• Breaking News

    Sunday, May 3, 2020

    Tech Support - can a hacker ddos a server if the server is unplugged? I know little to noting about ddos’s so please correct me if I’m wrong. Thanks for the help!

    Tech Support - can a hacker ddos a server if the server is unplugged? I know little to noting about ddos’s so please correct me if I’m wrong. Thanks for the help!

    can a hacker ddos a server if the server is unplugged? I know little to noting about ddos’s so please correct me if I’m wrong. Thanks for the help!

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    Example: my friend hosts a Minecraft server for just me and our other friends. If he were to make the ip public in a subreddit, this might catch the eye of a hacker and because he knows the risks he takes the post down because it was a mistake. However a legit hacker got the public up before the take down. Knowing his mistake, if he keeps the server unplugged for a total of 2 weeks, will he get ddosed by the hacker and have damage done to the server or would he be safe in this theoretical scenario?

    submitted by /u/RealPyroManiac12
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    Writing device for taking online classes?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Please bear with me because I don't know where else to post this. What's a device I can buy that-

    1. I can write on with some kind of pen-like thing
    2. The writing shows up on my computer screen in real-time (I saw some devices that don't show the writing in real-time. It has to be synced later)
    3. I can see what I'm doing (a lot of graphic tablets are like... blind! I really don't know how else to describe it. The letters show up on the computer screen but not on the thing I'm writing on)
    4. REASONABLY PRICED (A Wacom device with a display costs more than my computer, laptop and smartphone combined -_- But it's basically a large but dumbed down touchscreen phone. Why would it cost that much?)

    Please suggest something. It's super awkward taking classes if I have to write down stuff on my little whiteboard and hold it up to the webcam to show the students.

    submitted by /u/Thorpon
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    Connecting an SSD and an external drive to usb c hub question

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    Hi, I was wondering, would there be any issue/slowness connecting two drives to the same usb c hub? I know usb c can handle up to 5GB/s but I've heard that apparently hubs will run at the speed of the slowest drive?

    Would my SSD run at the same speed as the HDD, if they were both connected to the same hub?

    submitted by /u/JME_B96
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    Hacker threatened to hack iPhone and get cops on me

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    Please remove if this isn't appropriate for this sub

    To put a very long story short, I was on a website, someone asked to talk over Skype and I accepted. (I know, very stupid decision) All of a sudden that person started getting really creepy really fast so I responded with sarcasm and ended up blocking him. He had threatened to hack me, get the cops on me, and said "you'll see". I eventually got a message from someone I talked to earlier who I think was just them under a different name saying how a group of skype hackers posted about me and planned to hack me through my WiFi and said something about ddos. I'm curious if I should be worried about this person getting ahold of my sensitive information or my location. Is there anything I can do if this becomes serious?

    submitted by /u/magicissuffering
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    How come H.264 is a proprietary codec, but the specification is freely available?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Doesn't a proprietary codec mean that the specifications are not for free? Like, under a license or similar?

    Also, this codec is a video standard by ISO and ITU-T. How come a industry standard format can be proprietary?

    Am I just wrong maybe? Hehehehe!

    submitted by /u/mynamesabbe
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    What is mesh WiFi?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    Explanations I've found seem to be based on your extender having the same SSID.

    I can already do that with a non mesh system so what's the difference?

    submitted by /u/naltsta
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    Email account simplification and privacy

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:30 AM PDT


    As I am trying to de-google my life (the why is for another time) I find myself wondering how to best deal with getting away from gmail.

    The easy solution might be to just get an account over at protonmail (or similar), inform friends and family of the email change, update my forum/socials accounts with my new email and move on with my life.

    But since I have two email accounts (work/private) I started thinking about whether there isn't a better approach to kill two birds with one stone:

    1. Buy a custom domain: mynewdomain.com
    2. create custom emails for the types of accounts: social@mynewdomain.com/work@mynewdomain.com/shopping@mynewdomain.com/etc.
    3. Create only one email account at protonmail (or similar)
    4. Forward all emails from the accounts at 2. to the protonmail account and set up rules to get move them into specific folders.

    Does this makes sense? What am I not taking into consideration with this approach?

    - Will emails that I send from (protonmail, or whatever I choose) look like they are sent from the ***@mynewdomain.com?

    - I realize forwarding the emails won't really help the privacy aspect, but maybe this approach is a first step?

    - Is setting up an account at protonmail (or similar) a useless step in this scenario since I could just just create email@mynewdomain.com account to forward all emails to?

    Anything else?

    submitted by /u/charliebigpot
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    Is activity you've viewed when someone shared their screen during a zoom call traceable?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    I had a zoom call with some friends using my work laptop last night. One of my friends, not knowing that it was my work laptop thought that it would be hilarious to have porn up on the screen when I came back from the bathroom. Presumably, since the illicit behaviour occurred on someone else's machine and not mine, it shouldn't be traceable, right? I just wanted to ask for my own peace of mind.

    submitted by /u/Pat1entZero
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    Benchmark preforming under expected

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    What can I do to fix this benchmark? https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/27523410

    UserBenchmarks: Game 46%, Desk 70%, Work 56%

    CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K - 93.7%

    GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080-Ti - 42.9%

    SSD: Samsung 860 Evo 500GB - 1,020%

    HDD: Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 1TB - 86.9%

    RAM: G.SKILL F4 DDR4 3000 C15 2x8GB - 71.3%


    submitted by /u/Spook_em_up
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    Is it better to use a sever CPU if you are using it for basics but multiple tasks at the same time?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Ping - Phones - League of Legends.

    Posted: 02 May 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    hello :)

    this is something i've noticed with my 7 year long roommate.

    so the way my desk/computer is positioned i can see when my friends room light is on. in other words i know when she is awake.

    she sleeps a lot so her light always goes off when she sleeps and on when she is awake.

    I could be playing LoL (league of legends) at 32ms. ping.

    light comes on. she is on her phone. ping ingame jumps between 130ms - 300ms.

    yet my phone doesn't do this?

    i know she watches netflix but could netflix via wifi really be effecting my ping which is connected via ethernet cable?

    i thought maybe she has like 100 internet tabs open on her phone or something that might be doing this but then again i'm no phone/technology wizz.

    is it really as simple as it being her phone wifi that is causing a jump in ping?


    i just switch between ranked/bots when her light is either on or off.

    but still seems very strange as we have another gamer roommate upstairs who always watches youtube and it doesn't effect my ping.

    it's literally just her phone? (iphone)

    submitted by /u/stjunk
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    Windows10Debloater vs windows-10-decrapifier?

    Posted: 03 May 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    Ive seen both recommended here , which do you think is better to use for removing windows 10 bloat apps

    submitted by /u/computerstuffs
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    How to get around restrictions on thumb drives

    Posted: 02 May 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Ok, so this is something that kinda annoyed me at my school. So I was taking a class that required me to store some things on a thumb drive but my school decided to disable thumb drives on their computers. I talked to them and they refused to change it for one student. Of course, I could do it when I get home that's stupid. How can I get around that?

    They run Windows 10 if that means anything.

    And I am home right now and doing school from home this is just one of those things I want to know before I got back.

    Thanks, everyone! Sorry if its a stupid question I am completely tech illiterate. My parents refused to allow me to have most forms of tech so I never learned it and it annoys me that I don't know. Again thanks.

    submitted by /u/_Darth_Nihilus_
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    Connecting Bluetooth headset to the TV

    Posted: 02 May 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I have a Samsung TV, not a smart TV. I wanted to connect my Bluetooth headset to the TV. The TV has a functional standard 3.5mm headphone jack but doesn't have Bluetooth. I was thinking of using a Bluetooth-aux adapter, like the ones they use in the cars to connect a smart phone to the car radio. Would such an adapter connect to a Bluetooth headset?

    Here is an example adapter.


    Thanks in advance for your help!

    submitted by /u/yumuklusujurta
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    Stuttering/Rubber-Banding in CSGO

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    I've been stuttering in CS since around October of 2019, so before the whole update and issue. It's happened on 2 different computers with completely different specs, with one being a low to mid-level laptop, and the other being a mid to high tier pc. It's not like I can play through it because it is almost game-changing for me.

    Like I would be peaking a corner, and getting into a gunfight, then going back into cover, but only to lag and teleport back out into the open and die. I've queued with a friend and they don't see me go back into cover, they see me move to where I teleport to without even shooting. Another annoying thing is whenever enemies peak it seems that my guns fire blanks and I whiff everything point blank.

    It happens more often on certain maps than others but I still consistently experience it. I only lag in online matches, not in custom maps with friends. Could it be related to my connection to valve servers? Or something else?

    I'm also a tech noob so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The specs on my current pc are:

    CPU: Intel Core i5-9400f 2.9GHz

    GPU: GeForce GTX 1660

    RAM: 8GB DDR4

    Over 2 TB of total storage

    submitted by /u/Lzqi
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    Extending Home Wifi

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Replacing the USB port

    Posted: 02 May 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Hi all! New here. I have very basic knowledge of building a pc, exclusively from my research when I replaced my motherboard and processor.

    My USB port on my computer is broken. I'm looking to replace it, preferably myself (because getting it taken care of by someone else in this pandemic is a whole can of worms) and I'm basically wondering what I need to know.

    Basic searches yielded a ton of options. I don't know a ton about tech, so I was hoping I could get some advice.


    submitted by /u/ceccosghost
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    why can't Microsoft automatically delete emails with randomly generated names, fake emails as sender names, emojis, fonts, or obvious signs of spam?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    I don't understand why their custom spam filters haven't been updated in 20 years. It seems so obvious that if the sender name or subject claim to be apple, amazon, ebay, etc, and the domain isn't ___ @ apple.com then 99.9% chance its spam. if the sender email address is cfty7u87ug8u9i98ui8@g98uyhuyhiu.ru.com then its obviously spam. If the subject or sender name contains emoji, 99% chance its spam. Inversely if i mark a sender as not spam 50 times it still goes to spam folder.

    how would i contact someone to make changes to the spam filter?

    submitted by /u/senorElMeowMeow
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    Auto clicker

    Posted: 02 May 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    Ok so idk if I should ask this here but does anyone know a free auto clicker?

    submitted by /u/thevoids2277
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    How the hell do I cancel my G-Suite Subscription?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    I've had a hell lot of trouble to cancelling my G-Suite Subscription. I was wondering what your luck has been like?

    Also, I've had a very hard time cancelling my Skype (MSFT) account also, and my back has had to dispute these charges on my behalf.

    Man, auto-renewals fucking sucks dick.

    submitted by /u/oblique_strategies_
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    Locating hidden cameras in home

    Posted: 02 May 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Sorry if I'm in the wrong sub here, but this seemed like a place to maybe help...

    I have concerns that someone gained access to my apartment and perhaps left cameras or other recording devices hidden. Other than getting LEO involved (tl;dr: already are, it's complicated and I'm trying to build a case)... I am curious if there is any way to locate these, or even just find out if there are any around so that I can figure out if I need to move.

    Appreciate any advice and input!

    submitted by /u/butimarealgirl
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    Groupy or tidytabs: which do you recommend using to add tabs to windows programs?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 06:45 AM PDT

    Im currently using groupy which works well but It causes my pc to slowdown after about 4 days for some reason, so I have to restart my pc every 4 days otherwise it becomes slow – this didn't happen before I installed groupy

    submitted by /u/computerstuffs
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    Is it bad to leave your Mac Book Air, constantly plugged into the charger?

    Posted: 02 May 2020 08:47 AM PDT

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