• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 29, 2020

    Tech Support - Is it possible for a superintelligent AI to ALREADY exist within our incredibly complex infrastructure and if so, wouldn't it optimize for some objective by influencing the systems/algorithms we interact with and are influenced by on a daily basis? Could humanity be the biological bootloader for AI?

    Tech Support - Is it possible for a superintelligent AI to ALREADY exist within our incredibly complex infrastructure and if so, wouldn't it optimize for some objective by influencing the systems/algorithms we interact with and are influenced by on a daily basis? Could humanity be the biological bootloader for AI?

    Is it possible for a superintelligent AI to ALREADY exist within our incredibly complex infrastructure and if so, wouldn't it optimize for some objective by influencing the systems/algorithms we interact with and are influenced by on a daily basis? Could humanity be the biological bootloader for AI?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:47 PM PDT

    Is it possible for a university to figure out if you are using Chegg?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    I'm a university student and I keep seeing stories about professors around the US telling students they will be caught for using Chegg for an exam. For those of you unaware what Chegg is, it is a tutoring site that lets you ask questions or look up questions with explanations. It is very popular for homework. Now that schools are 100%, people use it so much.

    I don't know too much about technology so I'm sorry if I come off stupid. Is it possible for a professor to get Chegg to give them IP addresses for anyone who clicked on a question ( each question has its own page/link) then compare that IP to the IP addresses of the students in his class who took an online exam? I use Chegg for my homework but I'm extremely paranoid. If this shouldn't be posted on this subreddit let me know so I can delete it and please say where else I could get this question answered. I already called Chegg personally and they told me they don't give any info out ( I think BS).

    *Disclaimer: I am not here to talk about ethics*

    Here is an example of what I am talking about: https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/g9qtf5/ongoing_university_students_caught_cheating_on/

    submitted by /u/mendez__
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    Why does Netflix run on AWS when Amazon has Prime as a competitor?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    Just a curious question. But I don't seem to understand why Netflix would run their infrastructure systems on AWS when Amazon creates a competing product against them. Do people see this as a conflict of interests considering many companies run software on AWS? Isn't this considered a big no no in terms of allowing companies to build on your infrastructure then you steal the ideas that are best and create a competing product?

    submitted by /u/Bdawg_7
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    How to check who is disconecting me from group chat on skype

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    Long story short one girl discovered week ago on online classes how to mute and disconnect others from ongoing online lesson and told this to other girls. Soooo now some funny girl is going rambo rn and kicking both students and teachers making the lesson worthless. so is there any way to see who it is and settle this once for all. Ps school 2 broke to use any other program

    submitted by /u/ragdulagrec
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    Two hard disk slot

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:37 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is the correct place to ask. But would like to ask Will there be any big difference in performance if I were to have 1 SSD + 1 HDD compare to 1 SSD only?

    Mostly my SSD is to use for os and other software installation. While the HDD are just used to store shows and stuff when they are downloading.

    submitted by /u/heavyarms20
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    Which gaming laptop to buy?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    I wanted to buy a cheap gaming laptop just for my CSGO but I want it to run over 100fps so the monitor should be 144Hz. Which is the cheapest one I can buy and for how much?

    submitted by /u/pranavjn10
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    Is PS4 still worth it if my focus is gaming?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    As the title suggests ,is the ps4 still worth it if just wanna enjoy some classic triple A title and also wanna try VR with PSVR?

    submitted by /u/YET_TO_BE_NAMED
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    Does my HP 24-f0xx AIO support discrete graphics

    Posted: 29 Apr 2020 01:01 AM PDT

    I was thinking about using the EXP GDC on the M.2 slot and adding a desktop GPU? But would this work, and does my system even support discrete graphics, (If it's a term, saw it on a comment made by HP) or third party GPU's. It was usually used on laptops but it should work on any M.2 or Mini PCIe slot

    submitted by /u/datasian_
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    how do i connect my HORY wireless Switch pad (the zelda one ) to my pc?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    how do i connect my HORY wireless Switch pad (the zelda one ) to my pc?

    submitted by /u/sOZZO19
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    how do i connect my HORY wireless Switch pad (the zelda one ) to my pc?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:52 PM PDT

    how do i connect my HORY wireless Switch pad (the zelda one ) to my pc?

    submitted by /u/sOZZO19
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    I have an external mic and webcam, both USB and both with switches inline along the cables. I want to make something that blinks a red light if either has power. Where do I start?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Ideally I want to do it non-intrusively and the blinking light will be near the webcam, although the microphone is a couple of feet a way as the wire routes.

    Is there a simple circuit of some sort that I can build that senses any current through either wire then connects power to the LED? Where do I start in terms of figuring it out?

    submitted by /u/lindymad
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    Best accessories for the Alienware Aurora gaming?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    Website that lets you get past pay walls?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    I have a test question which is asked online on the chegg website but you must subscribe to see the answer. Is there a website that will allow me to get around this?

    submitted by /u/Monstashio
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    Is there any option for a digital scale with a USB data interface?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    I'm looking to build an over-engineered system for calculating the household weed usage on an individual basis. It involves a Pi 4, some buttons and a usb scale. The problem is finding any scale that can send it's real time readings over USB. The only ones I could find are very large and not precise. Does such a product exist? I've thought about maybe taking apart a digital scale and hooking an arduino to it to pull the readings but that's a lot more work than I wanted to put towards this.

    submitted by /u/Rpgwaiter
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    A question about Blockchain technology

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Being an entry level technician, when I read about Blockchain tech, what comes to mind to me is, technically, an encrypted set of hard drives (probably in some sort of RAID configuration?) spanned across multiple locations/ countries. Is this theory somewhat correct? I am inquiring because I want to know more about Blockchain tech and how it is actually designed in a technical aspect.

    submitted by /u/purplepenguiinz
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    Trouble with Graphics Card

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    Recently, on another PC, there was a problem with 100% disk usage and even after resetting the PC continued with 100% disk usage.

    So to be sure the problem was occurring in the HDD, I transferred it to my other PC, which is new and is able to play Fallout 76 at maximum graphics with no lag whatsoever. i5 9600KF paired with Gigabyte GTX 1660. After plugging the 'corrupted' HDD in my (better) PC, I concluded that the 100% disk usage was still occurring, which, for me, meant I had to buy another HDD. Regardless, after taking the corrupted HDD out, and sealing the case back up, I start my computer and launch Fallout only to be greeted with stuttering lag spikes and very visible low FPS.

    I noticed that prior to this incident, I could play Fallout, and my GPU would be running at 70%-80% usage (from Task Manager). Now, surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, the GPU, with the laggy game, is running at 30%-40% usage (also from Task Manager).

    I think it may be of importance to know that this isn't what I've come across to be called a "CPU bottleneck," as my CPU is running at sub-50% usage.

    Also, my GPU does not seem to be overheating, according to multiple GPU temperature monitoring programs.

    Is it possible the damaged HDD also damaged or temporarily (hopefully) affected other components of the PC?

    Could settings have been modified with the introduction of the corrupted HDD?

    Is there any way to troubleshoot this problem myself?

    I most likely left out pertinent information, so if there are any questions, pose away.

    submitted by /u/Nxchxlas
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    How can I take my number off of unwanted sites?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    I can't seem to find a straightforward answer about this.

    In short, I had to switch my phone number recently and whoever had my new number before was signed up to a number of adult websites...that now send ME texts multiple times a day. (I say signed up for because they are using his first name.)

    I was trying to see if I could come up with a last name to possibly contact them on social media and ask them to update their number on all of their accounts. I actually ended up finding no social media, but did stubble across a full name and address.

    I now feel like a super creep and am done looking for myself... but I'd still REALLY like this to stop... Hopefully, without changing my number.

    Is there anything at all that I can do about this?

    submitted by /u/lanalovesallama
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    What about a home projector?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    Was looking into buying a new TV and came across an add for personal projectors, I've done some research and found a couple of options at a reasonable price but want to know if there is anything I should know to look for. What are people's experiences with projectors? What should I know? And what should I avoid?

    submitted by /u/Bert1005
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    [DRIVER] Reinstalled my fingerprint driver to begin addressing its failure, device not found when reinstalling.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    Windows 10 Home Version 1909. My fingerprint reader wasn't functioning so I decided to reinstall the driver (Goodix). Recorded the version installed and deleted the files.

    Dell makes my laptop so I got a fresh copy of the exact same driver from them, entered my laptop service tag just to be sure. It downloads and begins to install like normal but then the driver installer is claiming that the fingerprint device all together is not being found! So I guess I can't use my fingerprint reader anymore. For anyone wondering this is a Dell XPS 15 (2019) and I just picked it up earlier this year.

    Does anyone know what to do if the installer cannot locate the device?

    submitted by /u/TheOriginOfSymmetry
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    Power Strips

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    So at the local dollar store I found a bunch of very cheap power strips, but I am worried that they could damage/fry my devices that are plugged into them. Can this happen or are all power strips the same thing?

    submitted by /u/CyborgG2005
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    Swapping live video feed for prerecorded video. How to?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:03 PM PDT


    The title pretty much says it all: Anyone got any ideas how to swap out live video feed for a prerecorded video?

    University is holding exams online and using program which tracks eye movement and head rotation to prevent cheating. Certainly one, being a honorable student, wouldn't want to get an extra edge, by prerecording oneself and then playing the video as the live feed, to get the option to check on extra hard questions. But in just a theoretical case, if one would, how would one go about it? To say one would have a 60min recorded video, how would one go about swapping the live feed for it?

    Cheers for the answers to this theoretical question.

    Edit: One probably is using windows 10 on a Dell laptop with an integrated webcam.

    submitted by /u/AnubissWarior
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    I found a user file I don't recognize on my own laptop

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    Posted this on another thread but we still haven't figured it out so I thought about posting it here too. I don't even know If this is the right place to ask, but I'm kind of freaking out here so I might as well try. I'm sorry if it's not. Please bear with me, I'm still new. :c

    I found a user file I don't recognize on my own laptop...
    Okay, so, some concept: I'm a college student, currently struggling to keep up with homework. Everything was fine until I sat down to watch some Netflix tonight before bed and destress a little. At first, it was fine, then it started lagging. I decided to clean my laptop from any files and programs I didn't need anymore. One thing leads to another and I found myself in the 'This computer' section. I went on to check the Windows-SSD (C:). I clicked on it and then at the 'Users' file. There, I found my user file, another one with commonly shared content, AND to my surprise another user file called 'Elena' that I don't recognize. I looked through it and it was mostly destroyed files. I panicked slightly and deleted the whole thing (I regret it now), but I'm still freaking out. I don't know anyone with that name, I am the only one that uses that computer. I also bought it brand new from a store with my own savings for College. I never let anyone else use it. What is this? Is it normal?

    Thank you for your time. :)

    PS: Most of the destroyed files had names like MOD-something. I don't know if it's important or not, so I thought I might as well mention it...

    submitted by /u/C00kieM0nstress
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    Camera on a tablet

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    I'm looking to buy my mother in law a decent sized tablet without spending too much. She needs it mainly for Skype calls and browsing her apps. I'm against the kindle fires since the front facing camera sucks and I know it doesn't have the play store so she can have her apps. Any advice? I was looking at the Samsung tablets but their front facing cameras seem to all be 2 mp which is the same and the kindles. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ViciousVictory1
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    cpu temp

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Is There a Texting Only Device?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    I would like to buy a prepaid device that only texts. EarthLink used to make one. Is there still something around like this? Any close alternatives?

    Thank you!!

    submitted by /u/ThePoolPlayer2016
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