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    Monday, October 26, 2020

    Tech Support - I can't delete Santivirus help

    Tech Support - I can't delete Santivirus help

    I can't delete Santivirus help

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    I saw post about this before but it did not work for my version of windows which windows 7 I need to delete a program file which is destroying my computer. I was able to fend it off with a antivirus which cancels each other out but the problem is I know the source I can't delete it.

    Previously we tried to delete it by setting the permission to everyone but it did not work. So help out if you want pics I can send it to you directly because this subreddit doesn't allow images

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Bot_Camp
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    does our company have to buy a Mac to set up ≈100 iPhones 8s from user’s current iPhone 7 while also installing SSL certs and Exchange profiles?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    TL;DR➡️does our company have to buy a Mac to set up ≈100 iPhones 8s from user's current iPhone 7 while also installing SSL certs and Exchange profiles?

    📲💻🥾🏕 🤷🏻‍♀️🙏 Fair Warning⚠️:I accidentally wrote a book, so use the TL;DR if you can't spare the time.😅😅😅😅 Can y'all please help me with how to mass deploy almost 100 new iPhone 8s using individual backups from each of the users' current iPhone 7? Each iPhone 7 is signed into their own iTunes accounts that were created with their Exchange email addresses. I believe a majority won't know their iTunes account information, so I have to factor in possible password resets. Some users have iPads, which use the same iTunes accounts. The only computers we have are Dell and HP laptops with Windows.

    We need the iPhones to automatically connect to their Exchange inboxes/AND shared inboxes in either the Apple mail app or possibly the iPhone's Outlook app. We do NOT have Office 365 for this project, but we will working with it in the future. We also need to have the iPhones automatically connect to our network/WiFi using their domain credentials. I think (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that the WiFi (and possibly Exchange?!) is a matter of installing an SSL cert on the individual iPhones , which I would need to make sure happens hopefully before or during initial setup.

    Not sure if this is even a thing, but it would be incredibly handy to have the ability to control their iPhone remotely if the user needs help with the iPhone or iPad. Is that where an MDM comes into play? Or does MDM refer more to keeping track of the hardware and managing the software/certs/accounts?

    I am going to be the only one working with the iPhones and users. Ideally, I would be able to do as much of the setup prior to meeting with the user in person. Time is of the utmost value to my company and users, so I would prefer that the user does not have to wait in person for me to backup the 7/setup the 8. Cost is also a huge factor, but I believe decreasing the time of the project is currently a higher priority.

    One source said we could use Apple Configurator (or Apple Configurator 2?), but I believe they also said you can only use it on a Mac computer. Do I HAVE TO HAVE A MAC COMPUTER in order to quickly setup <100 iPhones from their individual iTunes accounts and their current iPhone's backup? If I don't need to buy a Mac laptop/desktop, or is there an easy/preferrably free way I can do so using Windows. I didn't know if the iPhones would recognize Apple Configurator if it was using boot camp on Windows (or what that really means tbh🙈). I've never worked with Apple products besides iPhones and iPad. Besides possibly having to buy a Mac, would I need to be aware of any other associated costs for this project? Possibly software/hardware/subscriptions?

    Please give me details. It's just going to be me on this project so I don't want to mess it up. If you've made it this far (or you're answering), I'M SORRY FOR THE LENGTH BUT THANK YOU FOR THE HELP!!!! 😂🤣😂

    submitted by /u/ITwannabe23
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    Can someone ELI18? Medium Post about decreasing build times by 99%

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:57 PM PDT


    Can someone explain this article in a slightly more understandable manner, to someone who knows tech, but not to this level of understanding (Simplifying words like refspec, commits and monorepos)

    submitted by /u/Gustafo99
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    Why do modern apps and programs take up so much more space than they used to and use/need so much more memory?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    So I've noticed of late that apps seems to take up so much more time/space/memory and yet barely seem to do more in the case of some programs.

    Like for example, the calculator on my current phone (ASUS ROG Phone II) takes up 2.54MB and the calculator on my previous phone (Bullitt CATERPILLAR S60) takes up 1.22MB according to the app drawer.

    But from what I can see, the apps are the same.

    Same for browsers and so on and so forth, hell, I recall Zork fitting on a 1.44MB floppy, now according to Steam it takes 26MB in that form.

    submitted by /u/Rumbuck_274
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    I bought a DVI to HDMI cable but it was too wide/big. It looks the same and I thought it would work. I'm essentially trying to connect my work monitor which has no HDMI port, to my personal laptop. Any idea what I need? Cannot attach a pic but could message someone with it

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    Can you view download history associated with a specific google account?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Hey guys, my laptop was just stolen and I could use some assistance. So i just got my replacement laptop. I figured since I can just sign into my google account and all my search and download history would be easily accessible, but I cant figure it out. I just want to be able to view basically downloads between when it was stolen and when I last backed it up to my Idrive to see which files are basically missing. Is this possible? Even viewing my activity associated with my google account isnt very helpful because it inly shows what websites I visited and not what i searched and downloaded from those websites (files, some mp3 albums). If anyone knows how to do this I would be extremely grateful, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Young_Thugion
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    What causes AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) to run so slowly compared "normal" versions of websites?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    When will petabyte video servers (Youtube and Vimeo) fit into a single room?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    Youtube costs $2 billion/yr networking expenses to run. When will a website like YT 2018 cost only $2 million to run every year? If it halves every 2 years, then it will take 10 years for the silicon?

    There are many more audio streaming services on the web than video, because audio takes up 100'ds of times less space than video. As time progresses, a website like vimeo and youtube can be hosted in a single data center using less than a million dollars of electricity and broadband every year to run...

    submitted by /u/MegavirusOfDoom
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    No sound regulation with headphones

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    hi guys,

    atm I have online college classes and today I had a zoom meeting where I wanted to use my headphones to not hear my dad. I use my airpods pro as my headphones on my windows laptop. Sadly the sound is set to 100% and I cannot change it. Due to the not so optimal microphone from the prof the meeting with my airpods on is basicly earrape.

    Do you guys have a clue why I cannot basicly regulate the sound with headphones?

    thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Damn-Daniel42
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    Defragging After Installing OS?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    Just a shower thought I had-- is there an advantage to defragmenting a drive immediately after installing an OS like Windows on said drive?

    Does an OS usually come pre-defragmented?

    submitted by /u/SmashPortal
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    What is the difference between a standard 360° Camera, and a 360°C, 360°F, and 3600°MIL camera?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    So I'm passingly interested in 360° cameras as they pertain to drones and Action Cameras, but they seemed to have a fairly quick rise and fall, heaps of talk for a while and then none. But I'm still mildly curious.

    Then occasionally I see people talk about their camera being 360°C or 360°F, and then every now and then I see people say their camera is 3600°MIL, however when I ask them it's generally and answer of "I dunno, but it's 360°C/F/3600°MIL" and that's about the level of answer I get.

    I tried googling it, bit best I got was Forum threads and stuff,, I can't even find a mainstream Manufacturer referring to cameras using these other terms, at first I thought it might have been a PAL/NTSC/Military difference, as generally I've noticed that the only people using 360°F cameras are in the USA and people using 360°C cameras are everywhere but the USA in general, and generally I see 3600°MIL stuff talked about in military type groups, so I assumed it's short for MILSPEC type cameras, but there is no MILSPEC I could find for 360° cameras (admittedly I didn't look too hard at this though)

    But I did just see someone online adamant their car has 360°C cameras, yet they have no idea what the difference was, just that the dealer told them that's what it has. So insert shrugging confused emoji here (don't want the wrath of r/emojipolice to appear and spam my query)

    submitted by /u/Rumbuck_274
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    Redmi note 8 or note pro max?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    Hi I am thinking of buying a new phone and these are my choices. While the pro max has higher ram and storage, it doesn't have as much development as the note 8 in xda.

    submitted by /u/That_Horse_3769
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    Correct Ram with CPU

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    Can i have ddr4 8gb 2400mhz ram with intel pentium G6400-this cpu support only 2666mhz ram please answer

    submitted by /u/N0ah3
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    Setting up a minimalist call center - just need a solution for call forwarding.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 09:08 PM PDT

    All our call center staff will be working from home going forward, so they have no access to the office phone.

    Their internet is horrendously weak, which rules out a lot of VOIP options.

    We're wondering what people in our situation usually do. We just need a way to receive inbound calls to one number, and then spread them across 3x different phones.

    submitted by /u/Lostwhispers05
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    I want to buy a desktop, but know nothing about them

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    I want to buy a desktop for personal use, mainly gaming and just general stuff. I want to keep prices relatively midrange, about $400 - $650. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Blunk9
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    What would I need to get my TV audio to play on my bluetooth earbuds while I'm running on my treadmill?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    I do not own a "smart" TV but I have Rokus and a couple Chromecasts. I'm thinking Chromecast might work but not sure what to do. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/MHMoose
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    My laptop blacks out temporarily when I place phone near it on this specific position. Any idea why?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Just the screen, audio and everything still goes fine. Is this some sort of interference? That spot is close to the VGA and HDMI ports, if that's of any help cracking this one.

    submitted by /u/San_Bird_Man
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    Why does copy and paste not work sometimes?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Sometimes it won't copy at all or it will paste the previous thing copied. It's been like this for as long as I can remember. What causes this?

    submitted by /u/skullzombie824
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    My 2 TVs died and my PC probably as well. Please help me understand what happened.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    So I got a new desktop that I used on my TV to play games, I was using a Wii U hdmi while I got a new hdmi. It sometimes had "handshake" issues according to internet, it had pink static and then a green screen. I thought it was the cable at first since it was also getting a bit hot I thought maybe the cable wasn't good enough quality or whatever.

    Anyway, I got a new cable, 3 meters long, and I connected it to my PC. I was still having the same green screen issues. I played for a while and turned off my PC and then my PSU.

    Today I turn on my PC and it's not sending any signal at all to my TV, I also notice the GPU fan is not working. I turn off everything, except the TV, in an attempt to reset the Gpu, energy cord was disconnected. I then hear a beep from my voltage regulator and my TV colors go crazy for a second and then it turns off to not turn on again. This happened like 2 hours ago. (note: I also tried using the integrated graphics before attempting seating the Gpu again and I wasn't having any video either).

    I assume the TV was faulty and that's why I was having handshake issues and connection issues. I go to my other TV on the other room, connect the PC to the TV but there was still no video. I turn it all off, go back to the other room to pick a different hdmi cable (the Wii U one) and when I disconnect the current, new one, it was extremely hot and the TV didn't turn on anymore, so that TV died as well. This happened like 1 hour ago.

    So my 2 hypothesis are: HDMI cable was extremely faulty to the point it fried my TVs and possibly my Gpu or motherboard OR my GPU/PC/PSU is faulty and it sent a massive amount of voltage it fried my TVs through HDMI and that's why I was having the handshake issues with the other cable too.

    Note that this PC is a friend's PC and he literally never had any issues like this whatsoever though.

    Please just help me understand what the hell happened and maybe if some of these devices could possibly be fixed.

    submitted by /u/VagrantValmar
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    Is this safe?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Ya know that deadly wallpaper for smartphones? The one with the beautiful sunrise? If I were to take a screenshot on iPhone, would it be safe?

    submitted by /u/clutchtherenegade
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    Stolen Phone Number?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but my phone number was used to authenticate a yahoo mail address that is not mine. I was able to log in using the phone number and verification code I was sent and discovered an email that has been in use since 2005 that was not related to me whatsoever. In fact, it was a person in a completely different country than mine. I look at the verified phone numbers and they had, in fact, successfully verified my phone number to their Yahoo account. I went in and deleted the phone number off the account. Is this phone number now compromised? Should I get a new phone number?

    submitted by /u/jbart253
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    how to view iphone screen on windows PC and control it using the PCs keyboard & mouse?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Theres a few programs that can do this for android phones I believe [eg scrcpy], is there any program that lets you do it for iphones or would apple restrict this from being done like they usually do?

    I want to be able to control the iphone from my windows pc screen

    submitted by /u/computerstuffs
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    How can I disable the Microsoft Edge Programme on my computer ?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Dear Subreddit, I would like to disable Microsoft edge, because i consistently waste time on it, since it is the only browser where i cannot block time-wasting websites (facebook, imgur...).

    I would like to simply disable Edge in such a fashion that it would take enormous effort to recover, thus posing a big enough barrier for me to fix it to gain access to the websites.

    Thank you for any help, i hope to be productive soon and get a dopamine detox.

    submitted by /u/stripawayunnecessary
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