from playing.

    Then I just restarted the phone. No noise now.

    Wtf has just happend? Is there malware on my phone? Is someone spying at me? How can I check? I'm not tech savy at all.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/aboutmars
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    How does Reddit notifications work?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 10:03 AM PST

    I don't follow any lgbt subreddits but it seems a daily occurrence this past week that I get notifications on trending Lgbt posts. The standards of trending must be very low because the last notification had only 7 up-votes and the one before had 64.

    Is there a special promotion of Lgbt subreddits that I'm unaware or is it my history, likes, ect. that is responsible for the notifications?

    I don't mind the content, I'm just curious about how it works.

    submitted by /u/wizardsluv_spiders
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    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:33 AM PST

    Snapchat used to remove all my notifications once I logged into the app. Now it only removes the notifications if I manually do it or open the snap. Is there any way to fix that?

    submitted by /u/BrindyMae
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    My micro sd card refuses to be formatted

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:56 PM PST

    I started to set up yuzu, but I had some issues. This eventually led to me discovering that I can't take files off of my micro SD card. I can't even format it. I've tried literally everything I could think of. I've formatted it on multiple devices, I tried turning off read-only files, I've tried windows partition manager, I've tried easeUS. The only thing I seem to be able to change is the drive letter. Windows and easeUS both didn't detect any issues, even though there obviously is one. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/HenriHawk_
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    What would be the state of technological advancement in 2020 if the Cold War had never happened?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 12:30 PM PST

    When I learn about the growth of transistors integrated circuits and microchips between the 1950s and the 1970s, it soon becomes clear that a large percentage of that growth was driven by the needs and funding of the US government during the cold war.

    The US government was the one customer willing to pay the premium necessary for companies like Texas Instruments and Fairchild Semiconductor to make a profit off of an invention such as the integrated circuit.

    And they were the only customer with the need for durable, lightweight components that would make it possible to launch and navigate a spacecraft from the earth to a target on the moon.

    Robert Noyce and others at Fairchild/Intel specifically mention instances where design of early ICs were directly influenced by the specific needs of NASA and the defense department.

    It also strikes me that the growth in manufacturing processes and technology were part of this as well.

    And of course there is the extremely long list of inventions that stemmed from government programs. Your typical smart phone is consists largely of government-driven or government-funded technology.

    And of course, all of the research funded by government grants that created things like modern touch screens and voice assistants like SIRI, which stemmed from government funded research at Stanford.

    It seems to me that it's hard to quantify how much this accelerated technological advancement. I can't even think of a single modern technology that wasn't built on the foundation the cold war created. I can only guess that we would be 20-40 years behind where we are now, but I wanted to know what the experts think.

    submitted by /u/SvenDia
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    Cab places where i sign into WiFi download some sort of spyware onto my Apple device without me knowing?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:54 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    So I was reading some comments and the original post at the following link-


    The main point of the article was stating that the Hilton (and really was arguing any public WiFi like at places like Starbucks, McDonald's, etc.) can see any information in your browsing history even if it was searched prior to signing into that wifi (so like prior to me going to Starbucks or whatever, that browsing information).

    I read though the comments of that post and most seem to argue that this is generally not something that can happen outside of like spyware being installed.

    The OP of this then argues that most places in their terms and conditions probably tell you they are installing spyware onto your device (not literally "spyware" in their terms- but basically that). I find this highly unlikely and would assume that if I'm using my Apple device to sign into public WiFi it wouldn't be possible for the router/access point to just put software onto my iPhone/iPad/iPod/etc. without me knowing.

    Can anyone clarify this for me? I find that highly unlikely but wanted to check. I have always been told that Apple devices are pretty safe from malware generally, and I find it unlikely that a business can download something onto my device just by me signing into their WiFi.

    Here is the quote that was in the comments:

    "Even if this is true, I can almost certainly guarantee you (I'm not currently in a Hilton to verify this) that if you read the fine-print the next time you click to join a Hilton wifi network that you're agreeing that they can install pieces of software on your computer. This will probably be under the guise of something like "analytics," "troubleshooting," "network compatibility," or "ensuring optimal operation of the network." Many companies will interpret this as permission to install software on your computer that some would consider "spyware" (not that they do, but that they could if they wanted). Of course there are technical measures that all of us can and should be taking to prevent this."

    Edit: I will add I'm most curious if like a public WiFi business would do this generally? By this I mean do company's like Starbucks and the Hilton, etc. actually download software to your device just by using their wifi? And if so would this just happen without my knowledge?

    submitted by /u/throwaway18362948
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    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Simple question which is best to go for??

    submitted by /u/charlieburton2000
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    Core i3 vs Core i5

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:44 AM PST

    I want to buy a PC and want to get the best parts for the lowest possible price. I searched a lot but couldn't find the general difference between Intel core i3 and i5 processors. can someone enlighten me? Which would be better value to buy between i3 9100f and i5 8400?

    submitted by /u/sgj2piagp
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    Dose anyone have link for the hp omen 15 page where you can customize the laptop

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:12 AM PST

    I want to customize the specs on the Hp Omen 15 2020 (the good looking model not the ulgy one) but I can't find the website where you can customize all the specs

    submitted by /u/Brock-SG
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    What are your top pcs for a beginner?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:06 AM PST

    I am looking to get into pc gaming but not sure what to look for. I would prefer prebuilt options but I am willing to take a look a building my own. Please take in consideration that this would be my first pc and I wish to run cpu intensive games. ( oxygen not included, factorio and satisfactory)

    submitted by /u/engin-ear06
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