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    Sunday, March 15, 2020

    Tech Support - Remotely operated speaker phone for brother in the icu

    Tech Support - Remotely operated speaker phone for brother in the icu

    Remotely operated speaker phone for brother in the icu

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    Hi I'm not sure if this is the right place for this post. My brother is in the ICU in a minimally conscious state. Normally my mom or other family would be there reading to him to try to help him wake up. However as we all know corona is happening and my mom is 70 and the hospital has told her not to visit any longer. I'm curios is there any type of speaker phone or device that we can place in him room that we can use to read to him? That we can turn on without being there? I want to be able to help him and not put my mom at risk. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/stillinbed23
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    [ASK]What is NAT? And why there are online games that are not using NAT Filter?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:38 AM PDT

    So I played Destiny 2 and Warzone; they both use NAT Type (Strict, Moderate, Open) to filter the players. But most games that I play like Apex Legends, PUBG, Paladins, etc do not have that NAT Type filtering, at least they do not show our NAT type in-game compare to the other two that I mentioned.

    So I have 3 questions to be answered.

    1. What is NAT Type in the online game?
    2. What's the difference between games that have NAT type and games that do not have NAT type?
    3. Why they use NAT type filtering, to begin with?

    Thank you.

    Sorry for my bad English.

    submitted by /u/nearbaskara
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    Computer Lagging Very Badly

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    When I switch off my desktop PC, there's this sound it makes before it switches off completely (don't know what it's called, I guess it's the hard disk or CPU fan.) Now when I run my PC for general use, it makes that sound and everything comes to a halt for 5-10 minutes. Another 2 minutes and it happens again. What could this be? Any suggestions on how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/antpalmerpalmink
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    How do carriers ship phones to you?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 01:13 AM PDT

    When you order a phone from a specific carrier (Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.) online how does is it delivered to you with all your information? Once you get the phone what do you need to do to activate it? How is the phone prepared (is the process automated or do humans open the box, insert the sim and put it back in the box to ship out?)

    submitted by /u/dedalus007
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    TV gets darker when scrolling on a website

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:59 AM PDT


    I just got a new TV, a LG 4K TV (49UM71007LB).

    I don't only use it for playing games and sometimes watching some TV, but also as a PC monitor from the sofa.

    Now after changing all the settings to what I like - like usually I turn off all the things like dynamic contrast, Trumotion and so on - I've noticed that when I'm reading and scrolling through a website with a bright background, the screen gets darker whenever there's a bigger image on the screen. If I scroll up again where there's no image, it gets brighter again. It's very noticeable when browsing sites like reddit, with text posts and then image posts inbetween. It also does it randomly when there aren't even many changes when scrolling.

    It's REALLY annoying but I cannot find the setting for it anywhere.

    Does anyone know where to change this? Thank you very much.

    submitted by /u/ElricaLavandula
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    Remote cabin wireless solution using cellphone data plan?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    My in laws have a remote cabin that has no access to phone or cable. I would love to get a small security camera setup and HVAC monitor set up at the cabin so they can have peace of mind during the storms that tend to roll through our area.

    We already have a Verizon unlimited data plan and I had tried using a jetpack in the past but it would drop connection every couple hours and need to be manually reconnected, so that solution isn't one.

    I know at one point Verizon sold a wireless router you could connect to your 4G plan but it seems they discontinued that. That would have been the perfect solution for my needs but doesn't seem to have an easy to find alternative.

    They don't seem interested in paying $50+ a month for satellite internet so I think I'm stuck between a rock and hard place. Hoping someone here might have a separate solution in mind?

    submitted by /u/NewEnglandAlways
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    In windows, is there any way to forcibly move/rename/delete a file that is "in use by another application"?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    Windows has a nasty habit of flagging files as "in use" when they're not. And frankly, even if they are, I should be able to perform basic file operations and whatever else thinks it needs access can go screw. Sometimes I have to wait hours or even days to delete an otherwise-empty folder because it contains a fucking thumbs.db file that windows swears is in use by something. Sometimes it will maintain this delusion even after a reboot.

    Is there any way to tell windows "fuck whatever else thinks it needs this file and just do what I damn well tell you to do before I format your ass and install OS/2 Warp out of spite"?

    submitted by /u/candre23
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    usb 2.0 speed when transf files from pc?

    Posted: 15 Mar 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    i got a flash drive after a while and i use it with my tv, when i'm transferring files it seems the speed is around 5mb or little less/more. is that standard? i have an old cheap desktop.

    submitted by /u/ani007007
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    Wifi Router Recommendation

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right sub, feel free to redirect me. I am looking for suggestions on the best router to purchase for my situation, and I'm technologically uninformed.

    I have the fastest internet available in my town. Generally, the household has 4 phones, an I-pad, smart tv, 2 xboxes, and a PS4 connected to the wi-fi at any given time.

    This didn't seem to be a problem till the addition of the second Xbox and streaming games on the PS4. My router I have now is old, so I assume that's why we are having issues and I want to purchase a new router.

    Any suggestions you may have for what would work well in my household would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/wyowow
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    Is it REALLY necessary to format a microSD card before use on the Nintendo Switch?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Hi there,

    I just bought a Nintendo Switch. I know, I know — I'm very late to the party. Truthfully, I only just remembered it existed after watching a randomly recommended BotW video on YouTube. Can't believe three years have already passed!

    Anyway, I bought the Switch along with a screen protector, Pro controller, etc. The usual stuff. But after looking at the impressive amount of games on the eShop, I know that teeny 32GB of space won't cut it.

    I went ahead and purchased this microSD card from Amazon. 512GB of space should be plenty. My only question is:

    After inserting the card into my Switch, do I have to go into System Settings and format it? Or, is formatting only necessary if the card isn't recognized for some odd reason? Is it "dangerous" to format anyway (i.e. the card is recognized correctly but I format just to be sure)?

    I ask because I've seen conflicting answers all across the internet on various blogs, articles, YouTube videos, and even Reddit. Some people say you must format before use, others say it's optional or only if the card isn't recognized. Others still say nothing on the subject. All of this has left me quite confused.

    I'm also not the best with technology so if you have any advice on steps to take before inserting the card (i.e. shutting down Switch or something), please let me know.

    Currently my Switch is completely empty — I have no games installed or downloaded and no content to "transfer." I've barely just made a Nintendo Account to link with the console but I don't think that should have issues with inserting a card (correct me if I'm wrong).

    Many thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/eyeseathetruth
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    Bluetooth headphones for TV / Xbox One

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    I realize this sort of question gets asked semi-frequently. I've read the answers, but my situation is a bit different. Thanks in advance for any help.

    I'm going to be at home for the next few weeks along with my family (guess why) and want to be able to watch TV with wireless headphones, so I don't disturb others. I have a TV with an optical audio out that's currently going to a soundbar. The cable box and my Xbox One go to the TV via HDMI and their audio goes out through the optical to the soundbar as well. At the moment, I'm thinking I will take the optical out to a splitter, take one out to the soundbar and another to a Bluetooth broadcaster that I will connect my low end Bluetooth earbuds to (MPow Jazz). I'm not a huge audiophile, so a lot of the more esoteric sound quality debates aren't terribly relevant to me.


    -Is there a better way to accomplish this goal?

    -I've heard that surround sound for games on headphones isn't really a thing (even on those that claim to have surround sound) unless you go for crazy expensive headphones. I'm not a huge gamer, but will likely be re-picking up some of my older (single player) FPS and stealth games. Will this solution be satisfactory?

    -I realize this solution won't let me talk to people in co-op games (which I almost never play). If I want to do that, do I have an option other than getting specific gaming headphones that connect directly to the Xbox? Is it the case that those won't work for the TV in general unless I redesign my whole setup so that everything goes through the Xbox? (Which I don't intend to do)

    Thanks for the advice.

    submitted by /u/Cagy_Cephalopod
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    Webcam and Microphone Set Up Recommendations for Kids Streaming

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 11:33 AM PDT


    My nephews(9 and 8) are starting to get very interested in weather, specifically tornados. They also got to play with a green screen at the school I work at and have been begging to make some sort of YouTube channel. Now that we have 3 weeks off I think I want to try to do some interactive weather reporting with them. Ideally, we would be able to go live during a major event.

    I have the weather and streaming software but my question is about the hardware. What would be a decent (But cheap) web cam set up. I think it would work best being compatible with a lapel mic but if one has great pick up, that would be fine too. 720p at 30fps would suffice.

    What would you recommend?

    submitted by /u/duncity_01
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    HP Chromebook X360 12b vs 14b Pen support

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if either of those Chromebooks have proper pen support for writing usual school stuff? From what i read, the 12b does have Pen support in a way that you can deactivate the touch screen and make it so that only the pen can give input. But when i looked for the 14b i did not find anything about that.

    submitted by /u/Latulium
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    Video chat + screen/local video share

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Sad college student whose senior year was just screwed by coronavirus here. Anyone here know of an app that allows video chat simultaneously with either screen sharing or local video/Netflix/YouTube sharing from one user's computer? Bonus points if more than 2 people can connect at a time. I've looked into twoseven.xyz, Kast, and Discord, but I haven't tested them out yet.

    submitted by /u/uhidkbye
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    Accessing PHI/ sending secure faxes remotely?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    (Not 100% sure if this is the right place to ask, please guide me elsewhere if it's more appropriate!)

    In the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many employees are now working from home. My place of employment is not taking this seriously and still wants people to come into work.

    The company I work for does reviews of medical records and billing issues for hospitals (we essentially fight insurance companies that don't want to pay claims for services). This requires logging into secure hospital VPNs to access Personal Health Information (PHI) necessary to complete the reviews and appeal process. This part of the job is already done remotely by most that have the option, but still have to come into the office bi-weekly to pick up and drop off work.

    The problem is sending these appeals out to the insurance companies. They need to be sent securely either via fax, or certified mail for larger medical records.

    Some insurance companies do allow uploading of files via secure servers, but most do not as they want to make it as difficult as possible to recoup that money.

    So my question is how can any sending of these appeals (via fax and certified mail) with private medical information be done remotely from home? Is it even possible? Are my co-workers that have to send these appeals shit out of luck until insurance companies decide to finally join the 21st century and actually allow online uploading across the board?

    This is especially concerning because about half my co- workers are up there in age and many have pre-existing conditions. I don't want anything to happen to them, especially since my boss isn't being proactive about this situation at all.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/UniqueReindeer1
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    What is the 8B6T encoding system and how does it differ from the 4B3T system?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    Hisense or TCL?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Hisense 43" Class 1080 P FHD LED Rokie Smart TV or TCL 43" 4K UHD LED Rokie Smart TV 4 Series?

    submitted by /u/jennasoles98
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    Reddit save photo error

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PDT

    I don't know why but today all of a sudden my reddit started to have problems when ever I try to download a post. I hit download but it shows me,, something went wrong'' and doesn't download the image. I tried logging on and off, reinstalling reddit, restarting my phone, even did a hard reset on my phone(honor 8x). Can someone tell me what's the problem and how to fix it.

    P. S. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/JokerKing-_-
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    The images that go along with articles when shared on Facebook are very zoomed in on both my laptop and phone. Are there new social sharing image dimensions or is this some glitch? If new dimensions, what are they?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 09:27 AM PDT

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