• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 8, 2020

    Tech Support - My boss wants me to install a cloud antivirus on my personal laptop

    Tech Support - My boss wants me to install a cloud antivirus on my personal laptop

    My boss wants me to install a cloud antivirus on my personal laptop

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    I cant do any work on my home laptop without installing it, but they say it is a company managed antivirus.So my question to the internet people is this; Does my boss then have access to my files, or anything of the sort??

    The laptop is my own, (I wasnt expecting to be asked anything like this). I think I am getting a work one when I officially start work in a few months and then it wont be an issue.

    I have a brand new laptop without too much on it yet but will remove anything I do have, and use it purely for work until I start :)

    submitted by /u/Emilia__Rose
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    Is the journal app called Journey safe, private and secure and does your data really sync only with your Google account?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    Is the journal app called Journey safe, private and secure and does your data really sync only with your Google account?

    submitted by /u/Other-Berry8909
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    Which software allows to generate a cartoon face from my video recording?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 11:34 PM PDT

    Looking for deep learning type AI software that would allow to film your face and convert it to a cartoon that matches how you speak.

    I saw some AI experiments like that, but is there powerful software that could be used to create these kind of recordings?

    submitted by /u/BackgammonMasters
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    What the purpose of these two keys ?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 02:11 AM PDT

    PLEASE HELP: What is "spidertime"?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    It's driving me nuts, so please hear me out (the tiniest clue or educated guess would be really helpful!)

    I just discovered a folder on my computer (Macbook if that's important) that was titled "spidertime_files". In it were mainly large amounts of jpegs (some png) and even more .css- and .js-files. All of the images are downloaded from my facebook feed (things people posted that appeared on my feed, their profile pics, icons, etc.) - All downloaded within a time frame of two minutes on a particular day. I have no clue what the .css- and .js-files say. It's a bunch of code.

    One (I think the only) htm-file that is in that folder opens in a new tab in my browser (Chrome) that will recreate my facebook feed from the day the images were downloaded.But the font and design do not look normal - it's all Times New Roman and the placing is all over the place (basically like how web pages will sometimes look when the page has not fully loaded yet or internet is slow)

    The thing is: I honestly do not remember downloading the page or ever coming across a programme/feature/addon titled "spidertime" and it freaks me out just a bit. I just want to know what "spidertime" is so that I can slap my forehead because I might remember that it WAS in fact me who downloaded this stuff... The web is not helpful at all.

    Does anyone have a clue where I can find answers?

    submitted by /u/StrikingJacket4
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    Is there a way to find out if a video on an iPhone has been edited by trimming the original video? I know it’s called metadata but is there a way to tell?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Diverting calls to a SIM card to more than 1 mobile phone.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Hi, so we have this situation with our extremely basic call center set-up.

    The number used by the call center belongs to a SIM embedded in a certain phone. Both the call center staff simply took turns attending to the phone.

    However, now both of them are working from home. Since only 1 of them can physically hold the phone, we need a way to divert the incoming calls to other devices.

    Is there a solution that would help for this? One other restriction we're working with is that both staff members do not have the most stable internet connections.

    TL;DR Need to divert calls to a SIM card to multiple devices. Solution ideally should not be heavily internet reliant.

    submitted by /u/Lostwhispers05
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    Abut safe temperature...

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    So i just played a game in my laptop, and i noticed i got 80°C. i am playing in ryzen 3500u, with integrated graphics. is the temp. safe?

    submitted by /u/franklynical
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    Is mobile application to go with everything is a thing now?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    I kinda have the idea that smart home and IoT is a thing now, but somehow I feel like some companies have taken it too far. I just learnt about Autonomous' new adjustable standing desk, which has an app with it for remote control and I feel like it's excessive. At the end of the day it's just a desk. How does this associate with the technology trend these days and does this action has any other meaning to it?

    submitted by /u/sweetpeach11101
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    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    Hello, I have a catnapper recliner, and the button for controlling the electric motor, broke and I cannot find any replacement, so I am trying to identify the cable connector so I can find a replacement

    submitted by /u/Crimd35
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    Why is it OK for the PS5 to be huge but not the original Xbox?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    I remember reading on news articles that one of the reasons Xbox failed in Japan was that it was huge. Then why did Sony make the PlayStation 5 huge as well? Does it think the size doesn't matter anymore as it did back then? Or were the analyses wrong to begin with?

    submitted by /u/2ADF379FF404DEEF
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    My laptop only have HDMI but i want to buy new monitor with gsync/freesync

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    Im using asus TUF laptop and it only have hdmi. Planing to buy monitor with freesync/gsync but people recommend use DP cable. Im having chat with 1 of customer there and he said i should buy active adapter. But i never see HDMI to DP adapter before on local store. I only see it sells oversea. I also see DP to HDMI

    1.Is my laptop gonna miss much with only HDMI? 2.does active adapter really help? Worth it? 3.is there any different between DP to HDMI adapter and HDMI to DP adapter

    submitted by /u/Ken_Taco
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    Video Editor

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    I am running in high school for class office, and want to make a video of me reading my speech. I want it to look clean. Is there any software that allows you to blur the background of a video taken with an iPhone SE (the new one that came out in 2020.) I also do have a MacBook air and an Acer if necessary. I would really love to do this free or with a free trial. Am I making sense? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/NoahDV2006
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    json function to detect links in plaintext documents and make them clickable?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    so I downloaded an app (acode) that lets me edit its settings, which is a .json, how would I go about making it detect anything starting with https:// or http:// and allow me to click it and open it in my default browser app?

    submitted by /u/Silevence
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    I’m afraid my(16M) school can see personal documents

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    If I put a charger that I put in my personal HP Lenovo laptop to charge connected to the house WiFi that had a personal private document on it into my school computer HP Chromebook connected to the house WiFi will the school see the personal words? I did this and now I'm scared the school can see my personal words! Help! Please! 🙏

    submitted by /u/ThanosWayne
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    What technical skills should a CS undergrad learn?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    how to get rid of the top bar while im watching things on my iphone 8 using google chrome. pic in description

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    bluetooth button

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Hi, I am looking for a small, not so thick, simple, easy to carry bluetooth button that can be programmed to do certain tasks. In particular, activate a function in an app that will record audio, location, etc (from the phone), so all this device would have to do is just open an app and activate a function there, and the app would do the rest. I am looking for something like the flic button, but that's super expensive, needs a hub and it's focused on smart home. I was looking for hours on alibaba but I couldn't find anything. Any suggestion or tip would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Tommerio
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    Double NAT on Xbox

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Hello all, to start off I want to stress than I'm not incredibly tech savvy. So apologies if I sound stupid. I have a NETGEAR R6210 dual band WiFi router plugged directly into the wall. Every time I check my network settings on my Xbox it says that I have double NAT. From my research it seems like people only experience this when they have multiple WiFi routers? I'm honestly not sure at all as it's literally just plugged into the wall and it's a singular thing. Any suggestions? Thank you and sorry for being such a novice!

    submitted by /u/Snowman1749
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    Maybe a really dumb question- security of privacy of your devices history?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    So I'm not exactly sure how to scalping this question in a way that makes sense, but I'll do my best...

    So I am wondering- if I do not erase my history of my devices does it expose my history every time I connect to outside WiFi?

    Basically I'm wondering this.... so I know when you go to a website on your device you have a DNS log of the query you looked up.... all DNS entries have a TTL on them... and I'm wondering if, when the TTL expires and the DNS query then has to re-query to get the DNS information does it do this automatically from my device? That is, will my DNS query to a website (Facebook for example) be re-sent our even after I am no longer on the website but connected to public WiFi due to the TTL expiring?

    I feel like this is the most confusing question i e ever types out so I understand if it doesn't make sense.... basically just wondering if I don't erase my cookies/history if my device will some how send out DNS re-queries or whatever over public WiFi even if I'm no longer actively on the site (so just because it's in my history)?

    submitted by /u/throwaway18362948
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    PSU Question

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    https://imgur.com/gallery/x1SOyPa I was told this is 500W PSU but I only read max 144. So what is it?

    submitted by /u/ThirtZing
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    Lightweight gps or bluetooth tracker?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    Looking to place a small tracker on an object that can't be too heavy (<5 grams preferred). The object will possibly get wet and move at high velocities so I'm wondering if anything is out there like that? Something I can hook up to my phone and track it's location relative to me would be perfect.

    submitted by /u/D_Simmons
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