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    Tech Support - Looking for RSS feed generators

    Tech Support - Looking for RSS feed generators

    Looking for RSS feed generators

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:11 AM PST

    I'm looking for RSS feed generators for websites that don't seem to offer RSS feeds. I'm using these feeds via Netvibes. Any suggestions welcome.

    submitted by /u/superfli
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    I have a wireless router from 2007. Should I buy a new one? If so, what is the best value?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:04 AM PST

    1400 square foot house if that matters.

    submitted by /u/ProzacNathan
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    Website where you can view the salary of a profession for people in the top 5% or top 1%

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 12:56 PM PST

    I can't seem to find this online. Where would I be able to see, for example, what the top 5% of investment bankers make or the top 1% or recruiters or top 3% of loan officers etc... etc...?

    submitted by /u/WritingGold
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    Can I turn a tablet into a hard wired gaming rig?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:43 AM PST

    Feel free to skip the rant

    I was shopping on wish and accidentally bought this crappy pink thing. I think it runs android 7.googleplex.0.💯but it's kinda garb. I tried using as a wireless display for my immobile dinosaur of an Alienware laptop, it's not great. Still the screen is a decent size like 9.1 inches, and I've seen people online reutilize dead laptop screens as hard wired monitors. Iv been wanting to do that to it and have a portable console rig but haven't seen people do it with tablets.

    But what id really like to break into is the storage. Tell me why this unbranded touch screen jitter bug has 516 gigs. My base model Xb1 only has like 340gb with only default apps installed. Back when I would have invested in an external Hard drive to go along with that sorry excuse of a High Definition Media Interface; Finding 250gb for $96 would have been a bargain.

    Resume here:

    I have no use for this tablet. I do not know the brand, exact specs or component properties, past what can be found in "General: About".

    It's got more memory than my Xbox (516gb). It's a good but lightweight size so Sacrificing its function to become a game rig would be living it's best live.

    I don't expect it be easy, or even to succeed but I really want to hear that it's feasible.

    Please let me know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/markofcharlotte
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    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:39 AM PST

    what is the best smartwatch between a huawei elegantwhite and a fitbit versa 2.

    submitted by /u/MADELE95
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    External Hard Drive Question (MacBook user)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:44 PM PST

    I originally posted this almost a year ago in r/NoStupidQuestions, I updated it today, and I'm not sure if anyone will read it, but I still need advice...

    Hi there! So, I'm an Apple computer user and I've had my current computer for several years (basically throughout my entire college career). I've built up quite a collection of stuff and want to get rid of unnecessary stuff, but deleting things without knowing I'll still be able to access them makes me very anxious. I have an external hard drive which I back up my computer onto. My question is this:

    Once I've backed up my stuff to my external hard drive, can I delete it from my computer? Will it still be on the external hard drive even if I delete it off my computer?

    EDIT: I figured out that I have been using both Time Machine and I have been dragging and dropping/copying my files over to my external hard drive (I've been taking my entire user profile/folder and dragging it/copying it onto my external hard drive). If I delete things from my computer now, it will still be on my computer, right? I just don't want to lose anything.

    (Side note -- Then, if I was to delete things, what do I do the next time I back up my files? (I've tried hitting the "merge" option, but whenever I do I get an Error(0) message saying that the operation couldn't be completed due to a problem, but I have no idea what that problem is...)

    submitted by /u/tazergirl31
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    Trying to find the right music streaming platform.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Does a music streaming platform exist that allows you to upload your local music library to a cloud to supplement the music catalog provided by the music streaming service?

    Spotify and apple music do not have unofficial mixtapes, remixes, and mixes by a lot of my favorite artists. Soundcloud does host some of these mixes but does not have an extensive catalog of official releases from a lot of artists.

    If anyone has found a platform that allows uploads of local files to supplement a paid subscription please let me know!

    submitted by /u/steve_jobs27
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    Need to streamline process for a seminar RSVP system for multiple people with multiple seminars

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:53 PM PST

    I need to help 60ish people promote their seminars by route of fb ads and/or mailed postcards. We have a system in place that works...but requires a lot of steps and a frickton of google sheets. Trying to simplify! Does anyone have successful experience with this using existing buyable or free tech?

    submitted by /u/wileycyotebob
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    Making a 3x5 grid with fifteen 1280×1024 panels

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:30 AM PST

    I was able to purchase 15 identical computer monitors for $5 each, which was insane! So I want to make a 3x5 grid of them, but there are several challenges to that. The displays are all the HP LE1711 model of monitor. I disassembled one, and the panel used is the MT170EN01 V.C, whose specs can be found on the linked page.


    – They all natively use a VGA connector, which is bad news. I'm open to switching out the controller boards, but doing so is probably prohibitively expensive. Also, you can't connect multiple HDMI displays through a single output, so I would need to use a port like DisplayPort which is able to be daisy chained, but no such controller exists.

    – I don't want to mirror one output to all 15 displays, which I would just buy a splitter for. I'd like them to all be treated as a single monitor so that content can be displayed across the grid. Basically, I'm trying to create a 6,400 x 3,072 display out of 15 panels.

    I've done a lot of research on multiple outputs, switching video controller boards, etc. and I haven't come across a good way to do this. Can it be done? Maybe I'm just not looking at the right approach/technique. I feel like there's definitely a way to make this happen.

    Please reply with ANY helpful info you might have!


    – Rob

    submitted by /u/rob_nsn
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    Is getting the Comptia A+ certification worth it?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 12:41 PM PST

    I want to get into the tech field, and I thought this would be a good starting point. Does anyone have any other recommendations? Tech is my passion, PARTICULARLY helping others with their tech issues!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/I_Am_Italian_Joe
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    Why can't a PGP encrypted message be decrypted by using only the public key?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:54 AM PST

    My understanding of PGP is that there are 2 keys, a private and public key. The receiver of the important message creates the two keys and sends the public key to the sender. The sender then encrypts the message using the that public key and sends the encrypted message. The receiver then decrypts the message using the private key that he/she made at the start.

    If someone else had the public key, couldn't they decrypt the message without using the private key?

    Sorry if this is the wrong sub

    submitted by /u/Temujin953
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    Problem with my pc?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:34 AM PST

    So I have a PS4 and I recently got a pc as well. When I connect my Ethernet cable to my PS4 it gives me a good speed of around 40-90MB/S but when I connect that same cable to my pc, i don't get anything above 1.2MB/S... Any fix for this?

    submitted by /u/Netbreaker3705
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    Damaged external hard drive won't format

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 08:17 AM PST

    Any advice on how to repair a damaged external hard drive? My PC found viruses in it so I backed up the data and tried to format it but, unfortunately, it hasn't worked out. There are always errors and the disk ends up being a RAW space when I inspect it with the disk management tool. I have tried to repair it with Linux running Gparted but it doesn't work either as apparently there's an I/O error when trying to write the filesystem. Any advice on tools I can use ? I don't wanna ditch the drive. Edit: I had an antivirus go through the disk before backing it up in another disk.

    submitted by /u/ricarvid1
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    Online Fax... Is there even such a thing?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:44 AM PST


    I am overseas and need to send a fax (only) to an American number. I don't have access to a fax machine here but are there any (one time) services/companies where I can email a scanned copy of a document and they will in turn fax it to the requested fax number (not email)?

    submitted by /u/PiratesOfProsciutto
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