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    Friday, June 19, 2020

    Tech Support - Could a college access files on my computer if I use their Internet connection?

    Tech Support - Could a college access files on my computer if I use their Internet connection?

    Could a college access files on my computer if I use their Internet connection?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    I live in a dorm and use the Internet connection provided by my college. I know they can and do monitor students and at the very least have access to links you've visited.

    But what I'm wondering is, would they somehow have access to files I've opened on my desktop like Word documents?

    submitted by /u/ClaudeFrollo1986
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    Trying to build a touchscreen calendar

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    The closest retail one I found: https://www.etsy.com/listing/685453312/24-digital-wall-display-smart-screen?ref=related-1&frs=1

    Screen: https://www.amazon.com/Planar-Helium-PCT2235-Resolution-Monitor/dp/B01E06JSI4/ref=pd_aw_sbs_147_11?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01E06JSI4&pd_rd_r=c8bd1d91-ce15-4acc-8bdb-7d319d3251a2&pd_rd_w=324ON&pd_rd_wg=WXnzb&pf_rd_p=fb90cf7e-4600-49b5-b034-efe22ffb9ccb&pf_rd_r=QNSYJZAVX8KXMG78NEPC&psc=1&refRID=F04KWEGMGG4QBYMA6CWE

    I'd take the same approach and use a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B to run DAKboard. And I assume I could connect the top via miniHDMI. I'd just have to make a frame and mount it.

    I'd consider the Etsy link, but I don't think it's touchscreen which I feel would be important for a display like this.


    submitted by /u/mylegalusername
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    What options do i have for mirroring a laptop/ipad to a bigger screen wirelessly?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    Hi there. I haven't had a TV in ages, but my gf would like to watch stuff like Netflix on a bigger screen.

    So what we're looking for is a way to have a larger screen (around 42 inches) that displays what's happening on her ipad / my windows10 laptop without a connection with wires.

    Do i need a smart tv for this or are there other options? Any help will be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Rotzo83
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    What is the software development process like?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    I know that software is usually developed by a team of programmers. How does a team divide the workload? Does each programmer work on coding one specific function, then after it's been tested, someone stitches up the individual parts? Or do they code collaboratively, like Google docs? Or, after one programmer finishes their part, the code is passed to the next programmer who then continues that existing code? How does the entire team maintain uniformity?

    submitted by /u/hanamako
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    Like computers have a maximum Ethernet speed determined by the adapter (100mb/1000mb etc) what is the highest speed internet most mobile phones could use?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Any possible way for me to transfer an app from my old iphone to my new one?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    This app isn't on the app store anymore. Is there anyway I can transfer it to my new phone?

    submitted by /u/DSL117
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    Ps4 external hard drive

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    Aight so my buddy bought an external drive off amazon for his ps4 do you have to reformat it or can you just plug and play it? He sent me some pictures of it and a sticker on the back says ps4 not supported

    submitted by /u/eric_teh_swift
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    Recommendations for basic iPad for my grandmother?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    My grandfather is looking to buy my grandmother an iPad pretty soon. She'll be turning 80 years old in a few months and since she never learned how to use a computer or any "smart" technology, she said she really only wants it for some messaging and maybe watching videos so she only needs one of their most basic models. However, I've never really used tablets myself so I'm not quite sure what to recommend to my grandfather for her. Can someone please give me some ideas for a pretty bare-bones model of iPad to suit my grandmother's needs?

    EDIT: I ended up recommending a refurbished 5th gen iPad from a couple different places to my grandfather. Thanks a lot to everyone who replied, I really appreciate all the suggestions. :)

    submitted by /u/schlockhat
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    USB-C connector in USB-A port causes PC hard reboot

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    Yes, I know I should not do this, but I discovered it by mistake and I'm now curious as to why this happens

    I have a OnePlus 6T USB-C to USB-A charger cable (fast charge), and I mistakenly inserted the USB-C connector into the uppermost corner of a standard USB 3 port.

    To my surprise, the PC rebooted, and it thankfully still worked.

    To check whether it was any way related to software, I repeated it after booting into BIOS (for science!), again, rebooted

    I'm a newby computer scientist but hardware is not my forte and it's the first time I hear of this, does anybody know what causes this?

    submitted by /u/alesimula97
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    Do phones constantly broadcast their Bluetooth address?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    For instance,

    Could I create a secret Bluetooth receiver in a store self-checkout kiosk that tracks incoming Bluetooth addresses?

    I'm thinking of using this to allow the kiosk to recognize previously detected addresses and use a log of what that address' owner usually buys or is interested in to better advertise to them (basically IRL targeted advertising).

    submitted by /u/Vokabe
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    [Help] Video calling setup for Samsung/LG smart TV

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    I am looking for video calling setup from/using my TV. Considering end of support for Skype for TV, I would like to start video call using TV and camera and recipient can answer from mobile.

    1. Attach camera to smart TV (Samsung / LG) and start using video call using any app that supports both TV and mobile
    2. Attach camera to Android TV box and connect android TV box to TV. Then use something like Duo to start video call.

    BIG NO to Facebook and its Portal TV

    Any recommendation would be great help.

    submitted by /u/sit1231
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    I'm looking for a new android app write with.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    I have an s9 that has been updated to the most recent version. I don't root or anything else like that.

    I've tried MS Office but it opens my documents in read only.

    WPS Office seems to continuously load when I go back to documents. even if it eventually loads the document, I would rather not deal with something like that. it also seems to lock(or maybe corrupt) my documents. the problem causes two problems. If I close the document while using WPS Office, when i try opening it again, it opens as an empty document. if I open it on PC, MS Office says that it has problems with the content. when I press OK, MS Office says that the document has unreadable content. it'll occasionally ask me if I want to go to the "MS Office Online Web Site"(their words, not mine) for a converter. that went nowhere. I tried fixing this problem but I couldn't find anything.

    WPS Office lite seems to freeze up when I select and delete several characters at a time. it also has the locked/corrupted document problem.

    I only really need two things in a new app:

    - a way to use mobile view. desktop view is too hard to use on my phone.

    - a way to connect to my dropbox account.

    submitted by /u/derpa_games
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    Why is my pc so crap ?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    My brother gave me his old pc, specs: GTX 980. i5-4430k 8gb ram and 1tb hdd, you would think the gtx 980 performed good but i get between 20-90 fps in fortnite on 1080p low settings. weird thing is i get the same at high, wtf is wrong with my pc?

    submitted by /u/quality5k
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    Every time I change the channel on Westinghouse TV the input changes.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    So I have a Westinghouse TV, not sure the exact model, that I am just using for the first time today. I have tried to change the channel using the buttons on the side of the TV and every time I change the channel the input goes from HDMI 2, the one with cable, to TV, which has no signal. If I change the input back to HDMI 2 the channel stays on whatever it was originally on. And also, I can't get the remote to work. So I'm stuck with the TV buttons.

    submitted by /u/Snoo_75941
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    Where in America can I get CNBC the fastest?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    I'm an older guy and not so fast anymore. While hiding out I got into day trading and haven't done too bad+2000 in a month. I have been trading off of CNBC and their guests, quickly getting in and out of the market with News. Everything else I tried hasn't worked lol, it's very difficult with slow eyes and fingers. When a guest recommends a stock I quickly check the ticker and on average about five minutes ago it's jumped, meaning other people have seen it five minutes before me. I was in San Francisco and Vegas three months ago and it was the same scenario there, always five minutes short, I'm in Kansas now and it's the same. I did purchase the Internet CNBC and it's actually about two minutes slower than the TV. So was wondering if anybody had a clue on where in the USA CNBC would be the first to air. Somewhere in America it's showing five minutes before wherever I've been. I know they are out of New York so possibly New York? I'm not a tech guy so I thought I'd ask. And yes I'm on the move on the go right now I will head there and give it a try. Right now I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. Thanks in advance from a grandpa.

    submitted by /u/thaiusa
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    What is a dirt cheap phone that can run snapchat, instagram, reddit, ect

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Playing Google Play Movies through my Home Theater Speakers

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    I have yet to find a way to play my google movies through this device.My home theater setup is a Sony BDV-IS1000. The TV is an LG WebOS TV SM8600pua (LG Smart TV).

    Does anyone see a way to?

    submitted by /u/draken2019
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    Recommendations for a living room pc monitor that can double as a tv?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Hi all, my new apartment has very limited space in the living room. My plan is to have a couch behind my computer desk and somehow utilize this space to not have a tv mounted above my monitor.

    Is this setup possible? I've heard of vesa mounts and was thinking making I could swing it up when I go to sit on my couch. The living room is basically a long rectangular hallways so I can't sit the couch in another orientation although I suppose I could lay the desk at the end of the living room.

    Any suggestions appreciated!

    submitted by /u/McGooberson44
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    Remote to remote sync client

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Using Filezilla and trying to sync two remote sources: an SSH share on my network (an NAS) and an FTP server in the cloud.

    I'm looking for something similar to an FTP client but which is designed to connect and sync files between two remote sources (from an interface on the desktop).

    I guess it would be preferable if the files transferred in the cloud if required (ie, cloud to cloud). Although in this case they're going to need to hit my network anyway as the destination is an NAS.

    Any software recommendations appreciated.

    submitted by /u/drjlm3
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    Basic iPad for my grandmother?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    My grandfather is planning on buying an iPad for my grandmother for her to use for only a few very basic things, like messaging or watching videos. She'll be turning 80 years old in a few months and she never really learned how to use anything more than a flip phone so she doesn't understand computers or any of the "smart" technology. My grandfather and I both agree that she really only needs a pretty basic model tablet that does the bare minimum. Can someone please give me a recommendation or two for the kind of iPad that would best suit her needs?

    submitted by /u/schlockhat
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    How do I stream wirelessly from a GoPro style "action camera?" Is it even possible?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    I was planning to rent a GoPro Hero 8 for this purpose, but it turns out the GoPro ONLY streams to the special GoPro app. What I'm trying to do is use the action camera as a wireless webcam for some livestreams I have coming up. I have a wired webcam that I select in the streaming program (In this case Zoom and Whereby) and what I WANT to do is be able to switch cameras from the webcam to the action camera, which will end up being an Akaso EK7000 that I am borrowing from a friend. However, I seek to do this WITHOUT having the Akaso tethered to the laptop with a cable. The friend I am borrowing the camera says I should just need a "capture card" but he isn't sure what kind. So far, my research has led me to "you can wirelessly upload video and picture files from the camera" and "you can connect the action camera with a cable to use it as a webcam," neither of which are the thing I want to do.

    So, is what I want to do even possible? If so, what equipment do I need, and how would I set it up?

    submitted by /u/ZenKeys88
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    Best project manager for localization

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Hey folks, hope everyone is doing ok. Part of my job is localization testing, and as a part of that i need to send a pic to the dev and ask them for the psd format then i can give it to an artist and localize it and then send it back to the dev so they can implement it in their project. This process as simple as it sounds gets really complex really fast when there are many pics and many projects. What software or services do you guys suggest i can use to optimize and mange this process better? I tried gitlab, and for the life of me I couldn't figure it out. I need something simpler, something that i just can upload a pic, they can post one under mine and my artist can access it and then fix it upload it under them, and i tell the dev it's good to go. Tldr: looking for a project manager app that can simplify downloading and uploading assets.

    submitted by /u/darklydreamingR
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    If PCs need an always-on Real Time Clock, what do embedded devices like smartphones use?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    So recently my own laptop's BIOS RTC had its battery die, and when I investigated about it I found out that computers need to have a real time clock because otherwise, they cannot function properly. PCs usually have a coin battery to keep the clock on while the system is off. If the battery dies, you replace it and manually set the BIOS time.

    Now, what got me curious is how do devices like tablets and smartphones keep their RTCs on? The first hypothesis I made is that smartphones probably have an extremely low power component to keep the time and it sips on power from the battery while the phone is off. But what if the battery dies? I know that when a phone reaches 0% the battery is not actually depleted, it has a reserve charge to prevent battery damage, but even so, if you leave the phone off for a few months or years, eventually the battery will be 100% depleted if it has an always-on component inside, and as far as I know, smartphones never ask you to set the date and time before booting.

    The second hypothesis was that when a smartphone boots up, it uses its baseband modem to communicate with the internet and set its own date and time automatically via 4G or something. Baseband modems have sort of its own OS and CPU inside anyway, so the main CPU wouldnt have to be involved. But what happens when you don't have any signal?

    On Wikipedia, I also found that Raspberry Pis dont have an RTC and thus you have to set the date and time when you boot it up (I imagine only if you disconnect it from power), so it is technically possible to have a computer with no RTC, it just a pain in the butt. But again, this never happens on smartphones even though they are embedded devices too

    submitted by /u/revelbytes
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    Where to sell some transceivers I got from a tech dump?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    My uncle who worked in IT had some unopened transceivers he let me have since I am trying the field myself and mentioned I could sell these? How would i go about doing this?

    submitted by /u/Psychological_Floor8
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